Monday, September 26, 2022

A Review of the Proposed Revision to the RCSC Bylaws

One Opinion on Round One of the Ad-Hoc Committee's Bylaw Revisions

Updated 9/28/2022 - RCSC Posted RCSC Bylaws with Strike-Outs from the current version. You can find them here.


I really do hate to criticize the Ad Hoc committee because I’m sure they put a lot of time and effort into their considerations. However, it’s kind of clear, at least to me, that some were lacking in their knowledge regarding the parliamentary authority that the bylaws are mandated to comply with.


First of all, two guiding principles when writing or revising the bylaws are these:


1.      Say it once; say it clearly; and say it in the right placeIt’s not a good practice or advisable to repeat the same provisions in more than one place within the same document. This is in part to avoid the problems that can be caused by later amending a provision in one place but not making the same change in the others.


2.      It’s not necessary to repeat in your bylaws something that already is included in RONR.


Let’s take a look at the proposed bylaw revision and my commentary to each below:



If you understand Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised (RONR) the proposed statement in the revised bylaws could be half as long if they were simply to have used the recommended verbiage stated in RONR.



I’m not even going to get into that hornet’s nest only to comment that I believe the differences in qualifications between who’s a Member, who’s a Cardholder, who’s a Qualified Owner and who’s an Unqualified Owner can be better summarized. If you don’t meet the qualifications to be an Owner doesn’t that automatically make you an Unqualified Owner? I believe it would take a great effort to go thru and summarize those definitions but believe it could be done.



Don’t you think it would be better if those procedures were all listed under one Article titled DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES? One Section could apply to Members and a separate section could apply to the board of directors. I won’t get into the actual procedures!


As far as amending the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws; if the Bylaws were to have its own Article on how to amend them, as recommended in RONR, it would eliminate the duplication of the same provisions in other places. The provisions of notice for the proposed amendments are duplicated in four separate places. (See Article IV, Section 1 & 2)


Rules covering the call of a meeting initiated by a petition are duplicated in two locations. Rather than duplicating the provision, there should simply be a reference instructing the reader to go to the Article within the Bylaws regarding petitions and petition rules. (See Article IV, Section 2 & Article IX, Section 4, D-1)


ARTICLE IV, Section 3

This Section starts off talking about a quorum, then switches to Proxy rules, then ends up talking about quorums again. I believe “Proxies” should have their own separate Section noting their own governing rules and provisions.


ARTICLE IV, Section 4

For heaven’s sake, will somebody PLEASE define what the “affairs of the corporations” are? I would argue that they are the same requirements and responsibilities given to the General Manager in BP-32… and he certainly has no authority over the bylaws. You can’t just leave this open-ended by allowing every new Chair of Board to change the definition on his/her whim and consistently prevent the Members from voting at their own meeting. Besides, the board's current interpretation of this bylaw conflicts with the powers granted to the Members in the Articles of Incorporation.


ARTICLE IV, Section 4:

Even if they do allow us to vote you won’t know the outcome of that vote for 45 days!



Both Articles specify that Robert’s Rules shall govern the proceedings. This is unnecessary because Robert’s Rule has already been specified as the Parliamentary Authority in Article I


ARTICLE IV, Section 5

B. The President of the RCSC Board, or its designated representative, may use the services of a neutral entity and adopt their procedures, as desired, to ensure a fair election process. (Don’t they mean “Tabulation and vote count”?)


ARTICLE IV, Section 5

At the appointed start time, the President of the Board will ask the Secretary of the Board if there is a Quorum. (It’s the duty of the presiding officer even before he calls the meeting to order to determine whether or not a quorum does exist [See RONR 40:11]) Each individual qualified as a Member is entitled to only one vote on each matter voted on by the Members (That’s the rule, One Person, One vote [See RONR 45:2]). A Quorum needs to be maintained at the time each of the motions is voted on. (In my opinion this entire paragraph is a waste of space because these requirements are already stated in RONR.)



All motions to be voted on at the Annual Membership Meeting shall be submitted to the RCSC Corporate office by four (4) pm, no later than twenty (20) days prior to the meeting date(Gee, I might need to ask for a recess for a bathroom break. Do I have to submit my motion to Recess 20 days before the meeting? By making the distinction of a “Main Motion” as opposed to “all motions”, it would at least exclude Privileged, Incidental, and Subsidiary motions such as Recess, Adjourn, Points of Order and most others. There is a better way to write rule.) 



Big deal, they reduced the limitation period down from three years to one year. So if the Member’s believe that Management is in gross violation of their charter or some other offense, the Member’s will have to wait an entire year to begin a petition process all over again. Perhaps the only reason the petition process failed the first time was because not enough Members were aware of the situation, but the violation still exists and will perpetuate for another entire year. And don’t forget, the petition has to be approved by the RCSC first?!?!The Fox is watching the henhouse!




The Board shall receive no compensation of any kind for his/her service as a Board of Director.

(Waste of space. This requirement is already stated in the Articles of Incorporation.)



… At least seven (7) days prior to all Board meetings, excluding Executive Sessions, Informational Meetings and Member/Board Exchanges, an agenda, subject to amendment,... (The board no longer approves the agenda so how do you amend it? And when the agenda is not approved, nothing on the agenda is official and the agenda becomes no more than a suggested or recommended To-Do list)  


Motions made in Board meetings, excluding Executive Sessions, and Member/Board Exchanges, shall be read and passed a minimum of two times by a majority of the then serving Directors before finalized and acted upon unless readings are waived or bylaws are changed which require a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the then serving Directors… (So…here we go again. At least classify these motions as Main Motions! See above. )



Special Meetings of the Board may be called by the President or upon the written request of three (3) or more Board of Directors. The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the Call for the meeting and posted on the RCSC website. Except in cases of emergency, at least seventy-two (72) hours’ notice shall be given.

ARTICLE VI – OFFICERS Section 3: “OFFICER” DUTIES says: Call a Special Meeting of the Board of Directors when he or she has received in writing a request to do so signed by a majority of the members of the Board and may call a Special Meeting of the Board on his or her own action;

(So which is it, 3 Directors or the majority of the Directors?)


ARTICLE V, Section 5, A:

10. The Board may amend the bylaws with an affirmative vote of 2/3 of the total membership of the Board of Directors. (It’s nice to see that the bylaws finally mandate a 2/3rds vote to amend them, but where’s the requirement for “previous notice”? ARTICLE V, Section 4 only requires that an Agenda be posted and since the Agendas are no longer Approved, they have no official capacity. What if a board member moves to amend the bylaws when it’s his/her time to comment or during New Business?  New Business can always be raised at a meeting unless there is a special Order of Business documented as a Special Rule of Order preventing it. So if, in fact, a motion is made by a Director to amend a bylaw at such a time, it would be done without any previous notice to the other members on the board. )    



I think the entire petition process is nothing more than one more control over the Members. It can also be a conflict of interest for those deciding whether or not to authorize a petition. The only involvement Management should have is to document and number the pro-forma petition regardless of the subject matter. The validity of the issue in question will be determined if the petitioner can succeed in getting 10% of the community to sign the petition in agreement. It is nice to see that signatures can now be collected on RCSC property. That was a no-brainer which removed a double-standard!


Closing comments


Special Rules of Order

In addition to the bylaws, the board really needs to start documenting Special Rules of Order.

  • These are rules that will take precedence over RONR.
  • If you don’t like a current rule stated in RONR you simply establish the new rule, vote and document what the new rule would be.
  • If an existing rule is simply suspended, it is only suspended for that one particular motion or meeting unless a special rule of order was established and documented so that the new rule will stay in effect for all future meetings.


Examples of special rules of order would be to establish the organization's own order of business, or a rule relating to the length and number of times a member can speak in debate.


Consent Agenda

It’s noted that on occasion the unofficial Agendas list a Consent Agenda. It’s important to note that a Consent Agenda isn’t authorized to be used unless it has been documented as a special rule of order (See RONR 41:32)


Electronic Meetings

I’m disappointed to see that there were no provisions for the board to hold electronic meetings if only in case of emergencies. Electronic meetings must be authorized in the bylaws (See RONR 9:30).


It’s my understanding that some Committees hold their meetings via ZOOM. Unless electronic meetings are authorized in the bylaws or the committee is authorized by the board that created it to do so, they are not permitted (See RONR 50:26).


Are the newly proposed changed Member Friendly?

So… when all is said and done, and with all the hard work and time that went into revising the bylaws by the committee, what benefit did the Members actually receive? And were these revised bylaws made more Members Friendly? Not really.

  • We still can’t vote at our own membership meeting where the results actually have value, and that’s the issue that first initiated this revision!
  • The only full benefit I see is that the Members are now allowed to collect signatures for proxies and petitions on RCSC property.
  •  I value the reduction of the quorum to 800 as only a half-benefit because they now limit the number of proxies each Member can hold to 10.


This review is just one man’s opinion and by no means all-inclusive. There are much smarter people than I who would do a much better job at evaluating these contents.


Sorry folks, but we have lost the ability and privilege of co-governance within our community.


 I’m not just making this stuff up and I’d be happy to discuss any of my comments with anybody. And as always, I welcome the opportunity to be proven wrong. I consider it as part of my continuing education.

Submitted by Tom Marone - Advisory Panel Sun City AdvoBuicates

For another Advisory Panel view on the Election and Bylaw process - See Bill Pearson's thread on Talk of Sun City -  Building Trust in the Process 


Christine de Pizan said...

“No matter what we do you will not like the final product. That’s not a prediction, that’s a fact” I told you that I had a career where I had to predict the future.

See you Thursday.


Bill Pearson said...

Pretty easy to make that prediction when you were one of those in the room insuring not much would change. There's been lots of dissection, including comments i have made on TOSC. We'll see if what we are reading is the finished product or if it is a stepping off point.

Suffice to say there's way too much ambiguous language that is subject to interpretation by their attorney. And to be clear, we know exactly how that mop flops.

For the record, sending out your work product without the red lining might have been one of the dumbest decisions i have ever witnessed. I have never seen proposed bylaw changes presented without the strikeouts.

Hopefully that wasn't a committee decision.

Tom Marone said...

Dave, I think my biggest disappointment is not necessarily what the bylaws say, but how they say it. They duplicate the rules in multiple places, there's contradictions, there's things that don't belong in the bylaws and you have to scan the entire document to find out how one rule may effect a rule located someplace else. It's much too scrambled and wordy with words that don't mean anything. It could have been so much more reader-friendly.

I'm not necessarily disappointed with what the bylaws say because I wasn't expecting many wins for the Member's. Over the years the bylaws have been so bastardized to protect the management and exclude the Members when the bylaws should be about the rights of the Members.

I will never be satisfied unless and until the Members have the right to vote and amend the bylaws at their own Membership meetings. We have a right to control our own destiny. So YES, there are things that can be done that will allow me to approve of the final product.

I'm sure most of your committee is patting themselves on the back for a job well-done but this is what you get when you don't really understand what you're doing. Sorry

I'm saddened because I understand how much time and effort went into that committee and for that I do thank you, but I believe there were too many members (majority) on that committee that were just in way over their heads. Consequently, the majority wins and poorly written bylaws prevail!

See ya Thursday!

Christine de Pizan said...

Bill, I carry a copy of the August 9 document you seek, it’s 49 pages and I don’t loan it out. The committee could have produced a document that was the equivalent of Magna Carta, the U S Constitution and my prediction of it not being liked would still come true.

Enjoy the show.

Eldridge Gerry

Dues illud volt.

Bill Pearson said...

You shouldn't need to loan it out Dave, it should have been made available online. Comparing what is to what was is how every bylaw change i have ever looked at, and it's a boatload of them, is done. Further compounding the problem is the removal of all the board policies. Were they moved back? I guess the better question would be, why would anyone be dumb enough to shove them into the bylaws to start with?

When the members don't matter, everything is done in ways that just supports the board and management's mind how little we mean. I know, you think it silly to use our history as a gauge, but many of us understand how important a role the membership/residents played in building the community. That should have never changed.

