Sunday, December 25, 2022

Egg Nog and Fruit Cake...

Yuk; is there a more awful-sounding combination? Perhaps Lutefisk and chocolate milk. Sorry, this week between Christmas and New Year's, is almost always a lost exercise in sanity; and my cravings for a touch of normalcy are inevitably thirsting to be quenched. Most love the holidays, I long for the flip of the calendar.


To be clear, even more so this year than most. We suffered through the pandemic in 2020, were hit with the tumult of the McAdam's firing in 2021 and the craziness of 2022 with the failed and flawed bylaw rewrite. The great news is, most of you reading this celebrated an RCSC election outcome that was stunning. Fast, Collins and Totten crushed the other candidates and created a sense of hope moving forward.

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Guest Blog: An open letter to: The 2022 RCSC Board, the 2023 RCSC Board Members Elect, and the RCSC Membership

The Night Before Christmas...
Actually, it's three nights before Christmas and a half day; that's when the RCSC has scheduled its "Special Session." it's December 22nd at 9 am at the SunDial auditorium. There's one purpose with one item on the agenda; to have the "second reading" of the motion to pass the 2023 budget and the lot assessment increase from $496 to $525. If you haven't watched the last board meeting, you can do so by clicking here. A good stiff cocktail, or perhaps some Prozac will make it palatable (maybe).

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

A Member's Mandate:

Almost anyone reading knows the history of the Sun City Advocates. We began in the fall of 2021 following the firing of Karen McAdam as an RCSC board member. There were 10 of us who started out and it should come as no surprise we had challenging arguments over the direction and what we should be doing as a group. Strongly opinionated people often find it difficult to agree on even the smallest of issues.

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Vote for Jean Totten, Steve Collins, and John Fast in the RCSC Election!

The Sun City Advocates were formed just over a year ago. We agreed upon three objectives to accomplish one clearly stated and defined goal: We would use Communication, Education, and Participation to try and elect candidates in the 2022 RCSC election who believed members' voices should matter. Despite all of the criticism that we were just a bunch of disgruntled and angry members, nothing could be further from the truth. We did it because we love Sun City, what it once was and what we hope it will become again.