Not a member of the club but
Show your support of this motion at the Board of Director’s meeting THIS , Thursday, September 29th, 2022, 9am Sundial auditorium.
• New Business
1. Director Collins – On behalf of the Best Friends Dog Club (BFDC), I move that an indoor, climate-controlled training and socialization facility, as outlined in the BFDC Business Plan, be added to the PIF.
Read what the Best Friends Dig Club is doing to support this motion they’ve been asking for…for a very long time!
***STAND UP with the club members when they stand in support of their speaker!! They’ll have their club t-shirts on.
***Sign up to comment before the 9 am meeting begins to speak in favor of the motion, 3 minute limit.
You don’t have to say much, your name, RCSC number and something like , “I think the motion is a great idea that will benefit our Sun City.. Please vote YES.” Say more if you want!
Chris Tracy - Advisory Panel Sun City Advocates
I don't have a dog, but this seems like a wonderful community addition, maybe more so than a gymnasium. Does anyone have the number of members in this club and also the number of dog owners in all of Sun City?
Early morning and just before dark, you can witness a thriving Sun City sub-culture of dog walkers! And gatherings at Dunfeeland Dog park. Hundreds have and continue to train through Best Friends Dog Club classes. Their numbers keep growing!
I contacted Maricopa County Animal Care & Control and asked how many currently licensed dogs were in our Sun City zip code. I was advised to file a detailed Public Records Request.
Their response? They do not have that information! Seems like there’s a simple data search/sort they could run. Oh, well, it was worth a shot.
Even if they could provide a count it would only be a low estimate of total dogs in Sun City. We have our seasonal dog owners who don’t have licenses and full timers who don’t always follow licensing requirements.
What I was able to find out:
Best Friends Dog Club: over 100 members, many more participants. Many have multiple dogs.
“The club is dedicated to education, training, and fun activities for both dog owners and dogs, regardless of origin, breed, size or age. We benefit the dog owners and the entire Sun City community by providing better socialized dogs, and more responsible dog owners.”
Duffeeland Dog Park: No counting system in place at the time of my inquiry. They do have a park group of about 100. Some of whom have more than one dog.
Duffeeland Dog Park is an off-leash dog park, owned and operated by RCSC, that serves as a social gathering spot for dog lovers and their canine friends.
Sorry, Anonymous, no definite answers. Perhaps someone has a formula we could use based on our 28,000 rooftops!
It is odd, i would have expected them to answer from the number of licensed dogs. Which by the way, would be well below the true number (as noted above). I was on the board when we (the RCSC) bought Duffeeland. The utilization numbers were off the charts crazy.
I watched in stunned silence as those attending the board meeting left feeling they had been wildly successful. We watched as several board member gushed as they voted for an indoor arena. In reality, what they voted for was telling the gm to find a place for it on the Long Range Plan (PIF). It was a meaningless vote, other than it made members feel good.
Honesty goes a long way, at least in my playbook. It will become a placeholder years and years down the road. And so you know, being a placeholder is just that. We have no space to put the size arena they are requesting. It would have to be bought, built or leased.
In fact, one of the candidates mentioned leasing space probably made sense to see how much use it actually got. We know it will kick butt in the summer, we also know when our gorgeous weather hits, people love being outside. I liked the idea of a leased building, More to that story, but i will save the rest of the story to a later date.
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