Did you know, those living here fought incorporation for 35 years, they loved being the masters of their own destiny. Now days, the slogan has become: in management we trust. How's that working out for us?

Christine de Pizan said...


Here’s an idea that may help. Print out the bylaws on the RCSC site (that’s what we began with) and compare them to the newly released bylaws. You should be able to tell what we deemed policy and removed and the bylaws we worked with. Simple yet effective.

I had nothing to do with the rollout or how it was handled.

Have fun storming the castle.

Gouvenir Morris

Bill Pearson said...

No one will be storming the castle Dave, nor will i be printing out a hundred pages of documents. That's wholly illogical. I know they have the strikeout language either in a PDF or Word document. They could have posted it that way to start and it would have been far easier to follow.

I guess you missed my point; they really don't care what members think or whether it is easy to read or follow. Hope that helps clarify my position.

Anonymous said...

I sure hope the other 6 committee members didn't have this guys ego - can't think of a room in rcsc big enough for that...

Attila the Hun
Bobby Graham
Forrest Gump

I-ay peak-say ig-pay atin-lay

Christine de Pizan said...

Anonymous, You’re a funny guy, you amuse me.

Bill, the castle thing was a joke, it’s from the movie The Princess Bride. Check it out, it’s terrific.

Bernard Gui
A man who knew how to get answers.

Anonymous said...

I actually do it to amuse myself - but more than happy to share.
So here's two serious questions and let's see if I get straight honest answers without a lot of antagonistic dancing: Since that document effects 35,000 people, their mandatory assessments, their amenities, and arguably their home values, do you think they have a right to request that you justify why the 7 of you, in a closed room, made the changes you made? And do you think these 35,000 people have both a right and responsibility to openly debate and approve or reject what you did?

Christine de Pizan said...

A, here are my answers to the two questions you raised.

1. The substance of your question is why the closed meetings of the by-laws committee. Well, you have the SCA to thank for that. I believe the only guests present at the first organizational meeting were from SCA. At that time the chair of the committee, Allen Lenefsky, clearly stated to EVERYONE present that what is said in the room stays in the room. Somehow SCA thought the rules didn’t apply to them posting comments on their site, causing Board members and I believe management to receive communications asking questions they knew nothing about. The same thing happened after the second meeting. Consequently it was unanimously agreed to close the meetings as it would allow the members to speak freely especially on bylaws that would involve protracted discussions. When SCA arrived for the third meeting they advised they could no longer attend and was a committee decision. It was not well received and they whined in postings about dark their dark theories. I look at it as you broke the silence rule and you must suffer the consequences, Personal responsibility.

2. As to the second, I highly doubt that thirty five thousand members are going to read the revised by-laws and show up (proxies on this don’t count), but for the sake of the answer the members do have an opportunity to comment on the revisions at the Exchange and at relevant Board meetings. Can they change what they don’t like, there is a process for that as stated in the by-laws.

As a side note which some SCA members missed, the policies that were taken out of the by-laws must be voted on first, then the revised by-laws. If the revised by-laws are defeated, the old by-laws will remain in effect with the policies as by -laws. Plot your course of action carefully my friend. Just a tip from your old Uncle Dave.

Tom Marone S C Advocate said...

Uncle are so full of shit that your eyes are brown! Sorry!

As far a your response to the first question Anonymous asked, you blame everything on the Sun City Advocates as if we're not allowed to have an opinion? So much for the bylaws that support and encourage Members to attend committee meetings.

And the half-ass excuse that the members of the committee would be reluctant to voice their honest opinions if guests were in the room is just another BS excuse. Guests aren't allowed to speak in committee meetings unless they get the approval of the committee to do so. Unlike you who commented at one meeting, "I don’t give a damn about Robert’s Rules of Order" there were guests in attendance who really did.

As far as you response to the second question; the manner in which those revised bylaws were made public is an absolute joke. Do you know that most Member's don't even receive those RCSC email announcements and some that did failed to recognize what was even in that email!

And the SCA members didn't miss anything on how the BP's and bylaws are required to be voted on. I was wondering if YOU actually knew how to proceed or did somebody who understand proper parliamentary procedure have to explain it to you?

Anonymous said...

Uncle Dave, Thank you for response.
1. You read between the lines - not the lines. The question was Do you think we have a right to request you justify your changes. I can't see where you answered yes or no. Please try to answer yes or no.
1b. We've been through this before and you ignored the response the first time. Let's try again. OPEN meeting means that what is being said is OPEN - i.e. the information is available to everyone. Can't have it both ways. If you continue to support the notion that Allan said that, then he required a CLOSED meeting from the very beginning - in contradiction to standing policy. Having said that - did it ever occur to any of you that a simple conversation as to the negative effects of publishing meeting summaries was having and working on a compromise/solution might foster collaboration? Sometimes people's actions betray their biases.
2. We agree.

Bill Pearson said...

Well said anon. It doesn't take long for folks to see that the RCSC is terrified of Title 33. The thought of open meetings and not being able to hind behind closed doors is terrifying to them. What's even more frightening is when members ask questions and expect answers.

Someday ask Dave about why he quit the board? Revealing and one of the reasons i try and cut him some slack, he simply didn't want to be yet another hack.

One of the worst outcomes since 2006 has been really well meaning and dedicated members running for the board who become fixated on their loyalty to the general manager/oops corporation.

Christine de Pizan said...

A, sorry I misinterpreted what you wrote so I will expound on your point.

It was my personal opinion that the meeting should have been closed closed from the very beginning and there were other members that felt the same way.. As for justification on our draft submitted to the Board and member is because it is a draft and ad hoc or standing committees make recommendations to the Board. It can be changed by the Board or member suggestions. Yes, you can request that we justify our work which may come up tomorrow. I imagine some Board members will raise that question and we are prepared to answer.

Open meeting, due to the sensitive nature of our work and to preclude misinformation or outright falsehoods we felt this was the best way. Think of the book Roshamon. There are committees that are closed such as investment. I would say 99% I’f the members would not understand language used in this meeting, I.e., tranche as opposed to trench. Besides our advisor graduated Magna Cum Laude from Wharton. She is mos de the smartest person in the room. Allen did not close the meetings at the beginning, only after the third meeting. Another point point is guests cannot speak during meetings (applies to all committee meeting. Guests are not there to collaborate only observe. I can also say the meetings that lasted on an average of3+ hours, the last thing we needed was to be buttonholed after a meeting. Remember we also worked at home emailing each other with suggestions.

Dave resigned because one Board member did a lot of shady shit and should have been kicked of the Board. Rather the GM rapped the person on the knuckles with a wet noodle. Other Board members were outraged but the Board member was bullet proof. I had had enough and could not in right conscience spend another year with this person. Extreme response, maybe but a came from a career where integrity was everything otherwise there was a good chance be fired and blackballed by other companies.

Hope this answers your questions.

Peter Abelard
They did what to me!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for direct answers. I understand your reasons for closed door, but I don't believe they out weigh the negative. Obviously there is a difference between coercing someone to say they agree and having someone change their mind to actually agree. Closed doors breed the former; open, respectful debate breeds the latter. Also, all of the upcoming discussions the committee members will have now (in public and private) will be a re-hashing why you arrived where you did. That's perhaps a waste of time. I also understand there are plenty of people that don't understand the process - and would overreact in the short term. But there are plenty of people who do understand the process, can sit quietly in the room, offer perspective when asked, and assist (sometimes just by their presence) the minority from being overrun. I've always assumed this project was too big for 7 people to do in a year.
Bottom line is: I sincerely thank you for your hard work - and hope you don't take it personally when people question the product and want things changed.

Anonymous said...

I am extremely grateful to the committee and the long hours and hard work.
I don't have to agree with everything that was changed. You cannot get everything you want in this life. It's about compromise.
Thank you all so much.

Christine de Pizan said...

A, thank you for your kind words.

I realize that some people will not some aspects of the changes and I factored that in a long t8me ago. What I don’t like is attacking me, my integrity or the committee’s integrity, our intelligence or saying we don’t understand, are really ignoring what members really want, etc. it is a compromise document and committee members as an individual didn’t get all they wanted but we compromised so everybody got something. I hate proxies because it is a pathway for a few to determine what they think is good for the many, but I went along with it because proxies are mentioned in the Articles of Incorporation.

It could have taken a year or more but the chair stated at the very beginning that he want our work completed and the changes approve by the Board by the end of the year. His logic was that he didn’t want new Board members to be sucked into a vortex not of their making. We all agreed without any discussion that we would do what is ever necessary to complete our mission. That is one reason he had weekly meetings every Monday to date. Yes, we met this past Monday to go over all the language to see if we missed anything. We do have some punctuation and grammar mistakes by they can be taken care of quickly as it doesn’t change intent.

I would like to tell you to watch the tape of the planning session as there was some spirited discussions.


Anonymous said...

I was there late but will watch it again. And I missed the first meeting. Thanks again.

Christine de Pizarro said...

Bill, as you are aware this is my only vehicle to comment.

I just read you last post on Petition and I have a few thoughts.

Since Tom believes I am something of a dumb shit that I don’t own a Robert’s Rules of Order that doesn’t mean I don’t know a few things. As to the golf motion that died I am surprised that Steve didn’t motion for it to be tabled for a future vote. Everybody wins, management has time to produce the data they described, the motion would not have died with the vote and it can be considered in the future. What’s so bad about that?

John Fast and his crusade on the residency requirement. While he is an attorney and he probably is very smart, but he is a Merger & Acquisition and tax attorney. Unless RCSC mergers or acquires Sun City West what does he bring to the table? He is a CPA so maybe you will listen to him on financial statements and analysis. I believe when it comes down to “real law” he is a babe in the woods. Personally I would like him to file a class action suit against RCSC on the residency requirement and let us see what he knows and what he does not know.

Speaking of financial statements, why you persist with this 990 bullshit is beyond me. Everything you want to know is in the CPA statements and I have told you repeatedly. I have tried to sit down and explain my position but apparently you rathe get in management’s face. As for the 2021, the 990 not being ready is because the CPA statement is not released until October where the figures for the 990 come from. Ask Bill Cook for the 2019 & 2020 statements and he can point out on one page everything you want to know. Easy, peasy. Just keep the appointment.

Hope you enjoyed today’s planning session. I know you and SCA and the other minions are seriously unhappy. Ask me if I care, I don’t because your bunch will never be pleased. I am not going to apologize for my interaction with Karen on proxies today. I asked a simple question and she was prepared to be the blovating clown she always is. She knew I was right and she was prepared to go on and on and on and on to some reason that would be lost in verbal diarrhea. Once a Chicago North Shore Princess, always a Chicago North Shore Princess. Ask her why she is having scheduling problems in October and then we will talk about commitment to the Board.

Theodora of Ravenna
Justinian is a hoser and stole my work.

Anonymous said...

"What I don’t like is attacking me, my integrity or the committee’s integrity, our intelligence or saying we don’t understand,"

next post:

"to be the blovating clown she always is. She knew I was right and she was prepared to go on and on and on and on to some reason that would be lost in verbal diarrhea. Once a Chicago North Shore Princess, always a Chicago North Shore Princess. "

Would I be out of line to say: Once a hypocrite, always a hypocrite?

Tom Marone S C Advocate said...

Dave, the reason I think you're a dumb shit when it comes to Robert's Rules is because you prove you're a dumb shit every time you talk about them! If you knew as much as you want me to believe, then you should have known that your recommendation to "Table" the motion is not the correct motion. The correct motion is to "postpone".

Christine de Pizan said...

I for the most part have never talked about Robert’s is because from the time I was born until being chosen for this committee I have never needed them. While it trues I do not own a copy, they were available not only from my fellow members but from a storehouse of knowledge called a library. Postpone, table, you know what I’m talking about and theory behind it. So big deal, my work is almost over and I move on to financial statements.

