Monday, October 30, 2023

Fees, Motions, Meetings and Voting

I believe lots of good things are happening in Sun City although, I must admit, I’m not happy with the number of Members that showed up for the Candidate Forums or the last BoardMeeting!

Let’s forget about that for now and concentrate on the good.

Increase in Property Transfer Fee

Sunday, October 22, 2023

This Autumn Get Educated, Communicate Your Thoughts and Participate in Elections and Meetings


Democracy is messy


I think it's safe to say, the Sun City Advocates are excited as we come to the end of the first year where self-governance was restored to our community. We won't bore you with the details of how and why we fell so far from our tenets and values; all that matters is we are on our way back. In a bit of honest reflection; I

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Fall Clean-Up: Issues requiring attention by the Board

Budget and Finance:

If you have not attended a Budget and Finance Committee meeting or the Special Session at Mountain View in August you are most likely clueless on where the RCSC is financially. 
  • No, we are not broke
  • We are however trapped in a malaise of playing catch-up for past sins