A Letter to the Board of Directors
RCSC Board of Directors,
There are two things upsetting me about the non-resident golf deals.
Firstly, I don’t want you to sell my viable amenities to non-residents. The idea that you’re selling them at a rate cheaper than what I pay and giving them preference stings even more. I understand the business practice of selling surplus
product - product that is sitting on a warehouse shelf growing cobwebs - product that nobody would buy unless you dump it at a discount. But cart rentals, future tee times, and future rounds of golf are not surplus - they are viable - they are already bought and paid for by Members assessments and PIF payments - and are to be used by Members.
And secondly, the justifications given are both offensive and ridiculous. When you make the claim that if you discontinue the practice of selling my viable amenities you will have to raise rates or assessments has the effect (whether it’s intentional or not) to pit Member against Member. I find that practice extremely disturbing and I am asking you to please stop. Most people understand Mr. Cook’s argument involving the fickle balance of cost and revenue. It is pure speculation that revenue will go down - just like it is speculation that revenue will actually increase if he discontinues the entire practice of non-resident passes and has fewer people pay full price. But regardless of speculation, this is the important fact: the worst, the absolute worst outcome of losing money on non-resident play means that instead of banking an excess million dollars this year into an arguably non-essential reserve fund, the corporation only banks an excess $700,000 or $900,000 into an arguably non-essential reserve fund. Rates and assessments don’t need to go up a penny. Please stop saying that.
I’m not advocating for eliminating non-resident play or even annual passes. I think Director Collins had a reasonable compromise: $2500, cart separate and not guaranteed until reservation, 4-day advance booking, no bypass of lottery for small groups. I seriously can’t understand why some of you don’t support that. I understand the Board should not be setting costs or micro-managing the GM. But you are responsible for policy and some of you have mentioned setting precedents about other things. Well, I don’t approve of the policy of selling our viable amenities to non-residents and you are setting a precedent that very well may lead to selling our pool time, fitness center space, social club space, and even kiln time at the Clay Clubs.
I would appreciate a response from all Directors who feel I have misstated any fact or feel my understanding is based on an error.
Joe Brouch
Shared by Joe Brouch, Advisory Panel Sun City Advocates
1 comment:
Well said Joe, and so on point. No one is arguing against selling open tee times to those living outside the community. Losing revenue would be foolish. Letting non-residents play for half what the RCSC members pay and giving them equal or better access to those tee times is folly.
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