As for Karen, review the u tube videos of her talking ad nausem on any subject to the point where you think what is this about. As for yesterday, my point was on proxies and her absurd position with lowered quorum to 800 and maximum proxies per person of 10 is somehow talking something away from the members. She specifically stated that for last Annual meeting several members secured in excess of 100 per person. My point was under the new by-laws, that 8 people with with in excess of 100 proxies could propose motions that are not in the best interest of anyone without the person securing the proxies could be less than honest as to the purpose. Could that scenario happen? Yes in my opinion. I wanted to answer yes or no stating it was not an essay question as I knew verbal diarrhea was coming. That’s not hypocrisy that is calling someone out.

Speaking of Karen, if she is at the exchange on the 12th Tom, ask her was she has terrible scheduling conflicts in October and then let’s talk about commitment to serving on the Board.

Once a Chicago North Shore Princess, always a Chicago North Shore Princess.

Res lipsa loquitur.

Bill Pearson said...

Nicely noted anon; while complaining about being disrespected Dave managed to stop by and crap on any number of folks. I know, as the self-proclaimed smartest man in all of Sun City, you consider yourself incapable of being wrong. What's most troubling is, even when confronted with your mistakes, you are still right.

I love this discussion, simply because the entire premise of the RCSC's rewrite is based on a bogus construct. We heard it ad nauseam yesterday and now Dave is regurgitating it yet again. Karen actually made the point, but Dave deftly proclaimed himself a genius and she was some sort of a flake. God help us all.

Let me take this really, really slow and see if we can get Dave to try and understand. I know before i even write this that he will say i am crazy or wrong or high on something. but the reality is what the reality is.

Can we at least agree Dave, the Articles of Incorporation are the basis for everything that follows document wise? Actually, they are the very foundation on why the organization exists and how it functions, but going there will be challenging for you to grasp.

We know the Articles tell us why the RCSC exists "To do anything and everything lawfully necessary in the interests of the Members of the Corporation." I expect you can buy into that, it's pretty simple, perhaps to much so for you, but alas, once again it is what it is.

Next, lets bounce over to Article 8. In section 1 and 2 they talk about how board members become board members and how they are re-elected. Again, pretty basic and clear. Then all hell breaks loose, they start mentioning the membership, but before that section 3 gives the board this measure of power: "3. The Directors shall have the power to adopt bylaws not in conflict with the Articles of Incorporation."

The real fly in the ointment comes is section 4 where it says this: "4. The bylaws may be amended, modified, revised or revoked by the Directors or by the Members. In the event of conflict the Bylaws as amended, modified, revised or revoked by the Directors, the action of the Members shall prevail."

Pretty damned heady stuff. The problem is whenever there is a rewrite of the bylaws the RCSC tries to minimize the rights of the members. In fact, the past 16 years they have literally stripped the members of virtually any rights. The fact of the matter is, changing the Articles can only be done with a membership vote so this language has stayed through all of the various reincarnations of crappy bylaw rewrites.

I'm not going to go on and waste my time citing the rest of it. Suffice to say, the board has the authority to study motions affecting the affairs of the corporation which would stop a motion from the floor and refer it back for study (non-bylaw motions). This language regarding motions from the membership is specific to the bylaws and is clear, concise and unambiguous.

Sitting on the stage and pretending it isn't so, or worse yet referring to it in the opening sentence of the bylaws and then disregarding it is shameful. Hope i have been clear enough on my sentiments.

Forrest Gump said...

There are a few Anonymous posters here - so I'm switching to a clever nom de plume like Dave.

The fact that you don't think the names you just called Karen are personal attacks speaks volumes. The fact that you lost your composure and temper in that meeting speaks volumes more.

You've stated you don't like proxies. Got it. So you're perfectly fine with denying a vote to anyone who is incapacitated and can't attend a meeting? In a city of really old people, I imagine that happens. You're in favor of only healthy walking people having a say and the rest of them should just shut up and send their checks in? Taxation without representation... hmmm... where did I read about that...? And will you answer honestly: If there was going to be a close vote on something that you are ADAMANT about and you were incapacitated and someone offered to proxy your vote - would you give it to them?

Trust me, I understand your concerns over bad things happening if unscrupulous people act. But that's never an excuse to deny the rights of good people. The idea is to add in SOME safe guards. The idea of 800 vs 1250 vs 500 vs 10 is math and personal opinion and open for debate and agreement. Your pre-meeting posts above say you agree we have a right to ask for explanation/justification and a right to debate and agree/not agree. Then you fly off the handle when that actually happens.

Dude, if you have something to contribute, great. But maybe stay on the rails and stop the personal attacks. Just a suggestion.

Tom Marone said...

One thing you said Uncle Dave at the planning session that is true is that the Articles of Incorporation are typically limited to the State requirements needed to incorporate and the more finer details are found in the bylaws.

So why is it that the Articles of Incorporation grant the Members with the power to amend the bylaws in four separate locations, and in not one of those locations does it instruct the reader to refer to the bylaws for any additional requirements or procedures, while at the same time, the Articles of Incorporation do refer the reader to the bylaws for additional requirements or procedures in 10 other places?

If it was intended that the Members are to be restricted from amending the bylaws at their annual membership meeting then why don't the Articles of Incorporation refer the reader back to the bylaws and the undefined "affairs of the corporation"?

I'll tell you why...because that bylaw conflicts with the Articles of Incorporation.

Tom Marone S C Advocate said...

So you see, when you ask Dave a question that's actually stated with facts you don't get an answer!

Christine de Pisano said...

Tom, you can be a serious ignorant person sometimes and this is one of those instances. I was about to write a couple of posts when I saw tours. Truth be told I needed to walk away from this by laws thing which has consumed over six months of my life and since Friday that is what I have done. I was out of town visiting friends and taking part in a birthday celebration. I left my computer and all the papers at home. I was unaware I required permission from SCA or any other group to schedule my private life.

I know you won’t apologize because you never do. WLB.

Christine de Pizan said...

Bill, just saw your post on TOSC regarding your meeting with Bill and Kevin yesterday. Glad their explanation was basically the same thing I have been trying to tell you since last year. I still say you are wasting your time with the 990s as the CPA statement will give you the same info in an easier to read format. The statement should be available from the Corporate Office about the middle of November. Just ask for it.

Bill Pearson said...

Dave. Your comment "the 990 was garbage" ended any interest for me with you. It was good to sit and see the figures regarding "depreciation" and helped me better understand. Still not clear how we got to 2 million dollars per year in depreciation, Kevin showed me about a million dollars per year from PIF expenditures (big ticket items). By the way, i thought i read land improvements can't be depreciated. For example, new irrigation and wells can be, improving putting greens, sand traps, tee boxes and the like wouldn't be allowed to be depreciated.

Perhaps you can answer this: The RCSC spends roughly 500K per year on new equipment. They have that on a 5 year depreciation schedule. That 500K per year depreciation factor equates to the same 500K each year showing in the 2 million dollar depreciation totals. Is that just another way to look like it's not money spent on golf, or is it not shown in depreciation at all, just a yearly capital investment?

Tom Marone said...

Let's get something straight Dave, stop associating my comments with the SCA. My comments are my own and I would gladly prefer to air our dirty laundry privately but I don't have your email address.

My question in my previous post has nothing to do with being ignorant but more about entertainment! I'm always entertained to read your response to a question while at the same time refusing to answer the question that was asked, more excuses, let's try again!

Why is it that the Articles of Incorporation grant the Members with the power to amend the bylaws in four separate locations, and in not one of those locations does it instruct the reader to refer to the bylaws for any additional requirements or procedures, while at the same time, the Articles of Incorporation do refer the reader to the bylaws for additional requirements or procedures in 10 other places?

If it was intended that the Members are to be restricted from amending the bylaws at their annual membership meeting then why don't the Articles of Incorporation refer the reader back to the bylaws and the undefined "affairs of the corporation"?

I'm truly curious to learn how the Ad Hoc Committee justified leaving that restriction in the revised bylaws!

Christine de Pizan said...

Tom, I will give a general answer first and get in the weeds after I find my copy of the Articles ( you wouldn’t believe the amount of by-laws papers I have. From stripping out policies to many rewrites of one section, various articles moving sections to other articles, creating new section sections deleting new sections and so on.

But on to your question, as stated at the planning session by myself, Allen and other committee members, the Articles are what is know in law as an enabling document. It paints a broad picture of the mission, Board make up and powers, member rights, etc. Now the members may have the power to amend or change by-laws but what is the procedure? How do the members or the Board know if the content of the motion is legal! In the best interest of the members and is it in the normal course of business, I.e., the language you just cited. Sort of a case in point was I believe Ben Roloff proposed that the hearing separating a Board member from the Board should be public. Now I believe the Articles are silent on the nitty gritty of the procedure but the by-laws stated that matters of personnel are handled in private, same goes for member hearings. Remember these are what as known as administrative hearings as there are no technical rules of evidence or formal rules of procedure like in a court of law. While they do follow a set procedure it is quite informal. I represented clients in many different administrative hearings during my legal aid days,I.e., welfare, Social Security, Veterans Administration and so on.

I was trying to keep this simple but I feel where proxies come into play. The reason I hate proxies is that while mentioned in the Articles and I always follow the law, is that they are general proxies. They empower the holder to claim the signator is present at a meeting but silent on voting issues. I see this as a vehicle for a few people basically hijacking a meeting and presenting crazy motions that are only for the benefit of a few. I wanted (and could not get a committee consensus) on having specific proxies like you would receive from a publicly traded company. That proxy would show the signator what issues are being voted on and they could mark the proxy yes, no or abstain. I know that this sounds like the petition thing coming into play but I was really trying to avoid that in that the motions would be out there, the vote would still be secret in that the votes would be tabulated by a disinterested third party while verifying the signatures. While I thought I had a good idea, it turned out too many moving parts especially if the motion being voted on was amended or some other scenario. Consequently it was dropped.

Once I review the Articles for the umpteenth time I may be back to amend what I stated or expand on it. For the moment this will have to do.

Thomas Mifflin

Christine de Pizan said...

Bill, my dislike of the 990s is because the information is taken from the CPA statement. Why do you think, as you posted previously, the 2121 990 will not be sent in or available until mid November? That is because the CPA statement will not be available until early to mis November. Now are the CPA notes attached to the 990 or just figures? The CPA statement has everything you need in an easy to read format. There is an exhibit in the back which shows a break down of revenue and expenses for each business unit, I.e., golf, bowling, etc. That is truly the real deal. Still pleased that you took the time and understood where I was coming from.

Now on to your question. I believe that the purchases were made on golf and let us say they were on 5 vehicles (easier that way) and with a depreciation over five years that would be the $500k figure you cited. This would be included in depreciation figure of $2M. The only other place it might appear (although not likely) would be in a note breaking down Capital expenditures where financing might be involved. It also could be a note saying these are all of the capital expenditures for your review. In short, depreciation stays in depreciation.

Hope that helps.

I answered your question as to the Articles as a governing document in a post to Tom. There are other comments I have you but will post later. One thing though, you discussed in the by-laws Article 8 but cited sections 3 & 4. My Article 8 has only two sections. Did you a mean a different article and cited it incorrectly? Just asking.

Bill Pearson said...

Dave, you lost me. Here is the first half of Article 8.
Article VIII

1. The affairs of the Corporation shall be conducted by a Board of Directors and such Officers as the Board may elect or appoint. The Board shall select from its own members a president, one or more vice-presidents, a secretary, and a treasurer. It may select an assistant treasurer who is not required to be a member of the Board. All Officers shall be elected at the first meeting of the Board of Directors in January of each year and shall hold office for a period of one (1) year and until their successors are elected and installed. The number of Directors shall be nine (9). Directors shall be elected by the Members at an annual election in the manner prescribed in the Bylaws.

