Monday, July 3, 2023

Board Meetings are on a 2-Month Hiatus Now But Work Continues

Happy 4th of July To Our Advocate Family!

By the Numbers - Asserting our Rights

By now I suspect most of you have watched or heard about the membership quorum vote at the RCSC board meeting last Thursday. To be clear, it was only the first reading with the second one coming in September whereby all measures it should pass; we'll see before we start celebrating. Reducing the quorum to 500 was initially a motion made at the first RCSC membership meeting in 12 years. It came from the floor at the December 2021 annual membership meeting where we were told we had no right to vote on the motion. Clearly, it was a direct violation of our Articles of Incorporation - we do have the right to vote. You can watch the June 29th Board Meeting here.

All of us who have been involved with the belief in the importance of self-governance are looking forward, rather than backward. Let me be very clear, setting the quorum at a reachable number is still just that, a number. What really matters is the message it sends to those living here. As I mentioned at the board meeting last week, the vote to change from 1250 to 500 is reduced to this really basic premise: You either trust the members or you don't. You can watch my 3-minute remarks here. The vote to advance the motion was 8 yes and 1 no.

SAC - Looking for Your Good Ideas

I attended the Strategic Alternatives Committee (SAC) meeting on Friday. It was held in the Sonora Room at the Grand Center. It was moved there because the Oakmont Rec Center is getting a new roof and is closed until completed. They are now presenting individual group and member presentations and I was curious about the process. Interesting, but confusing as they are proceeding down multiple tracks simultaneously. If I have one concern, it's that too many members are focused on what they want as individuals and not on what's in the best interest of the community. You can watch that meeting here (once it's posted under the June 30th heading). Love to hear your thoughts below in the comment section.

Discussing All Things PIF

In our last email blast, we mentioned a Talkofsuncity (TOSC) thread called Injustice. It's garnered a lot of interest and comments. I suspect most appreciate the important role the Preservation and Improvement Fund (PIF) plays in our future. The bigger concern addressed in this discussion is who is paying it and why they are paying it. You can follow it here.

Enjoy Your Summer

Finally, we want all of you to have a safe 4th of July. This is one of those holidays where it's easy to become careless and things get out of control. Have fun but be mindful of your surroundings. Most likely we will be taking the summer off as well, but if anything exciting breaks, we'll reach out and let you know.

As always; this is just one man's opinion,

Bill Pearson Sun City Advocates and Sun City Historian


Anonymous said...

I too attended the SAC meeting and still believe they're still somewhat off base.

As I have mentioned before, Sun City is not a growing community and there's no good reason to keep expanding our recreation facilities.

Now that they've purchased the property at Grand and turned that into recreation center number 8, I think there needs to be serious consideration to the proposed renovations at Mountain View.
I believe it should be scaled way back especially when Fairway is less than a mile away and data shows it's underutilized.

Perhaps Mountain View should only contain some outdoor sport facilities? And where do you suppose those Mountain View patrons will go for the 3 or 4 years while Mountain View is being razed and unavailable? Fairway!

Inflation has killed any reasonable estimates on cost and the RCSC still has huge expenses coming to transform golf courses into desert landscape.

Time to think what's best for the entire community and not just what's good for me!

And that's just my opinion!

Tom Marone said...

The above comment was posed by me! Tom Marone

Anonymous said...

Thank you!
Please run for the board.

Tom Marone said...

I certainly hope Members take the time to watch the video of the last meeting because there are some really pie-in-the-sky ideas coming from the committee members.

The one idea I'm beginning to come around on is the suggested size of the Performing Arts Center. Seems like attendance for 300 has become the new number and somewhat justified by their research?

It's still seems to be a large question as to where the PAC should be built. Some want Mountain View, some believe it should wait until Lakeview gets renovated and place it there by the lake.

Anonymous said...

Most recent meeting the Strategic Alternatives Committee has posted on the RCSC website is 6.23.2023.

It and all of their previous meetings are available here:
(Keep scrolling down to get to the newest posts.)

6.23.2023 covers:
• Survey Data Discussion – Jeff Darbut
• Performing Arts Presentation – Karen McAdam
• Social Dance Presentation – Lana Williams
• 11/2021 – A Long Range Plan for Sun City – Rich Peterson
• 6/23/2023 Meeting Recap/Press Release
. 6/23/2023 Meeting Video Link

Bill Pearson said...

I suspect my biggest disappointment is the apparent unwillingness by some of those lusting after the Mountain View remodel to be unable to understand how the pieces of the puzzle should fit together. For as far back as i have been here (bought in 1999, moved here in 2003), the RCSC has been fragmented in their planning.

It's easy to understand how and why, boards come and go and each wants to leave their legacy of what they wanted done. Imagine if someone at the point PIF was passed (1999), had said by the year 2030 the RCSC will have 250 million dollars to spend/invest in a strategic long range plan.

Do you in your wildest imagination think it would look it turned out today? I think not. Which is why what the current board is doing with SAC is spot on. Slow down and get it right. If it means someone has to wait 2 or 5 years more, so be it.

This mindset of i want what i want and i want it now, is killing the community and creating this sense of entitlement that far exceeds reasonable expectations. The Mountain View fiasco of plowing the center under and starting over with an 8 year plan was utter and complete nonsense. The footprint is far too small for all the stuff they proposed and the grandiose theater was ludicrous on its face.

Sorry for being so blunt, but our future is far too important to allow the personal wants of a few to impact the community we love. Slow down and get it right.

Anonymous said...

Well said Bill.
BTW I got here because the blast email directed me here with an easy link. No need to write the news twice. Here is enough and we get to read comments as well. The email is a great reminder to come and take a look. Well done Advocates

Anonymous said...

SAC Friday, June 30th, 2023 Meeting is now posted on the RCSC website. Now in reverse chronological order, most recent appear first!
Much progress! See the ideas being explored. They’ll continue to work through the summer. No final decisions will be made without member input in the fall.
Look at everything they’re doing for us to make good decisions for our future!

• Press Release
• Video of Meeting

Presentations from Friday, June 30, Meeting:

• ALT 2: Strategic Alternatives Recommendations: Introduction – Steve Oaks

• ALT 3: Lakeview Renovation Proposal Pros and Cons – Steve Oaks

• ALT 4: New Entertainment Center on the Lake – Russ Toland

• ALT 5: Review of MV Master Plan Drawings Option 1B & Option 2 & Possible Alternatives – Susan Chatterjee

The next SAC meeting will be held on Friday, July 7th at the Sonoran Room in the Grand Center, 10415 Grand Avenue and will feature four more presentations by our Members. Meetings start promptly at 2 pm, and Members are welcome.

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday, Bill.
Hope you had fun and took some time to relax.
Best wishes for many more to come. 😊

Bill Pearson said...

Thanks anon, relaxing is the one thing i've gotten pretty good at these days.

Anonymous said...

Can someone please post a link to the specific SAC meeting date and time where Secretary Totten states that the most important items we should be considering first and foremost are the ADWR mandates and Technology upgrades for new construction?
I agree with this and I wonder why most people aren't stating the same.
Instead it seems special interests are taking front and center. :(
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Never mind I found her presentation. A lot of work and thought went into it.

Anonymous said...

For anyone else interested…
• SAC all inclusive website:
• Not Your Typical SAC Presentation – Jean Totten, July 14, 2023: