Monday, July 18, 2022

Why I’m Not Sold on the $50K Survey

First: Recently the GM was extremely hesitant about the motion by the LRPC to purchase trial fitness equipment.  He stated he would rather wait until the 2023 budget to add it then.

Second: If I had been a Board member and heard our GM state that the amount he had originally asked for - $56,500 had been reduced through negotiation to $45,000 but that he wanted to keep that original amount in the motion due to “not having a signed contract and any subsequent minor changes (such as copying, design work, delivery of the surveys) that could come about.”  That’s an $11,500 difference.  I would have questioned that further – especially the latter regarding the delivery of the surveys.

Third: At the April 27th Election Committee meeting, I posted a Blog in Sun City Advocates about my observations from attending that meeting. On the agenda was a Conference Phone call with a firm in Florida (VoteNow) that was courting us for our business – the business of running the elections.  They offer a secure electronic and traditional voting service for an organization such as ours. Sun City West and Sun City Grand have contracted with them to handle their elections. They offer a complete line of hybrid voting options, combining web-based, telephone and paper ballots, that will increase voter participation, reduce expenses, and improve accuracy.

  • One big advantage to using this company would be the ability to have a neutral company handling your voting. After the phone call ended, the committee members discussed the idea; one item clearly rose to the top of the discussion and that was that many of our residents are “older” and not inclined to use electronics - web, the internet, email, messaging, etc. It was stated that it was too confusing for them.

  • The GM stated that the ASU survey would be done electronically and hard copies available. Isn’t that contradicting what the Election Committee agreed with as a major factor not to switch to using an outside entity for our Election process? And why did the GM mention that he would like to keep that additional $11,500 in the motion perhaps for copying and delivering?

 Fourth: When I attended the Long Range Planning Committee as a guest, I distinctly heard a committee member ask what the scope of the survey would be, GM Cook replied, “they (ASU) would survey every home in the entire community.” When this same member asked what ASU expected as results, he replied, “they were hoping for 400 replies.”  400 replies from over 27,000 homes?!  (Link to 55 Places)  I’m no mathematician but that does not appear to be a good return on our investment.

But, it’s a done deal.  The voting was conducted and the second reading waived so that they could get started on this project. 

I don’t understand the urgency.

I feel that our original Sun City needs a Master Plan.

This plan would protect the assets and ensure our operations for future generations.

It could provide a framework for cost effectiveness.

It would provide proper maintenance and operation of our facilities.

It could provide a guide for future operations.

It would review our Goals and Values.

It would provide specific information relative to capital expenditures, major construction projects, marketing plans, projected dues increases and maintenance needs.


I realize that when you have millions in the Carry Forward (Rainy Day Fund) on the budget, $56,500 doesn’t seem like much.  But is it a wise use of the money?  And, as usual, the members could only make comments at the BOD meeting; not vote.

Perhaps this survey will accomplish some of the above.  I’ll have to wait and see.

An Opinion Piece by Jean Totten


Bill Pearson said...

So, we know they shoved it through without a second reading, like they are supposed to do. Was the urgency so they could have it in our hands immediately? Was it so they wouldn't have to listen to members complain about it before the next member/board exchange?

Only time will tell is if this was a wise choice or more folly for fodder for fools? We'll see eh?

Marco said...

Scratching my head and wondering...

1. on the voting process with VoteNow
The BOD obviously views the Sun City residents as slower, more easily confused and technologically handicapped than the snappy folks at SC West and Grand. Thanks for the confidence. But then, might an updated process also impair the BOD ability to rig rules and procedures at will? Have we seen that before?

2 On the ASU survey
Why quibble over $11,500? It's ONLY 21% of the projected cost. Not significant when you are flush with cash I presume - so much for fiscal responsibility. And after all, the total bill of $56,000 seems to be a bargain for a survey that PROPOSES a response rate of 1.48%. Of course it could be less but who's counting. At a cost of $140 per respondent (56,000/400) it seems to be a real bargain. I wonder if ASU researchers would like to advertise that level of effectiveness. On second thought, how many residents would be willing to go survey their neighbors for $100 per report? We could cut the budget by 29% but no need when we have cash aplenty.

Bill Pearson said...

Spot on Marco, well stated. Here's another interesting take from team bizarro world and the RCSC; we heard the computer system was down; now the word is it is still down and no idea when it will come back on line.

Anonymous said...

It will translate into a budget for a total conversion of all our RCSC devices into Apple devices and the creation of an Amazon AWS style cloud in house because after all we have money to spend

Anonymous said...

I think full Membership surveys (plural!) are crucial for the LRPC and Board to set goals, priorities, and create Master Plans. While I feel this could have been done better - I'd rather spend all time and energy focusing on how we get a reasonable rate of return.