2. Three (3) Directors in a manner set forth in the Corporate Bylaws, shall be elected each year to serve for a term of three (3) years and shall serve until their successors are installed. A Member/Director may be elected to a maximum of two (2) three-year terms, six (6) years total, on the Board of Directors.(Approved by the membership on Nov. 20, 2003)

3. The Directors shall have the power to adopt Bylaws not in conflict with the Articles of Incorporation.

4. The Bylaws may be amended, modified, revised, or revoked by the Directors or by the Members. In the event of conflict concerning the Bylaws as amended, modified, revised, or revoked by the Directors, the action of the Members shall prevail.

There are several more sections. Let's be clear, the Articles are not a document considered a "broad picture or some flowery mission statement. Especially in light of clear and unambiguous language. The Articles specify bylaws being at the discretion of the members over the board. They must be submitted timely and posted so members know and have the right to vote on them.

More importantly the Articles are clear, bylaws cannot be written in conflict with them This rewrite clearly does that. Sadly, no on seems to care. If the board wants to write them the way they did, rewrite the Articles, post them with 30 days notice and let them members vote on them.

The problem is the board is terrified of the members. It's what happens when you spend 15 years pushing them away and giving all power and control to management.

Christine de Pizan said...

Bill, I think I know why we are not on the same page here, no pun intended. Are you referring to Article VIII of th Articles of Incorporation while I am referring to Article VIII of the by laws? The reason I say this is I went back through every copy of the by laws we worked on since Day 1 and that article was not there. I will say the language sounded familiar that is why I am asking if we are looking at the same document.

Makes a big difference if we are looking at the same apples or oranges.

Harlan Fisk Stone

Tom Marone S C Advocate said...

Article VIII talks about elections. What's that got to do with allowing Members to vote?

I get the fact that the Articles of Incorporation is an enabling document, but why do they refer you back to the Bylaws in 10 locations for further rules and requirements in other locations but not in any of the 4 locations that gives the Members the power to amend the bylaws. There's no strings attached to that power.

Christine de Pizan said...

Is this the article VIII that Bill is talking about and is it in The Articles of Incorporation? Not getting a straight answer from anybody.

Tom Marone said...

Yes, the Article VIII Bill referenced above is in the Articles of Incorporation. Not quite sure why he's referencing them though?

Christine de Pizan said...

Thanks Tom, I am not sure either and unsure of a response.

Dave=Thomas Mifflin

Bill Pearson said...

I'm not sure why this is so difficult guys. I wrote in detail what the Articles says specific to members rights. How you started sorting through the bylaws Dave escapes me. Here is Article * from the Articles of Incorporation regarding the rewrite:
3. The Directors shall have the power to adopt Bylaws not in conflict with the Articles of Incorporation.

4. The Bylaws may be amended, modified, revised, or revoked by the Directors or by the Members. In the event of conflict concerning the Bylaws as amended, modified, revised, or revoked by the Directors, the action of the Members shall prevail.

Number 3 is absolutely clear; the board cannot write bylaws in conflict with the Articles and number 4 even more so; when there is a dispute the action of the members shall prevail.

Look to the damned Articles before you go tinkering with the bylaws.

Christine de Pizarro said...

Bill, so where is the voting procedure in the bylaws flash? Oh, there isn’t one, hence the bylaws! See you morgen frueh.

Bill Pearson said...

Read back what you wrote Dave; duh. If what you meant to write was Articles of Incorporation (rather than bylaws)it's clear the goal was to make it a virtual impossibility for members to pass bylaws. First they have to reach a quorum (800), then when the board does or doesn't tell them in 45 days, apply for a petition. From there secure 3,250 signatures. After that get another meeting date set with another obligation to meet the quorum (some say not, but that's how it reads) and then pass their changes to the bylaws.

Does that even make sense to you? Because to be clear, the membership used to regularly pass bylaws at quarterly membership meetings when the quorum was 100. The community didn't collapse did it? Oh wait, you're the guys who thinks history doesn't matter.

Christine de Pizan said...

Bill, I enjoy proper citations when discussing Articles and/or bylaws. It eliminates confusion, but that’s me. So far this is what I have garnered as to your opinion of me.

1. My four years of studying history at the university where I improved my research and critical thinking skills culminating in a B.A. in history was a complete waste of time as I know nothing of history.

2. My three years after university working as a paralegal doing research for attorneys in statutes, appellate decisions, writing memorandums of law, drafting complaints for litigation, interviewing prospective clients and representing them in administrative hearings was a bigger waste of time because I evidently didn’t learn a thing.

3. Working as a paralegal supervisor for a year was a waste because since I didn’t know anything.

4.Working thirty years reviewing and writing two and three party contracts was a waste as I obviously know nothing about legal construction of agreements. I guess this makes you question why I was promoted to Regional Underwriting Director for five states and then promoted to Senior Account Executive handling surety requirements for Fortune 100 companies all while being the head of the Judicial bond department for Chicago branch of the Company.

Kind of makes you wonder what my qualifications were for being chosen for the Bylaws Committee.

I guess my saving grace in your eyes is that I was a member of the Amalgamated Meatcutters and Butcher Workmen of North America. The business agents didn’t like me either.

Did you ever think that the Board might find value in a motion by rather members, clear it with legal within the time limit and then have it voted on? Maybe the members could have a Special Members Meeting called during the year for member business. Like Prego, it’s in there.

Well Judgment Day is coming on a lot of things, should be interesting.

Puritanism - The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy. H L Mencken

Christine de Pizan said...

Bill, one other thing, Board or Management is not afraid of Title 33 as it is an ex post facto law in relation to Sun City.

Earl Warren

Bill Pearson said...

Not sure how i minimized your education and or training Dave. I simply pointed to an error above when you wrote "Bill, so where is the voting procedures in the bylaws flash?" My point was you must have intended to write Articles of Incorporation. I guess you can extrapolate whatever you want, from the correction.

As far as your credentials, you cite them often, and loudly. You wave them like a flag or a badge of courage. When you talk about your history studies, and you start telling me about the middle ages or whatever tangent you are on, we don't connect, not even a little.

I consider myself a historian, but only regarding Sun City. And i freely admit coming late to the party, but obviously i am fascinated by it. Sun City was and still is successful because of all the things the Webb Corporation (DEVCO) and those moving here did to make is so. By your own admission you aren't that much into it. Which by the way is cool, whatever floats your boat.

Don't get me started as to your qualifications regarding the bylaws. In the coming weeks and months the outcome will be completely dismantled and dissected. I'll wait for you guys to have one more whack at getting it right and then we'll see. Who knows eh?

Title 33? Not sure where that came from? Doesn't really matter, kind of like what any of us did for a living. That was then, this is now. To quote the title of an old labor book, "What Have You Done For Me Lately?"

Christine de Pizan said...

As John Cleese would say on Monty Python, and now for something completely different.

I have been trying to get my head around this Posse thing and it just doesn’t add up.

I first came to Sun CITY IN 1995 with my ex wife as her stepmother lived here, she lived on the 15th hole of South. We would come out 3-4 t8mes a year as she was in her late 80’s. During those visits I never saw the Posse patrol the South course. I purchased my current residence in 1998 with my wife on the South course and we would visit about 5-6 times as stepmom wasn’t getting any younger. Again no Posse patrol on the course. I have lived here since 2005 and again never saw a patrol on the course. Applying the Law of Large Numbers (look it up) says that I should have seen a patrol at least once, but nada. So what’s the deal? I add this info to the sort of timeline printed in Pravda and posted comments and I find this too weird for words, especially the timing. My Chile burrito feeling tells me that this is some sort of contrived hit job to create a problem that never existed.

Am I wrong and why?

Anonymous said...

Nope. And there's even more under the gravy.

Christine de Pizarro. said...

If what you say is true anon, where did this nothing burger surface from and by whom? What is the motivation behind this other than making the Board look bad and this close to an election. The final questions are who benefits and why? I have my suspicions but will without. I believe the future postings on this topic will reveal the true motivations.

Bill Pearson said...

Here's an offer for you Dave. While i am not the person who would post it, i can assure you i will work to get it posted. Simply take your big brain, smarter than everyone and draft an "expose" on this false flag POSSE effort to undermine the election and paint the RCSC into a corner.

Seriously bro, put your big boy pants on, hookup with whoever anon is and lay it all out there. Talk is cheap, words even cheaper so quit with the bullshit allegations and fill us all in with the nonsense you are smearing the POSSE with.

That or just admit you are another hack in the long line of hacks the RCSC leans on and into to keep the power grab.

Forrest Gump said...

For once I'm in 101% agreement with Dave. I saw Fuller drive down from Area 51 just that morning. He and Elvis have been trying to get his image and the twin towers erased off the Zapruder film. In fact, if you look real close at the meeting video, you can see a seam running up the back of his neck. I'm absolutely sure that's a full head rubber mask. He didn't have a recording of conversations with Cook - what he really had was Paul McCarthy singing backwards about his love child with Bigfoot.
So Dave - see the latest judgement against Alex Jones? Got any spare change in your pocket?

Bill Pearson said...

Does this mean you are skeptical Forrest? I was about to admit i was a wizard and my mind control abilities were well beyond what anyone could grasp. However, your explanation is far more believable.

So David, as the saying goes brother, the balls in your court to set us both straight. Just be careful, as you've thrown out numerous times; libel is a real thang.

Tom Marone said...

Bill, I don't know why you're wasting anymore of your time responding to the Great and Powerful Oz?

His freak'n head is so big I wonder how his old frail body can even support it?

Anonymous said...

Happy you’ve enjoyed our wonderfully peaceful, relatively crime free Sun City while residing here off and on thru 2005. Golf courses weren’t criminal havens then, no anti-crime patrols needed.

What Rock have you been living under during the past couple of years?? Crime is a big problem in Sun City! Do you talk to your neighbors? Have you not seen MCSO and Posse night patrols especially on Grand? Large burglary ring recently busted here by MCSO.

Come out from under that rock. Drive along Oakmont some evening. Ask how many of our residents have been burglarized, had golf carts stolen, yard decor, and no longer feel safe in their own homes.

Then tell us this RCSC/Posse issue just a fabrication created to “make RCSC look bad.”

They need no help looking bad!

Tom Marone said...

Many of the building down on Oakmont have removed the handles off their outdoor water spigots to stop the homeless from using their water to bath themselves, but that didn't stop them.

Naked men have been seen on the golf courses bathing themselves when the sprinklers turn on!

I think Dave lives on a golf course? Perhaps he would prefer to invite some of those homeless to use his shower?

Christine de Pisano said...

Let us get some facts straight. I referred to the alleged patrols ON the golf course which I have never seen. I have contributed to the Posse and utilized their vacation watch when I have been away for considerable lengths of time. As Bill is aware that there is Board member every year that is a liaison to the Posse and I believe attends a monthly meeting. Having attending Board meetings as a member and as just a plain old member, how has this never come up until recently?

I am no stranger to crime as my residence was burglarized with many items near and dear to me stolen and never recovered. I also knew it was an inside job but could not definitely prove but I had a good factual time line and suspect individual. Consequently I sympathize with victims.

Tom, you have my email address to talk privately yet you have not used same. Are you a coward or just another blowhole. I believe you wanted to discuss macroeconomics, so what is keeping you? Trump stole your brain and your money?

Bill, there you go saying I am the smartest person in Sun City even though I never said it. I did say I have a particular skill set set that I am very good at. As you recently found out on golf profits/losses I was correct. As for the Posse I just find everything so far a touch incredible, like Karen McAdam’s story from last year about being notified of hearing. BTW, if not for the Middle Ages, you would never had a job.

Bill Pearson said...

Let me be very clear about the question of golf and profitability; the 2 million dollar difference (shortfall) for golf is only partially covered by depreciation that originated from PIF expenditures and billed back to golf. The yearly equipment purchases (roughly 500k) along with their useful life of 5 years is still a 500k investment that should result in a direct bill back to golf but is buried as a depreciated expense.

