We continue to share the results of recent poll.
We are going to take apart the results and share them with you. Please feel free to weigh in again and let us know your additional thoughts in the Comment Section below.The next question relates to a passed motion on a fitness equipment trial that has yet to come to fruition.
Question 3: Last year the board directed the general manager to buy 3 pieces of fitness equipment as a trial. He wanted to wait until 2023 but they directed him to do it immediately. We now know that equipment won't be installed until this spring or summer (if ever). Which is the right way to do this?
general manager should do as he pleases and what is convenient for him |
The general manager works for the
board and should do as they direct |
is no third option unless you have a better idea and then tell us what it is |
0% |
86% |
14% |
Ideas of your own:
- The situation should be settled at a board meeting and voted on by homeowners including proxy votes.
- The general manager knows the facilities. The board should be able to tell the manager what they want at the same time respecting how the manager wants to make it happen. What is the point of not listening to the manager, directing him to do something immediately, and then having the equipment sit around for months? Feels more like a board power trip. Although not surprising since they work so hard to not listen to members...why would they listen to an experienced employee.
- "The GM should definitely do as the board directs or be put on notice. Just like any other job, 3 strikes and you are fired.
- I also think a committee should be formed to review equipment and prices to get a reasonable price for new equipment."
- Truthfully the equipment was pushed by 1 person. Do we really need it? If you are over 65 and you want a better gym you can use your silver sneakers and get a membership outside of the rec centers. The equipment not only needed to be purchased but it required more electricity so it just keeps getting more and more expensive. Unless we see the rec center usage monthly (exercise rooms) like clubs I say don't buy anything.
- Fire the current general manager then get someone who can plan. And why the hell is there no one to install it and why was it even considered if it can't be implemented? Nothing makes sense
- Pauses should be made to the purchase of all fitness equipment at this time. An evaluation should be made and documented of all equipment at each center, along with the age of each piece. Then priority can be placed on which pieces to replace based on age.
- Management is there to educate and make recommendations.
- Unfortunately when we elect unqualified Board members that have no financial background but plenty of personal agendas we have to realize that while the GM should take direction from the Board, the Board members may also not be qualified to make sound financial decisions. There is a balance here, we just haven't had qualified Board leadership to determine what the balance is and implement it. And, was the fitness equipment required, needed, or useful, or is someone's Grandson the Sales Manager of the supplier? Three pieces of fitness equipment are just not worth the drama that you're trying to create....move on to the next matter you can complain about.
- I believe this GM only has one agenda and that is to do exactly what he wants regardless of even what he is directed to do. I feel he believes he is the only one who knows how to guide this community and I feel that if he continues to be in his position as GM things will continue to worsen. His attitude is absolutely horrible. I believe he is a bully.
- Invest in parks for our residents to walk in
- They should work together without one dictating over the other
- Why buy any trial equip. With the jambs of manufacturing receiving dates are horrible.
- Well, it depends on whether the equipment was ordered and just not available. Way too many shortages right now. Being installed date is different than the order date. So more detail is needed.
- The GM should have far more experience in running our centers than our volunteers on the board. Major items with a certain dollar amount should require board approval.
- GM should be thoroughly informed & advised by his staff of the status of all fitness equipment & required maintenance & ensure it is promptly performed. Provide an easy suggestion format at fitness locations where members (mainly this would then be those utilizing facilities) can suggest improvements of current equipment, supplies, etc, and NEW equipment to be considered & priced for budget purposes IF enough suggestions are received. Wasteful & expensive to simply purchase new equipment & hoping it is then utilized. Just a thought, but at least MEMBERS who use the facilities are expressing their thoughts.
- GM should be more open and transparent with board requests. If equipment won’t function w/o a network upgrade, that should have been shared before big confrontation.
- The general manager needs to be replaced with a gm who is customer focused and considers the members as a valuable asset rather than an obstacle to be dealt with
- The board and management need to work together listen and learn the board decision. I think the equipment we have is great except add phone holders so we can use them while working out.
- Like they (should) say in real estate: "Communication, communication, communication."
- What is the right way to do this, what? Install? Hold? Not purchase? Who schedules the installation? I think that is where you need to focus the question. Discuss this with the installer, get it on the calendar, purchase the equipment, then it will be set for installation. Not sure what the question is with this being 2023.
- I think the general manager should be accountable. If not fire him for insubordination.
- "The best solution, in my opinion, is to look at the timeline for needed infrastructure updates and match the equipment purchase to match the update completion. Yes, this will (or could) shift purchases out, possibly increasing costs. It may also result in more up-to-date technology.
- I personally think this issue is a dumb idea. If someone wants to read or listen to music, bring your phone. They do everything these days. If someone gets hurt on Sun City provided equipment, I see a lawsuit. "
- The GM must have had a reason why to wait on the ordering of equipment. we would like to know what that reason is. We all know we need new equipment. Another idea is to buy one piece of equipment per quarter or per month for each rec center and eventually we will have all new equipment. It is going to take years even at this route.
And there were even more comments:
Listen to the members. They use it, not the gm. Its time for the tail to quit wagging the dog. The board needs to regain control of our community.
Not doing what the Board directs him to do is called "insubordination". It's cause for firing him. THAT is what the Board needs to do.
Don't we pay the GM and all of the others that work for RCSC? Basically we are their employers. If you don't follow directions, you will be relieved of your duties.
The former GM seemed to mismanage all things pertaining to our TECHNOLOGY. Therefore we cannnot utilize the new fitness equipment. It must be clearly communicated to the Members the dreadful state of our technology. All future plans hinge on the state of our technology.
The GM needs a real talking to after his threats over the dues increase.
More room for exercise mats. More people are stretching now
While the Board has supreme authority, I'm not certain that the Board conducted itself well in instructing the GM to purchase these three pieces of fitness equipment. I would have preferred an instruction along the lines of "The GM shall not allow our equipment to be seriously outdated." Then, you monitor the GM's behavior for compliance.
There should be a set amount of money built into the budget to upgrade outdated equipment, or buy new. Assign one month to each of the rec centers that allows $10,000 to be spent on something related to fitness. The members that use that facility could be polled or asked to fill out a comment card on what type of equipment they feel is needed at that specific rec center. Then, each rec center would acquire one new piece of equipment every year to be able to stay current with the latest trends and technology in the fitness, industry. That way it does'nt favor fitness center over another
The GM answers to the board. He does not have the authority to act unilaterally.
It looks like the GM got his way after all! Lots of reasons - supply chain, electrical issues, IT. I don't know the answer, but the Board should take a close look at this. For me, this isn't an important new amenity, but it is very important to others and to attract younger Members. Are we going to allow Nonmembers to use this new equipment? (Tongue in Cheek)
First off, we need a sauna somewhere. Secondly, we don't need the most expensive equipment, but it would help a lot to have a pro paid with our fees to be able to give some guidance--we shouldn't have to hire our own from the one RCSC decides we should contract with. We should also have a fitness walk with various outdoor stations available. Why are dogs not allowed on RCSC property? Dogs should be allowed if they are kept in their strollers or diapered. There should be a bar. We need a Cheers-like place and it could be a great $ maker. Bowling prices should be cheaper for members and more expensive for non members.
Fire the GM
If the GM can't follow directions, he needs to be reprimanded or fired
The GM SHOULD do as directed. However, if that person has some compelling reason for delaying, the reason(s) should be explained to the Board so that the Board can then make a fully informed decision. An example might be (and I am totally making up this example) that the appropriate supporting electrical needs to be installed first, and that can't happen until 'X' happens. Bottom line - the Board should have the final word.
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