Ten for Ten
Let me start at the end of the story and work forward. This past year's RCSC board election results brought us to a perfect score; ten endorsed candidates over three years and ten winners. The funny thing is, it was never about winning, our focus was always on the outcome of those elections. To be very clear, the word "our" was those of you who joined, followed, and voted for those ten candidates who stated they wanted the RCSC membership to be involved.
I have no intention of re-living how we (the Sun City Advocates) got here. It's a long and sordid story of intrigue, strange hiring and firings, and a mindless string of decisions that made little or no sense. Suffice to say, the Advocates were born from adversity and evolved to become a ragtag group focused on change. Our strategy was clearly defined: Communication, Education, and Participation.
When we first started meeting, the core group was larger and the ideas were all over the map. As the number dwindled down, we decided to keep it simple. One goal that was easily measurable: "Elect candidates who believed the members mattered." Individually we had a lot of ideas, but ultimately, we believed it should be the members' voices that mattered, not necessarily ours.
A former board member used to claim the relationship between the members, board, and management should be symbiotic. Unfortunately, it never was. The general manager always held more clout with a handful of board members adding their voices. The members were not so much a part of the equation.
2023, A Banner Year for Change
If we are to be perfectly honest, 2023 started out rocky and remained chaotic through a good portion of it. Change is always hard and seldom without problems. The first bright spot came when the Mountain View fiasco was put on hold and the Strategic Alternatives Committee (SAC) was created. Again, not without issues, and certainly, those involved would have set it up differently and done it better. The best result was the level of member engagement throughout the year.
The second big surprise came out of the Budget and Finance Committee meetings that were held throughout the summer months. CFO and interim general manager Kevin McCurdy's candidly blunt explanation of the challenges facing the RCSC was staggering. With 20 million dollars in deferred maintenance needs defined, it was clear the RCSC was remiss, and the board's oversight failed miserably. Add in the technology woes along with golf issues and the cost to get back on track would be neither cheap nor fast.
Then the good news hit. A new general manager was hired and he took the reins without a lot of fanfare or bluster. After four months, he has made long overdue changes, and it is obvious he has his vision for the future. The best part is they are in line with the board's commitment to listen to the membership. Dare I say, symbiotic?
It's Time For This One Man's Opinion To Go Quiet
Sorry, as usual, I always write too much. The above was simply my way of saying thanks, see you all later. I've been on this ride for more years than I care to admit. My dream for Sun City to return to its roots where the membership mattered was dashed and I was hopeless. I just wasn't smart enough to give up. I was rewarded when a lot of members joined the battle for a better Sun City. Even then, I doubted it.
You all proved me wrong, time and time again. I was stunned to see members care, stand up, speak out, and push past the point I ever imagined. My/our goal was never to tell the board what to do. We expected them to be willing to listen and work with the membership to achieve the best outcomes. In my humble opinion, we are there and then some. It's time for me to step away from the Advocates and let it take its own natural course.
I simply am overwhelmed with gratitude for all of you who became activists and embraced a belief WE could make a difference. Sun City has always been a place where the core values of responsibility, accountability, and ownership have forged a sense of community. Awesome to be back there.
I have always understood, in everything I have written, spoken and done:
This is just one man's opinion, no more valuable or important than the next.
Bill Pearson. Sun City Advocates Retired and Sun City Historian.
Thanks, Bill – YOU ARE AWESOME!!!
The Sun City Advocate Panel Members would like to thank Bill for all his commentary, input, guidance, and wisdom over the last three years of the Advocates' existence.
We will be assessing our next steps but plan to give plenty of leeway to the new energy, member participants, and direction that the RCSC and Board are taking. We are looking forward to the communication efforts of the new GM and his staff along with long awaited return of the Communication Committee.
Bill has always been one our rocks and I suspect he will never be far away?
Unknown where the Advocates will go from here, but pretty sure we won't be far away either!
Thank you Bill for all your valuable time and dedication. I have learned from you, became more involved and will continue as Sun City is my home.
Thanks for the memories, Bill.....
As far as I can remember (and memory isn't what it used to be) I have never seen any updates on the status of technology. Since it was first brought up as an important topic, we have never heard from anyone on the status of bringing technology into the 21st century here in Sun City.
Everyone keeps talking about the value of data, yet we still use old fashioned word processing (pencil and paper) to record statistics. When talking about Mountain View there is never a mention of how technology will be integrated into this build/rebuild.
Technology is not going away and (except in Sun City) and is just as important or more important than Mountain View, Softball upgrades, Pickleball, Golf, and any other amenity in Sun City. Technology has ALWAYS taken a back seat to everything else in Sun City and continues to be left behind and ignored by this board as well as all past boards
They co0ver almost all amenities at every Sun City meeting EXCEPT Technology.
When w9ill it be part of every meeting and when will the status of upgrades be addressed in communication and meetings?
When will Sun City get 21st century Technology?.
Bill, the title of your post ends with until we meet again. Perhaps it is time that we do meet again.
Happy 76th birthday tomorrow, Bill.
I hope it's a good one. 🎂🎂🎂😀
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