I requested the 990 for 2020 but did not receive it. The general manager said it had to be cleared by the board. I saw figures on spread sheets but they wouldn't give me copies. That was fine, because the 2021 990 will be available on Nov 16 and i will request them both. All i'm looking for is the expense side numbers. While you call them garbage, they are baseline and every board member should have them to understand exactly what the real costs/revenue is. Sadly, they don't. There was not one word during the golf presentation where the costs were mentioned.

I don't want to read between the lines, but i would hope you aren't suggesting the board member assigned as the liaison convinced the POSSE to pull the Sun Bowl shows coverage so he could get re-elected. Because if you are dude, proof would be really helpful. As you know as a liaison, the board member shows up for an hour or so a month and sits through most meetings saying little or nothing.

Bill Pearson said...

BY the way, it has been widely noted, since the night POSSE patrols, the extra security hired by the RCSC at the two centers along Grand Ave and increased efforts by the Maricopa County Sheriff's department, they are getting a handle on the massive numbers of problems down along Grand Ave. The POSSE commander was specific in the request for car patrols on the golf course was for the north course where most of the issues were.

I know years back they drove the golf courses as a regular course of business. We often saw cars driving on to Riverview. When the shit hit the fan with Sheriff's POSSE and the training became an issue the POSSE dropped down to 50 members. They changed the name from Sheriff's POSSE to Sun City POSSE and started in-house training. Their numbers swelled and with crime on the rise they started their over night patrols.

Kudos to them for reinventing themselves and coming out the backside bigger and better. At least some of us are proud of all they have done to make Sun City a better place to live. Insulting their leadership and their board was pathetic at best. But hey, that's just my opinion.

Christine de Pizan said...

Bill, I will say it again, the reason the 990 will not be available until the middle of November is because they take the figures from the audit. I can’t make it any simpler than that. Get the CPA audit in stead of the 990. Don’t believe me, ask John Fast what he would rather have. While you are at it ask him about depreciation just being a paper figure for take purposes on money already spent. He’s CPA he should know this.

As for the Board member as a liaison to the posse, I was just thinking that this might have come up sometime after 1/1/22., that’s all.

Off for the weekend.Vaya con Dino’s.

Bill Pearson said...

Apparently, like Elvis, Dave has left the lest for the weekend. Based on your comments, is it safe to assume you and anon aren't clinging to the grassy knoll theory regarding the POSSE? Be really good to put that theory to bed eh?

As far as the financials and depreciation; answer this for me: Do you view all depreciation the same? Here's what i mean: There clearly was a value in my time spent with the gm and director if finance. I found out long term PIF moneys were added to the costs with a 30 year depreciation schedule. From what they showed me, there was roughly 30 million dollars which would flush out at roughly a million dollars per year. My understanding is land improvements (sand traps, greens, tee boxes, etc) can't be used but changes in water distribution systems, wells and golf course building are included in that depreciation schedule.

All of the above came from PIF. Yearly, the RCSC puts money into equipment (500k), golf cars and the like. That actually comes from the capital budget, not PIF. It too falls on the depreciation schedule, all be it much shorter (5 years useful life). Are those expenses added to the cost of golf or do they simply appear as depreciation?

By the way, i did have a good discussion regarding depreciation with John Fast, He is really well versed as one would expect and would make a great addition to the board. His summary was this; golf will never be profitable. I suspect he is right as could be. Honestly, i don't even care any more. What i do care about is giving away our tee times to non-members who want them. I'm perfectly fine with them getting the unfilled, as long as they pay a fair market price for them and those of us living here not having to subsidize their cheap golf rates and car rentals. I think you stated you agree with that? Right?

Anonymous said...

Glad to be back, Southern Illinois won the homecoming game, great 50th reunion get together and college still is the best investment I ever made. Paid me back a hundred fold.

That said I had to read your second paragraph a couple of times to understand what you were saying. So, I will answer along those lines. I believe you were shown a projection for future expenses both from PIF and regular capital purchases. These would not appear on the financial statement as the money has not been spent nor would accompanying depreciation. Essentially it is a wish list for the future.

Money spent on golf be it capital expense or PIF would have to be allotted to golf as would the accompanying depreciation.

I would tend to agree with John on the profitably of golf but I do stand by my earlier comments that it would take a few years to see if this is true. According to financials prior to the pandemic, revenue for golf was essentially flat. The losses not including depreciation were increasing but that could be attributed to forces not necessarily within RCSC control such as cost of seed and fertilizer. Also the increase in minimum wage without accompanying necessary amount of increase in fees to offset. With the increase in outside play as a result of the pandemic, a seemingly lucrative revenue stream is to be considered once the fee structure is straightened out. I think John would agree that you would have to look behind the numbers to get a real feel as well as a longer time line.

As for your question regarding fees for outside play and what they get in return, I.e., carts, etc. I believe I answered that question a few times so asking again is just a bit redundant.

Tom, nine days and still no email. Why?

Anonymous said...

Bill, weird way to post, never asked my name. Christine.

Bill Pearson said...

Welcome back Dave, Christine and now anonymous. Sounds like you had a good time. No idea why you are having to post under a variety of names. Perhaps the admin is just screwing with you? Kidding, i personally would rather you just post under your real name, you certainly aren't trying to hide who you are.

I do enjoy our bantering. You've helped me, kind of. There's more to your depreciation schedule than meets the eye, simply because the 30 year useful life is from PIF and the 5 year useful life schedule is most often from capital expenditures.

I do find it disturbing/revealing you have a hard time saying; outside full play passes are bad when they are selling golf for half price. I know, it's buried somewhere in a thread where you uttered those words, but repeating it has apparently been painful.

Anyway, regarding the new proposal for member golf car rental, what did you think about that? Curious? Worst case scenario, a full play pass buyer for $450 dollars is guaranteed a golf car. That equates to $1.50 per use. Theoretically they have to have another rider with them, so lets say they too buy the $450 add on. That puts a golf car rental at $3 per round (as opposed to $12)

As a financial guy; does that make any sense? I played with the numbers on TOSC and it took me back to my old retail days. They were called loss leaders; selling a product below cost. The joke was we would make it up in volume. Not.

Director Collin's proposals for no golf cars in golf passes was the correct motion. Of course it was shot in the ass by management and now we are looking at giving away even more to golfers who haven't seen an increase since 2015 (full play passes that reward gets cheaper with every round played). Does that make any sense either?

Looking froward to continuing this discussion, especially given what is going to happen tomorrow.

Christine de Pizan said...

Bill, you never cease to amaze or confuse me. Your statement on depreciation is confusing as I agree depreciation comes from capital expenditures or PIF. I believe you learned that from your meeting with Bill and Kevin and certainly not from your beloved 990s. So from Note 1 on the CPA statement from 12/31/20 here is the depreciation schedule for relevant RCSC assets:

Land improvements 20-40 years
Buildings and improvements 10-50 years
Furniture and equipment 2-20 years
Solar equipment 10-30 years
Vehicles 5 years

As for the resident pass and cart item, at the Budget meeting yesterday Bill and Kevin said in substance that it was an experiment. Since the announcement there have been only 3 responses, but it is too early to determine it’s future. It is also limited to 40 passes. As for a loss leader, I am not sure due to the limit on passes.

Concerning loss leaders I am not sure what retail business you were employed but I was involved in two. I worked in grocery stores for seven years and they had loss leaders, the most popular being milk (Loss leaders in grocery stores usually involve staples), but these stores are the king of impulse buying so usually the other items more than make up for the loss of revenue on the milk. The other was during my career in the early 80’s when the return on investments was quite high. Anyway it came down from our usually conservative company that we could write a specific line of business (fidelity coverage) and any losses would be covered by the returns on investments. It turn out that this idea cost us in excess of the investments. The company never used this line of thinking again. Our friendly competitors tried this over the years on various lines with the same results. Lesson learned is insurance is not milk and others lines of insurance are not over priced porterhouse steaks.

As for your redundancy on the outside play question, I know I answered, you know I answered it and you know my answer which pleased you, so why do I have to answer the same question again and again other than the phrase “Dave has said on numerous occasions……..” I am not running for office at any level so why?

As for Steve Collins’ motion only time will tell if it is a shot in management’s ass or supremely pissing off the members.

Tell Jean that the angry old lady thing is not working. Her closing statement yesterday turned off a great number of people as did the dopey sign.

Res Ipsa loquitur

See you in the future.

Bill Pearson said...

"Angry old lady thing" really Dave? That's what you get out of Jean. How about the bull shit question allowed by the moderator? Let's see if you can pull up your old man big boy pants and answer these questions honestly?
1). Was it appropriate for the chair to take the question regarding the Mountain View project (PS. They've never allowed questions about ongoing projects in the past as you well know).
2). Was it appropriate to ask candidates if they would try and stop the Mountain View project, yes or no? Let's be very clear before you answer this, because you know when a board members term is up, the new board is obligated to follow their fiduciary responsibilities. What should the answer be when the bid comes in and blows the project out of the water? BTW, i know you know the answer but what the hell, squirm away.
3). Is it right for a candidate to be on two organizations ballots? You know he can't serve on both, so what's the game?
4). Would you fire a member of management if they were telling clubs they won't get what they want if they vote for the wrong people?
5). Why in God's name would the RCSC need a large lot assessment increase when they have accumulated 14 million dollars in cash over the last 10 years? BTW, you were on the budget and finance committee while they were shoveling it in the bank rather than spending it on the community.
6). Do you really believe the nonsense you just were spewing about golf car rentals and the $450 trial somehow being a money maker? As a numbers wizard, there's no amount of fuzzy math where that works out...even hiding behind your beloved depreciation. So we are clear, depreciation is still money spent, just allocated over a longer time frame.

Christine de Pizan said...

Bill, my comment was a result of the comments from the people around me were mumbling which basically fell into the WTF category and the personality change between the Q&A session and the closing statement. Then there was the dopey sign which the people sitting around me asked what was that for. Community involvement, yes?

As for the MV thing, the person asking was an idiot, really didn’t know what he was talking about and had no real organized thoughts. I thought the moderator was trying to make the best of whatever it was.

As for the Board stopping a project. Same person, same cluelessness. You have been around long enough to know on projects like this whoever will occupy space will come back and ask for more or move things around, etc. Then there is the permitting from Maricopa and their clown patrol delaying permits, changing plans,etc. iIt was fairly obvious the person asking the question didn’t know shit about construction. Thankfully some of the candidates did and schooled him.

Ask for a candidate running for two boards at the same time, our governing documents are silent on this so it is legal. As for is it right, as you know the other board does not have the workload that RCSC has so it maybe it is not that bad. It certainly is not a conflict of interest as both work for the betterment of Sun City. Better yet, why not talk to the candidate and see what the story is. I did but I am not going to do your work for you.

As for question four, I am unaware of the situation and the facts, consequently I reserve to answer in the future. I sounds like a trick question possibly based on a rumor or hearsay, don’t know,

A large assessment increase, Bill it’s $29, you call that a large increase? Actually I spoke about a increase at the May meeting and was heavily criticized. I stated at the time we had not increased the assessments in almost six years and that would have to be in the near future. The argument against was that inflation was benign at 2% per year. OK then but that was then and this is now and the inflation rate I predicted for 2022 was going to be 10%. Combine that with the previous total of 10% makes 20% sometime this year and I said Judgment Day was coming. So what happens, an increase based on inflation. We’ll slap my face and call me a bitch which was better than Norm Dixon and his idea of forming an ad hoc committee for some stupid reason. Maybe you should attend these meetings and learn something rather than shouting at the wind. BTW my assessment will go up $14.50 for the year. The increase is smaller than the last increase I believe.

As for the pass with cart, management never said it was going to return golf to profitability, it is an experiment. So far not must interest but it is early. This is what they call in sales as feature and benefit. Golf features this to current members and to future members who are checking us out. The benefit is you save money and is for unlimited play, while the new golfing member has pai assessments, transfer fee and PIF. Think about it, sort of a loss leader but RCSC benefits at the purchase. As for the profitability of golf, I see too many headwinds to be profitable. As for my beloved depreciation, aside from you are clueless on financial analysis, even John Fast agrees with me on depreciation and net income before depreciation. Guess it is beloved depreciation for him also.

