Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Everything You've Always Wanted to Know About Committees

RCSC and Committees

Besides observing the Rules and Regulations for all Members in good standing found in Board Policy #10, the following information regarding Committees is located in Board Policy #27. If you enjoy reading legalese, click on this link.  Otherwise, read on. 

A standing committee:

A.   Is a small group of Members in good standing who volunteer to serve;

B.   Are subordinate to the Board;

C.   Are organized to assist in a specified area;

D.   Have NO decision-making authority;

E.   Limited to presenting ideas and recommendations to both the Board and Management.

F.    As of December 14, 2023, they do not meet in the months of July and August. Other months without meetings can be determined by each committee individually.


The Nitty Gritty on Committees

RCSC has 12 Committees. Click here to read more about them.

All committees shall have a Board of Director as the Chair and Co-Chair.  Their appointment is approved by the Board in January each year.

There are 3 expressed requirements to sit on a committee:

A. Must be a Member in good standing;

B. Must not reside with or be related to any other member of the committee by marriage or birth unless committee members are selected by election or appointment to another position; i.e., green committee members, association officers, and/or Chartered Club Presidents; and

C. Must agree to adhere to the Corporate Documents.

While having a background in relationship to the type of committee, it is not a requirement.  

Committee members are expected:

A.   To attend all committee meetings;

B.   Review materials in advance of the meetings;

C.   Participate in meetings;

D.   Meet as frequently as necessary to discharge properly the committee’s responsibilities.

Most committee meetings generally last 1 – 1½ hours once a week.

All Standing Committees will select a secretary annually who will prepare a summary of the committee meeting and submit it to the Corporate Office within three (3) days after the committee meeting. If the Secretary is not present, the Chair or Co-Chair will appoint a secretary for the meeting.

Attending Committee Meetings

If you are a member of a committee and your committee time/date of your meeting has changed, the corporate secretary will usually keep you informed.

If you are not a member of a committee but would like to attend, please note that their schedules often change and that information is generally not sent to the entire Membership. For the most up-to-date information, please call the Corporate Office at 623-561-4600.

All meetings are open to RCSC Cardholders. 

If you have never been to a committee meeting, here are the guidelines to follow:

A.   Sign in on the Sign-In Sheet.

B.   Silence your phone.

C.   Guests usually do not speak. Some chairs will indicate when you can contribute.

D. There may be handouts on the table, such as agendas, but do not help yourself. If there are copies left over after each member of the committee gets theirs, the chair or co-chair may offer them to the guests.



Keep Tab on Committee Activities

You might want to read what took place at the last committee meeting to familiarize yourself with what they have been talking about.

Committee Meeting Summaries are only posted for the previous month. If you are interested in reading back summaries, you can request the documents from the Corporate Office.


. Click here to read the latest Summaries from the Committee meetings.


Tom Marone S C Advocate said...

Seems like most of the rules are directed at the members of the committee when perhaps there should be more placed on the Chair and Co-Chair?

I have attended several committee meetings where the Chair not only stepped over their bounds as a Chair, but in doing so have violated the rights of the committee members.

Perhaps its time to allow Members serve at least as Co-Chairs. Many Members of our community have had life-long careers within the scope of a committee’s specified task, and rather than having that committee chaired by two Directors who may have little to no real experience in that topic. The knowledge and experience of well versed vice-chair is an invaluable asset.

Tom Marone

Anonymous said...

Not a comment but a question .
If a deeded owner of Sun City has a reverse mortgage and the deeded owner passes, the reverse mortgage holder becomes the deeded owner of the home. Does the reverse mortgage holder pay PIF, CIF, and a ?IF?

Christine de Pizan said...

The financial institution holding the reverse mortgage would have to go to court and foreclose on the property. They would have secure documents where any and all heirs ( if applicable) sign away their rights to the property. Once the court enters an order awarding the financial institution they now become the deeded owner in which they would have to pay PIF, CIF, transfer fee and rec fees. They would then put the property for sale and new owner would be responsible for the aforementioned fees at closing.

Hope that answers your question.

Jean Totten said...

Christine alias Dave W.: Are you absolutely, positive that your answer is correct? We don't want to give out false information. We emailed the Nixon's at their real estate office to see if they had any experience with this type of situation. If we don't hear from them, we will reach out to the Corporate Office.

Any questions about PIF, CIF, etc. and selling of your home deserves the right answer the first time!

Thank for chiming in, though.