Please attend the Special Session on Monday, November 11th that will follow the regularly scheduled Exchange Meeting at 9 am at the Sundial Auditorium.
As we said, there are many open issues and we really need some clarifications, answers, and details before proceeding.
East vs West Site Recommendations
29th of this year, the Board passed this motion:
Director Kise – “I move to approve the
Mountain View Recreation Center and Performing Arts Center elements developed
by the Board of Directors and to direct the General Manager to use the elements
to seek bids to renovate the recreation center and to build or renovate a performing
arts center.”
· The firm, triArc architecture and design, was hired.
Their report was delivered in a Planning
Session to the Membership and the Board on October 31.
According to our Bylaws, a Planning
Session is called when the Board needs to discuss an important issue. It is
open to the Membership and video recorded, but the Membership is not allowed to
Architects' Recommendations for Lakeview West Site:
Monday, November 4th, those
of us who receive RCSC E-mail Blasts (less than 7,000 Members) were notified
that following the Exchange meeting on November 11th at 9 am, there
would be a Special Session of the Board.
o Our Bylaws contain no definition of a Special Session or what takes place at one but they do indicate what does not take place.
· Wednesday, November, 6th, an amended agenda was sent in another Email Blast to the Members. Another somewhat vague motion was added to the Special Session.
· Today, November 10th in the weekly Email Blast, the Board and Committee Meetings section of the email Blast lists “a Special Session will be held immediately after the Exchange meeting on November 11 to discuss the Performing Arts Center location.” There is no agenda; there are no motions listed; there is no back-up material.
· Monday, November 11th, Director Collins plans to introduce this motion, “ I move that the recommendation by TriArc, the architect engineering firm designing the Mountainview project, regarding the location of the proposed Performing Arts Center (PAC), be accepted.”
· This will be the first read; motions require two reads. The Board intends to introduce the second read of the motion at the November 21st Board meeting. (This meeting moved up a week due to the Thanksgiving holiday.)
· Notice that not even a month has passed from the introduction and conclusion by the Board on a very expensive, contentious topic. The Board has stated that Members have expressed their desire to just get “it” done.
Hopefully after reading this, you feel strongly that the Board
needs to start listening to its Membership.
Hopefully after reading this, you will speak to fellow club
members or tell your neighbors about what the latest plan is.
Hopefully after reading this, you will attend the meeting to get
answers to all the questions that have not yet been answered; No plans
shown! No dollar figures given! Mountain View – which was promised to be
next - not even mentioned! And we’re not talking about a couple of millions of
You saw what happened when there was a large turnout for the
library; the Board took notice and listened.
We are striving to get a large turnout to accomplish the same results. You don’t have to speak; you just need to come
and show your support.
Will you
join us?
Jean Totten, proud co-founder/member of Sun City Advocates
Having been fully involved in the 1 st MTN View project, somewhat involved in the 2 nd project. I am fine with the lakeview option. It’s time to move FWD after years of delay. This will keep the current theatre open until the project is complete and then the pickle ball people can tear down the old MTN view theatre and get their indoor facility they so desperately want. This will save tearing up the MTN View lawn bowling facility
I'm not in Sun City until December. My opinion is hold off on deciding where the PAC will be until the Mountain View project has been firmed up. Then focus on the PAC with the funds left from the Mountain View remodel. I do not want the PAC blocking the lake, ever.
Why spend money for architectural engineering and then listen to people complaining about there personal needs or ideas ? Save the money and just continuing for years arguing!
I am not in favor of spending $14 million on a PAC. $14 million will most likely turn into a lot more as things usually do with construction projects. Blocking the lake view, which is one of the few (only) places to go for some beautiful scenery and serenity in Sun City is just insane.
There are quite a few community theaters already in the area. We go to Theater Works in Peoria. Have there been any studies regarding what areas people might come from to see a play? How many performances a year to justify the cost? What is the issue with our current PAC?
Why can’t we finish Mt. View and fix all the issues we keep hearing about that past boards ignored. I don’t understand the mindset of letting current buildings and game courts deteriorate further while the board builds a very expensive new building with no input or vote from residents. At some point in time I remember being told Sun City was owned by the homeowners.
The PAC belongs at Bell, with plenty of room for the facility and parking.
It appears that's a definite "NO", so could we at least preserve the Lawn Bowling greens and the view at Lakeview? Remove the unused tennis courts, relocate (still at Lakeview) Mini Golf and get it done!