Here is something to think on, why is the way asserts and liabilities figures are dislayed called a balance sheet?

Tom, your quote is incomplete. The entire quote is You deserve the government you get and you deserve it good and hard. I believe it was H. L. Mencken who said that. Thanks for ignoring me and trying to be the obtuse person you are. I believe it was Julius Ceaser who used a modified pontoon bridge to cross the Rhine and invade Germania. He used boats as a base and then built a bridge over the boats. Built it in ten days. Just thought you would like to ignore it.

Bill Pearson said...

Tread lightly Dave, you are starting to sound like the former president (#45); "some people are saying." I know you have no interest in being lumped in with him. As far as John Fast, we do agree, golf will never be profitable, will always be a drain. All of us living here will subsidize those who buy the full play pass and now we are going to be subsidizing cheap golf car rentals. Explain that to my 100 year old neighbor who hasn't been in a rec center in 20 years and she's only being asked to pay a $29 increase. Is that a bargain for her? Or for that matter, every single person who bought after 2003 paying the $496 and now being pushed to $525.

You like numbers so let's dig in a little, most of it from the time you were serving on the board. No depreciation to hide behind here, just raw data. In 2015 the board was in the midst of adding $500k per year to the reserve account. It was that year there was 3.5 million dollars laying around to stick in the account, not a bad thing by the way. None the less, just money over and above normal expenditures.

At that same point in time, years end 2015 there was a touch over 9 million dollars in cash on hand. 7 years later (2016-2022), we are sitting on 19.7 million dollars. That's 10 million dollars saved plus the 3.5 million dollars shoved into the reserve account. As i said, the reserve account is a good thing. It's there for emergencies.

As I mentioned on TOSC, if everything in Sun City was in great working order, it would matter not. You know that's not the case as our technology has been ignored for 10-15 years. Obviously since 2016 you/we had the money, we simply didn't give two shits about spending it. Saving it apparently made more sense. Hardly the case is it.

Now with your 20% inflation, we've decided it's time to play catch up. With supply chain issues we can't and when we do, we'll be paying inflated prices for everything we buy...or try to buy. How smart was that? I guess you could argue, we didn't know, but the simple reality is this: the RCSC exists to serve the membership, the rec fees (lot assessments) are paid to do just that. When they hoard cash rather than investing in the membership's needs, we all lose.

I don't need to "shout in the wind" at anything or anyone. I've watched as this organization has run from being self-governed to the board giving the hired help the ability to just do whatever they please. Now they are telling/selling this increase on the back of doing deferred maintenance so we need more money to do it. No, they don't. The real question is, once it's passed who will insure they actually spend it rather than bankrolling it? Bill Cook told me straight out, "we need more reserves." Why is the obvious question?

Can the the board force him to spend it? If they were able to do that, why haven't they done so with the 10 million dollars saved since 2016? Here's the answer, they don't think they have the authority to tell the management team how to spend the money on the membership. That's what happens when you give away your authority to people who don't live here and think they are running a for profit corporation.

Finally, you are right, inflation is crushing some folks. If the RCSC wasn't sitting on more money than any time in their history (check the data), an increase would be warranted. Sadly, that same inflation is causing lots of RCSC members hardships. It's easy to be cavalier and say it's only $14.50 for the year (for a couple). How much is it for the single home owners? Maybe inflation is somehow missing them eh?

At any rate, thanks for responding, that's way more than i can say for some of the folks sitting on the RCSC board or in committee rooms rolling their eyes when someone with opposing opinions or ideas speak out.

Bill Pearson said...

Asa long as we are chatting Dave, one more quick question for you: How much of a profit did golf turn in 2021? Thanks.

Christine de Pizan said...

Bill, I do not have those figures readily available. I believe the chart I require is buried somewhere in the 20 pounds of paper from the by law’s work. When they surface is will send to you.

I really think you should have attended the last Budget meeting as it covered numerous topics that would have enlightened you. Cash carry forward and capital reserve, I will start with capital reserve because it doesn’t mean what you think it means. About every five years, the standard, a capital reserve study is done by an outside company (they do this for a living) concerning the replacement costs os all assets of the RCSC. The list contains over 4,000 items. I believe that Bill and Kevin said the last one was done 4 years ago and they were gearing up for the next one. I showed early to the meeting when Bill, Kevin and John Fast were discussing this. At first I thought they were talking insurance, but Bill told me it was the reserve study. I had worked on one of these for the HOA where I lived before moving here. I asked Jan about this when I was first on the Board and evidently a study has just been completed. Anyway to tell you the future $4,500,000 will be moved from cash carry forward to capital reserve as it is woefully inadequate. The rule of thumb for capital reserve is I believe 20% of the value of the total assets. John addressed this during the forum and I believe very few understood this. Look for more future contributions to beef it up.

As for the increase in assessments, your neighbor judging from his age is still a per person payee, consequently his fee would increase $14.50 for the year. The $25 is for per property. Sun City is still the best deal around when compared to the others here.

I have some errands to run so I will be back later.

Anonymous said...

See attached chart that shows per two people on deed fee!

RCSC SINGLES PAY THE SAME $496 as a dual deeded property.

RCSC gives a second deed owner a FREE Membership card!

This Two-For-One discriminates against thousands of single Sun City owner/residents.

RCSC needs to assess fees PER person as all the other senior communities shown on their DECEPTIVE marketing comparison chart! Sun City West charges $497 PER PERSON..

As of February 1, 2017, RCSC annual property assessments are $496.00* per property per year, which provides up to two qualified deeded owners per household with cards which allow them to use all RCSC facilities, with additional fees for golf and bowling at reduced Cardholder rates. Non-Owners who reside in Sun City AZ may purchase a facilities privilege card for $248.00* per person per year or $75.00* per month per person (starting January 1, 2017) which provides use of all RCSC facilities with additional fees for golf and bowling at reduced Cardholder rates. Based on the type of housing selected, there may be additional annual fees for each individual homeowners association. However, the only annual fee required by all property owners in Sun City AZ payable to RCSC is the annual property assessment as defined above.

Bill Pearson said...

Why is it the numbers "experts" can never answer the question: How much did Sun City golf make, or lose in 2021? Please let me know when you find out.

I heard all of the reasons for increasing the fees, yet you never answered the question: Did Sun City add nearly 10 million dollars to their cash on hand in the past 7 years? It's a simple yes or no. And rather than all the nonsense addressed in your response, was there any reason the board couldn't have directed the management team to spend the money they were accumulating? You know, like updating our technology?

Anonymous makes an interesting point regarding single payer versus lot assessment. I would be really curious to know how many single home owners there are who are paying the $496. Do you know anywhere that information is available? Sun City West used to publish the percentage of single versus couples. To my knowledge we never have.

Anonymous said...

Over half of the Sun City owner/ residents are NOT paying their fair share
for use of RCSC facilities and amenities.
Sun City, AZ
Place in: Maricopa County, AZ, Phoenix-Mesa-Chandler, AZ Metro Area, Arizona, United States

14.4 square miles
2,696.8 people per square mile
Census data:ACS 2020 5-year unless noted

Relevant Excerpts


Number of households
Population by household type
Married couples 56%

Marital Status
Married 55%
Single 45%

What is the marital status of Sun City residents?top
A total of 3,386 people in Sun City have never been married (which represents 8.78% of the total population), while 21,174 of them are wedded (54.9%). Separated and divorced residents are in smaller numbers, at 340 (0.88%) and 6,671 (17.3%), respectively.

Christine de Pizan said...

Bill, I thought I posted earlier the information you are requesting the profit golf made in 2121.

Golf made a net profit of $449,136 on total income of $6,429,726.
Golf made a net profit in 2029 of $222,116 on total income of $6,688,280.
Golf posted a deficit in 2019 of ($319,605) on total income of 5,671,720.

Hope that answers your question.

Anonymous you need some anger management or something. Since your demographics are interesting and being a nice guy I will help you out a bit. What you want is a class action suit and the following is the legal caption:

In the Superior Court of Maricopa County, Arizona

Anonymous, and all others similarly situated


Recreation Centers of Sun City
John Does 1 - 1000
Jane Does 1 - 1000

Now comes the Plaintiff, Anonymous, a Maricopa County resident, alleging the following………

Go get them tiger and a couple of hundred thousand dollars later you will learn………..
Have a positive day.

Christine de Pizan said...

Bill I forgot that the thing about Jean is that her closing statement wasn’t the substance but the optics of her speaking. The angry thing turned off people sitting around me. Sorry I didn’t get their names. Perception is reality and optics in this situation is everything. I was just trying to help as I have done this before excluding the Board position.

Anonymous said...

Christine, no class action needed. The per household decision was implemented in 2017.
It can be changed jumping thru ridiculous board favored, Member muted “rules.”
Best option is a Member focused board that sees the financial advantage all other 55+ communities use by per person and rights this WRONG!
How lame of an excuse that our RCSC is incapable of budgeting unless it’s per lot assessment and giving away a free membership to a dual deeded property?

Bill Pearson said...

For those figures to be correct Dave you'd need 3 million dollars in depreciation in 2021. Can you show me that? Now that you've posted these numbers i want to see it. Perhaps we can sit down with John Fast and i can get a better handle on your numbers. Beyond that, i know i'm throwing a lot of questions at you, but you haven't answered the one i'm most curious about.

Since 2016 through the August of 2022 the RCSC has added roughly 10 million dollars to their cash accounts. About 1.3 million dollars a year. Is there any reason they couldn't have been spending it or better yet should have been spending it on the membership? For the first 50 years, the RCSC worked with balanced budgets.

What could the reason possibly be we shouldn't be spending the money on items the members need? The best and most obvious category is on our technology. Why would we save the cash rather than spending it on the members needs?

So we are clear regarding Jean, she is a very nice woman. So far on this site you've come on and disparaged Karen McAdam, John Fast, Jean Totten and Tom Marone. Personally, i don't care what people call me or think, but attacking them is less than kind. And, kindness is my new mantra.

Let me know when we can go over those figures, not saying they are wrong but they don't coincide with what i was shown. Thanks.

By the way on your golf figures above you typed 2029 which i would guess you meant 2020. If that's the case, it doesn't flow for them to have less revenue in 2021 but to have more profit. Especially when you said inflation was running at 10% per year, 20% for two years.

Anonymous said...

The lawsuit included this issue and the result was that it was dismissed WITH prejudice.

Christine de pizan said...

Bill, I did post figures on this site. Look under August and the Golf is a great amenity. I posted numbers going back to 2016 on September 5th.
As I said before the 2021 figures are currently being audited. Nu I suspect the audit will agree. I don’t mind sitting down you and John Fast but not until the audit is available which would be available around the mid of November.

I think part of the problem is that Jan never posted them in the monthly statements. I repeatedly ask Jan about this since it didn’t appear any Doon where. She proceeded to give an explanation why it isn’t in the statement. After the discussion I felt that I knew less I started calling it Briga Doon.monry. I figure is obviously wrong as I meant 2020 as my iPad seems to have a mind of own.

I have the third quarter figures and the depreciation for golf listed depreciation at $2,760,000. Remember these are raw figures for 9months and not audited. Consequently your estimate was fairly close. Time will tell.

Jean is a nice woman I was only offering constructive criticism. As for Karen I have only asked for facts of the case concerning her firing and have no response other than the opinion piece in the Independent which says nothing on relevant facts. I bel8eve this (in)action cause to tell me she is hiding. As for John Fast, I
agree he is smart and presents a good front but I still question his knowledge regarding heavy construction. As for Tom Marone, he doesn’t know much about Robert’s as he thinks he does and any argument he gets into with the Board, the Board parliamentarian is going to own him. Anything beyond that I find him terribly misinformed but doesn’t care about opposing views or learning.That’s an opinion.

As for use of carry forward, a substantial amount is going towards Capital the near future as it is terribly underfunded.

I will let you know when I have the 2021 audit and then John to request one and he should receive it fairly quickly. Then we can sit down and schooner.

Christine de Pizan said...

Bill that word should be schooze.

Christine de Pizan said...

Anonymous, you seem to know a bit about law and I know that what dismissed with prejudice means.

Let me ask you this, a class action has been filed against you. What actions would you take early in this litigation?

Bill Pearson said...

Dave. As you know, as a former board member, an action taken in executive session cannot be discussed. Arguing Karen should have exposed the reasons she was let go would have meant even more problems for her.

Too fun, i got an email from a reader far removed from Sun City who pointed that out to me. Oddly that person knows the bylaws better than you and you were on the ad hoc bylaws committee rewrite team. Go freaking figure.

By the way, John Fast read your comments regarding a lack of knowledge about heavy construction. We both had a good laugh as we scratched our collective heads trying to figure out which of the these, Darla, Dale, Allan or Sue was better versed in operating a road grader. Last time i looked at the requirements to be on the board, that wasn't one of them.

We did agree we should all get together; as soon as possible. You should also know, i posted some of your comments about this little increase. That fact you are grandfathered is good for you, but as you tell 1000's of single (mostly women) home owners it's no big deal while you are enjoying both a single payment ($248) and only paying half the increase ($14.50), it may ring hollow for many of them who are struggling to get by.

Just saying eh?

Christine de Pizan said...

Bill, if deliberations are secret in executive session, which I know, then why Karen’s verbal charade regarding her “defense letter” to the Independent in early July of 2020? That is why her entire defense consisted of some BS due process argument. Speaking of Karen, do you believe a Board member and the chair of an important committee should should flee the country to attend to personal money making venture overseas and fulfill their duties via Zoom? Is this the wave of the future to be a Board member and conduct their duties while overseas?

Glad John got a belly laugh over my views of his knowledge of construction. Can’t wait to chew the fat with him on this subject, should be a hoot. Not a requirement but if you are going to spend a shit load of money on heavy construction, it would be nice to have someone that doesn’t sit there like a deer in the headlights like the mooks we served with when Marinette was being done. They investment commission at that time were totally clueless about investments and their language. John has his skill set and I have mine, maybe we overlap maybe not.

No financial discussion until the CPA audit is available.

Bill Pearson said...

It's good to see you never let facts get in the way of your arguments Dave. You know as well, actually better than most, this budget and finance committee meeting was scheduled after Karen had scheduled her trip to Germany. You also know committee meetings are typically scheduled months, if not a year in advance. You probably know, once she found out she asked for it to be moved but some members of management weren't available on alternate dates. By the way, aren't board members who attend these committee meetings considered guests and need to request the ability to speak? How did that work out the other day?

One might question whether this was scheduled once they knew she would be gone? But alas, let's get real here brother; your constant drumbeat about board members appearing via zoom, phone or some other format being bad, is ludicrous on its face. Most other progressive organizations have added the technology tools available to be added to their documents. My understanding is, your constant harangue was the loudest against it in the ad hoc.

I find that disturbing on so many levels. Why? What could possibly be bad about incorporating technology into our governance? Let me answer that for you...15 years behind the times, Sun City is simply not capable are they? Were you one of the Luddites to cheer on the the fact the RCSC didn't spend any money on those so badly needed improvements that everyone else in the country was doing?

Asking for a friend. Not. It was meant as a joke, but let's be real here, having the 1.3 million dollars available every year to spend but ignoring the needs of the membership is simply unadulterated bullshit. Hope that's clear enough.

Christine de Pizan said...

Bill, it is true that I am against this Zoom thing because connecting with other by law committee members was like a Marx Brothers movie. It took several staff and over half an hour to get everybody hooked up which made the meeting even longer. I agree that we don’t have the technology infrastructure to do this on a regular basis. It also raised an interesting point when discussing the mandatory Board candidate orientation and availability of a Board member ten months a year. I brought up the Zoom thing and aside from our capabilities I inquired what if a Board member decides to live in the south France during their term but Zooms everything. The response was why not. Now do you believe this is in the best interest of the members. Seems far fetched but entirely possible, not necessarily France but you get my point. My belief simply is the tin can and string technology we have and seeing it in action causes me to question this Zoom thing. If we were in the 21sr century from a tech standpoint fine, but by your admission we are not, hence my opposition.

As for Karen, she and her husband are running a business in the Vaterland, why couldn’t their counterpart Zoom her here a day before the meeting, she attends the Budget meeting the boogey out to Sky Harbor for an overnight flight to Germania? Sorry this does not sit well with me. That clown Brasher lectured me about a Hawaiian faction I was taking when just starting on the Board. I fired back that this was booked even before I made a decision to run for the Board, then I learned this guy took the entire month of November off for a vacation with nobody complaining. He also lectured me several times over doctor appointments and Board commitment before I told him to stick it.

As for the cash carry forward, some is reserved for club requests, some for operational and some for Capital Reserve and it is a shell game every year as to what is for what. I want a financial that clearly states what funds are restricted for what, not a jar of Prego where it’s all in there. Don’t you think you and John would agree on this?

Bill Pearson said...

I wouldn't get too giddy about my response regarding admitting the RCSC is woefully inadequate in their handling of our technology. In fact, if i was on the board over the past 12 years, i would be damned embarrassed how poorly we did our jobs by not holding the gm's feet to the fire. Every one of us, myself included, knew our technology sucked, and let her skate merrily along.

It is shameful as our job as board members is oversight. She had virtually none. Seems to me it was during your time on the board when the payoff on the solar was a million dollars higher than it was supposed to be (4.5 suddenly became at least a million dollars more). Apparently no one cared; what the hell a million here, a million there, no biggie.

I cannot say this any more clearly: the biggest single change when comparing the first 50 years to the next 12 is this; the hired help used to be just the hired help. Nope, not disparaging them, but they had little or no real authority. They ran the day to day operations. The board and the committee's were the authors and the authority on the community's direction. The general manager and staff, carried it out.

Sadly, we are all living that change that took the membership out of the equation. Hell, the board's gave away their duties and let the management team do whatever they thought was right. Explain to me the logic of a mid-level manager having the ability to take the air conditioning out of a building where the members are working in the heat of the summer? You simply can't, it is unfathomable to do something that puts the members in harms way.

Worse yet, now they now and are refusing to address it. Now you are stepping into my work world and i can tell you when it comes to safety and health issues, there is virtually no wiggle room. The vintage car club has documented both the heat and humidity readings and next summer when one of their members passes out or worse yet dies, the liability on the RCSC is beyond refute. I'm not sure criminal charges wouldn't be in order.

As far as Karen being gone for a week, it was a week with nothing on the schedule. Tickets had been bought and you are suggesting that when management last minute stuck a meeting there, she should change her plans? No more so then you being expected to cancel your Hawaii trip. You know how i feel about good old JB. He had no problems being gone, which once again was fine and in all likelihood better for all of us.

This discussion is why Sun City should always be known as the City of Volunteers. The former gm changed it to take the membership out of the equation. If fit her agenda and her goal of making all of the decisions and driving the board to be "loyal." Volunteers should never be expected to be there 24/7. On the other hand, the employees should always be the "paid help."

Christine de Pizan said...

Bill, I will admit that I was complicit in some of the actions you mentioned. But on the other hand I resisted some of the more egregious actions I felt were unnecessary such as the PIF increase in 2015 because it was totally based on false data. I lost on the public Board vote but told my concerns to the members before voting no.

As for 5he car club, I find this bunch bullies. Don’t like the audit show8ng your controls are woefully inadequate? Complain to you Board member golfing buddy and get the Board to fire the auditors. board buys property on Grand, let’s muscle our way to the front of the line to build our Taj Mahal space.

Now I ask you a question on the situation you raised, was the building already built when the garage door/swamp cooler issue come to the forefront? The reason for the 16 foot garage door is because they want to work on recreational vehicle and I don’t mean restoring a vintage Airstream. They are talking about the heavily armed recreational vehicles, with TVs, fireplaces, satellite TV, etc. It is turning into an auto repair shop for all types of vehicles consequently they should change their name to reflect what they really are.

As for the Karen situation ( why does that sound like a Quentin Tarantino movie?) my trip was booked over a year before I was on the Board and I was not even contemplating a run due to recovering from a serious operation the previous October. When the conflict came up, in was just a work session, I talked with Jan about it, offered to change the trip, but she said there was not a problem as nothing of substance that required a Board vote was being discussed. She also advised that I could read the minuted to catch up, the meeting was in the middle of April.

As for Karen, she could have changed the flight to after the Budget meeting as those flights are in the afternoon or evening. Also being the downside of the high season for flights, there should have been no problem. I have flown to Europe at this time of the year and there were plenty of empty seats, just don’t go to Florence as it is overrun with Japanese tour groups. Also, she wasn’t going to Kraut land (I am 1/4 Prussian) as a tourist, she and her husband run a business there. Now talk to me about commitment to the Board. According to Tom, under Robert’s that meeting was not even legal utilizing Zoom.

A final note, I think we have more in common than you think, just different ways to achieve the goal.

Tom Marone said...

"According to Tom, under Robert’s that meeting was not even legal utilizing Zoom."

And that's a fact. Drag out your borrowed copy of the 12th Edition of Robert's Rules Dave and read 9:30 & 9:35. Electronic meetings must be authorized in the bylaws and also require their own special set of rules.

And speaking of invalid meetings; the special session that was used to dismiss Karen McAdam from the board was also an invalid meeting but not only because of what Robert's Rules says, but according to the RCSC's own bylaws!

Just say'n!

Bill Pearson said...

The Vintage Car club are bullies? As that your position regarding the air conditioning Dave? Really? You do know the building was designed in concert with the architect and members from the club and the design included both 16 foot doors, air conditioning, and a couple of other items. Then one of the paid staff got out his red pen and started cutting.

Does that make any sense at all to you? By the way, it was the same guy who was the genius behind our spectacular technology division. Then somehow he transitioned to the building expert. Paid staff, brother, paid staff. Worse yet, none of them are ever held accountable. NEVER.

Tom Marone S C Advocate said...

And to make matters worse, when the 16' door was red- lined, it was replaced it with a 10' door which I'm told is not even a standard door size.
It was very expensive to redesign the framing and opening for the 16' door because the opening had already been completed for the 10' door so the existing wall had to supported while the opening was reconstructed to accept the 16' door.

Christine de Pizan said...

Bill & Tom, just read Aggie’s post on TOSC in re car club. She posted exactly what I was going to say. So if they want air conditioning this late in the game, why don’t they pay it. If RCSC ends up paying for this, what will they come back with next and what will it cost us? Just my opinion.

Bill Pearson said...

Dave; i responded to aggie on TOSC. That said, you still are ignoring the air conditioning was in the building original design and taken out by the hired help. Weren't you on the board when you voted to give away the board's responsibilities and let management just do whatever they wanted?

Christine de Pizan said...

Bill, if you were at today’s meeting you will note that the 2023 budget was defeated. I saw on SCA that Jean was dancing around celebrating this. Do you and more importantly does Jean understand what this defeat means? It means that without a budget, aside from the fee increase, the RCSC cannot do much of anything because it is not budgeted. Maintenance, capital projects, potentially ongoing PIF projects, club requests, etc. cannot go forward due to it is not budgeted. This makes me question Jean’s ability to serve if she is pleased with budget being defeated and not understanding the ramifications. Bill Cook specifically stated that is the budget is defeated RCSC a new budget would have to be created. I believe this is what known as Phyrric victory. Your thoughts.

Bill Pearson said...

Not sure where you saw anyone dancing around Dave, i most certainly didn't. There are no victories in the process of self-governance. 50 people in the room last night as the candidates sold their votes; is that a logical process to you? Another maybe 75 in the room to watch today as virtually everything the members proposed last year was flushed down the drain by the 7 person ad hoc committee. The one "victory" (as you would call it) was voted out. Collecting signatures on RCSC property was held hostage to the whims of 4 board members who "threatened" the chairman to agree or they would vote it down.