Makes sense to me to have the PAC at Lakeview. The view of the lake is mostly enjoyed from the hill and gazebo area. Not from the lawn bowl courts (which by all accounts is a sport in decline). Mountain view project can continue and the PAC constructed simultaneously or shortly thereafter. Too much dithering going on. Get Mountain View done and build a proper PAC.
I would like the PAC at Lakeview.
I think building any PAC anywhere in Sun City is a huge waste of money! Really? Spending in the neighborhood of 15 million dollars on a building for a club with probably less than 100 members. I know other clubs can use it, have other events there, but still a PAC is not needed.
I am one of those people who like to have a viable master plan that the members endorse and then move forward expeditiously with it. Unfortunately, the board does not agree.
This board is hell bent on squandering at least fourteen million of our dollars on a building limited to 10,000 square feet. The area is limited by parking requirements. No mention of environmental impact or how Lakeview properties would be affected. I Live on the lake and can attest that at no time were owners included or considered. A major "selling point" is the view. This is already in place for all to see and enjoy from any viewpoint. If a theater is approved we are going to see a three to four story ugly wall.
Our lawn Bowles area is internationally renowned and just hosted the Open bringing in visitors not just from the USA, but international competitors too, generating considerable revenue to the area. The board sat through hours of impassioned pleas on this subject and to me were obviously unmoved and had already determined a "yes" vote. In a highly irregular move they moved behind the curtain for an off the record huddle. Two half hearted proposals quickly failed, one of which was to postpone the vote until real numbers and a solid plan of action be in place. A suggestion to relocate lawn Bowles and shuffleboard to Mountainview was mentioned without a budget! Expect to add a figure greater than one million dollars to tear up and replace something that already exists. This decision places further national and international events in jeopardy as readiness for the new greens will take considerable time. It is evident this board is unethical, unprepared, indecisive and totally apathetic to the wishes of the people whose interest they represent.
We have submitted request petitions to remove them all. They continually misrepresent the community, the library fiasco being a prime example, still not resolved by the way.
I hope we can put this board on notice and give them the opportunity to mend their ways. We have not received a response to date.
Phillip and Faith Putman.
Attend the meeting on the 21st and encourage all your neighbors and everyone you know in Sun City to attend.
Lakeview is a unique, beautiful gift Del Webb gave the community. Trying to shoe horn a large theater will ruin the lovely open view and park setting forever. We will never get that back. You will destroy the restful setting forever. This was a rush job which will do nothing for quality of life for residents. Architects don't know how we live and enjoy being outside. A big theater can be built elsewhere. Please don't destroy our natural setting.
This is how the majority of Sun City residents feel.
Heard Jean posted something about this group on Facebook today. Anyone know what?
I had the pleasure of meeting with the Putnam's and felt they were very sincere and honest. I share their concern that the Board is unethical. I would add short sighted to the list of faults of this Board. Please consider signing the recall petition. Do you believe the members can afford a $1.5M +++ indoor pooch park? Do you believe it is wise to put a $14M+++ windowless theater on lakefront property because of the view (and because it frees up more space for Pickleball?) Do you think the Board has already decided what the new $14M+++ Mountainview (pickleball) will look like? Is it really worth $6M ++++ to completely renovate a nine-hole golf course that does very little to address AWDR requirements. As we know our ability to control construction costs is horrible. Viewpoint Lake was originally budgeted for about $2M and cost a whopping $8M. The Lakes east maintenance building was, as I recall, twice the amount budgeted. The Mountainview renovation was originally budgeted for about $700k with the theater and is now at $14M++++ without the theater.
For the short time I was involved in the toxic politics of RCSC with this Board I held two firm beliefs that I continue to feel apply:
An organization is only as sick as its secrets
There is no such thing as a secret in Sun City
Together these beliefs guided me to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Others believe this is Pollyanna thinking. I am OK with that.
Oh, it gets even better.
Check your email.
Who is REALLY benefiting from this in the long run?
Deeply personal interests.
That's it for me. I'm out.
I believe my comments can be interpreted as questioning the veracity of some posts on this site and statements made by Board members so I have respectfully asked to be removed.
The "dithering" needs to happen in order to reach a decision that we all can live with. Decisions should not be made just because you think it's the right thing to do. You are one of approximately 30k people living here.
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