No Dave, there's little to celebrate these days. The sense of community, accountability, responsibility and ownership is all but dead. The simple truth is Bill Cook could do every project on the lengthy list he was touting this coming year and it wouldn't put much of a dent in the carry forward account. You know that and i know that as well.

You also know our insurance is well positioned with full replacement costs to cover any calamity. You also know our revenue is virtually guaranteed from year to year and any time they need, they can increase the lot assessment with the wave of their hand.

By the way, no one in their right mind is celebrating anything and here's why; you know the powers that be will lean on the one board member who threw the monkey wrench in the works and next meeting he will be expected to fall in line. Hopefully he will be stronger than that; we'll see.

Christine de Pizan said...

Bill,, I stated that Jean celebrated the budget defeat in all caps. I believe that she did this just so the fee increase wouldn’t pass. Guess the compromise is not in her vocabulary. Also Jean’s performance Thursday night wasn’t very good, but there is plenty of time until the election.

Moving on, I rhino that Capital reserve doesn’t mean what you thinks it means. Case in point, I arrived early for the budget meeting and John Fast and Bill Cook we’re discussing coverage of RCSC assets and I thought they were discussing insurance. That wasn’t so because I was not therefor the , consequently Bill told me they were discussing the Reserve study which I believe would be done next year and the funds required to be in the Capital Reserve. If I remember correctly you served on the Board when we moved an additional $2.5 mill from carry forward to the capital reserve. For a better explanation I think you should talk to John Fast as he would provide a better explanation than me.

The RCSC’s reserve is woefully inadequate. Before moving here in 2005 I worked with the townhome association where I lived on their reserve study.

Bill Pearson said...

Not to be argumentative Dave, but here is exactly what you said about Jean: "Bill, if you were at today’s meeting you will note that the 2023 budget was defeated. I saw on SCA that Jean was dancing around celebrating." Now you are telling me she used all caps (which i can't find by the way). Even if she did use caps, i do that often, not in celebration but to insure people reading understand what i see as important.

As far as your reserve study and your years with the HOA; two entirely different beasts. In fact, some states have laws mandating HOA's perform reserve studies and mandate segregated pools of money to each rather than just a lump sum. The bigger issue for HOA's is they be able to act quickly in an emergency situation rather than passing on massive increases to potential new home buyers in the HOA when in fact the problems should have been covered all along by existing owners.

The RCSC is far removed from all of that. Their net assets and their valuations have never been higher. As you well know, they buy full replacement coverage insurance. Should the insurance company try and squirm out of paying the claims, the RCSC does in fact have the cash on hand in the reserve account (5.6 million dollars).

So we are clear, that fund was started before i was on the board, 2011. In 2012 they made their first $500k deposit and did so two more times. In 2015 (were you on the board then?) they had so much cash in hand they paid off the remaining 3.5 million dollars to fully fund it. The remaining 600k is interest accrual. It's more than adequate to cover any shortfalls by an insurance company trying to avoid paying a claim.

The reserve study argument is laughable. Not because we shouldn't do one, but because the old gm and the new gm have had 1.3 million dollars every year since 2016 to do the work they are now claiming they need done now. The RCSC has always operated on a balanced budget principle until the former gm decided she wanted to sleep better at night by having a lot of cash on hand.

The result is clubs have been deprived of most of the requests they have made from capital improvements. The whole point of the RCSC is to provide services to the membership. I know you like to think the Articles of Incorporation are just kind of a mission statement, but nothing could be further from the truth. They are the BLUEPRINT (i used caps to accentuate the point), on how the RCSC is supposed to operate.

I found it curious yesterday, the board took umbrage at adding language reminding the board of that in the bylaws. Clearly, after yesterday's debacle, the Articles are as meaningless as is the membership. Pretending the outcome of the ad hoc committees work product was a reflection of what the members asked for at last year's membership meeting is laughable.

I know you can't/don't post on Talkofsuncity but i have in hand the membership's motions exactly as they were presented last December and i will take the time on TOSC to show just how far removed you are from what the membership proposed. Should be an EYE OPENER (emphasis in caps yet again).

Unknown said...

Mr. Wieland, I am responding to your comments about the RCSC budget not passing on its first reading at the October Board meeting, specifically your words,"It means that without a budget, aside from the fee increase, the RCSC cannot do much of anything because it is not budgeted. Maintenance, capital projects, potentially ongoing PIF projects, club requests, etc. cannot go forward due to it is not budgeted." I beg to differ with you. There are two months before a new budget goes into place and I am confident that Management and the Board will have one by then.

Since you and I both spent the last seven months going over the RCSC bylaws with a fine toothed comb, we both know that there is a bylaw, both in the current ones and the draft revision, that allows for Special Meetings of the Board. It may not be as convenient as doing this at regular Board meetings, but Directors should not be expected to approve something they deem unsatisfactory just because of the calendar.

Perhaps fuller and earlier disclosure of the assessment lot fee increase would have made for a more streamlined process. It certainly would have gone a long way in assuring Members that they are fully informed and their views are valued. I read the agenda and attachments before the meeting and it was not mentioned there. I understand Members attending the Finance and Budget meeting were told not to talk about the discussions during that meeting. Dave, how do you call any of this "transparency" which seems to be the word of the year? Instead I, and others, only learned about the fee increase through the grapevine. In my case I read about it in one of these blogs.

I do not know how an increase in the fee has been handled in the past, but I consider this attempt unsatisfactory. Not knowing whether the increase is necessary or not, I would need more information than was available in the meeting attachments or in Mr. Cook's presentation. Another "Cardholder" said to me. "If they have that much money, they should be decreasing the lot assessment!" Not an idea I would consider worthy, but it must be out there. Budgets are usually not thrown together in a couple months time and surely this one wasn't either. Since a fee increase was included in the revenue side of the budget, and many Members are on fixed incomes, an informative campaign for the increase should have started quite some time ago to show Members the potential need for the increase. With proper education, most people understand and are agreeable. Perhaps, in the future, the increase could be tied to Social Security's COLA so the fee is raised more gradually.

The Directors opposing the budget stated their concerns and asked for more information. That is perfectly reasonable. In no way is this a Phyrric victory for anyone. No need to be an alarmist!

By the way, I have been reading this blog and others during the months our committee worked, but I did not post or respond. Just a personal pledge to myself. I also NEVER use an alias. If I can't use my own name, then the words should not slip through my lips when speaking or fingers when writing or typing. Don't worry, I have cynical thoughts but I choose to only share them with a select few.

Janet Curry

Bill Pearson said...

Damn Janet Curry, looks like your comments sent Dave running. Obviously he had the inside track regarding the bylaws rewrite...that is until you showed up. For those who don't know, Janet was in the room for the rewrite. I wasn't there so all i can comment on is the outcome...which by the way netted nothing for the members who made the 5 motions that stated this snowball rolling down hill.

Christine de Pizan said...

Bill, I have hardly been sent running as you say. My life has delayed responses to Janet, Tom and you, but I digress.

First off I was truly surprised today when the quorum was not met. Guess that riling up the troops from last year didn’t pan out this year. Free not, you have five months to deal with the deep state that is RCSC. Hope those bylaws pass to lower the quorum m so there is a meeting next March. By the way, Friday at 9 in the Board room is a budget and finance meeting. You should really come and learn something. The chair will actually attend in person. I ‘now Jean will be there taking notes on things she has no clue about, but John Fast will be there to ex0la8n it to you afterwards. You will be pleased to see golf has a net profit of about 952k before depreciation, unfortunately after depreciation the post a deficit of about $921k. Come and see the magic show.

By the way I really do not enjoy portrayed on TOSC as some sort of callous individual and you have known for years I was on per person fee. Please talk to John Fast about Capital Reserve because you are making yourself kind of a laughing stock with people who understand this and pass8ng out misinformation to people who don’t. Is this how you operated as a union heavy?

Happy Dias del la muerte!!

Bill Pearson said...

Dave, really? Again with the insults. I see you ignored Janet's comments. I understand why though. Anyway, can't make the Friday meeting, i'm doing God's work trying to rebuild the sense of community that's been destroyed the past 15 years.

Not wasting mush time with you this morning. Golf has never been profitable, it never will be. Explain this one quirk; why does the budget and finance committee feel it is appropriate to increase the fees on 88% of the non-golfing community and not touch the price for a full play round of golf that hasn't seen an increase since 2017? $1550 to play 200-300 rounds of golf is like stealing. And it's troubling to see, in spite of you telling me thought it was wrong, to still be peddling full play passes to non-residents for half price. Good job buddy, you are truly the numbers wizard, we know because you keep telling us.

No hiding behind the depreciation game, although your latest is laughable. Mutter the magic words "reserve study" and we're all supposed to jump for joy. You know and i know and hopefully the community knows the RCSC hasn't spent the money they have been collecting for years. They've been shoveling it in the bank rather than spending it on the members, prove me wrong; i eagerly await.

Now the GM tells us he wants more money when he can't spend what we are already giving him. It is illogical. BTW, what i post on TOSC are your words, if they offend you, consider this; YOU WROTE THEM. Hope that helps you grasp reality.

Christine de Pizan said...

Bill, something that has bothered me for a long time, how do we know when we have the much vaunted sense of community, transparency or any non empirical adjective? We all going to be at the Sun Bowl singing kumbya? It just reminds me of religion, promises of something that cannot be proven. If I am incorrect I know that you will tell me in no uncertain terms.

Forrest Gump said...

This is not Bill - but are you really THAT dense Dave? A 25 year citizen/historian of this community who has never had a bad word to say just got up and said he's never been so disrespected and upset. It's not black and white - but if you're too obtuse to know the difference between midnight and noon... well... I guess that's just who you are.

Christine de Pizan said...

Forrest, answer the friggin question! How will we know when we have a sense of community? It’s an abstract goal that is not quantifiable, same goes for transparency.

So are you really that dense or learning impaired?

Tom Marone said...

Dave, Dave, will know when, and that, you have a sense of community when the community is actually asked for their opinions or votes when important issues need to be determined. It's called "co-governance", something that has been lost, no, I should say taken away from us over the last 15 years!

A first step to get back that co-governance would be to allow the Members to actually vote, with definitive results, at their own Membership meeting!

Bill Pearson said...

Why in the world would " a sense of community" or "transparency" be an abstract goal. As you well know. that's where history is so valuable. It provides an easy to compare benchmark to measure against. Of course if you don't know our history or simply refuse to acknowledge it i would guess you have no point of reference. Those of who do, know exactly how far removed from our values we have moved.

Do yourself a favor Dave, take at a set of bylaws from 2000 and lay them alongside the ones the board will be voting on (will it be the first reading or the second?), and compare what happened to drive a wedge between the members, the board and management. It wasn't an accident, it was intentional.

Hope that helps.

Forrest Gump said...

Sorry Dave, I'll type my answer a little slower...
It's not black and white.
There is no number - but there are indicators. Bill's reference to historical benchmarks is one. Amount of time people are disrespectful to each other in public is another. Number of times Board members refuse to respond to respectful questions in another. There isn't a comprehensive list or number. You tell me what number is associated with the phrase "beyond a reasonable doubt". Is it 89% sure? Is it 72/100 people being 91% sure??? You tell me what is good art. Is that when 71% of critics like it? Or 72%?? Is it reasonable to believe a corporation is "transparent" when it list 5 things it reveals - and doesn't mention the mountains ranges of things it doesn't?? May be quantifiable transparency is a corporation listing the few things it cannot reveal and revealing all the rest. You apparently think we have a perfect sense of community as you continue to be disrespectful, condescending, and insult people. You from New York by any chance? I'm not. I believe we will see indicators when a larger percentage of people join together in respecting each others beliefs and opinions (NOT agreeing - just respecting). I won't wait for you to jump on that train. And that's ok.