We are almost done sharing the results of the recent poll. The last question before a blog post on your overall comments to the poll. This question gets to the heart of the matter - does the board want to hear from the members?
Please feel free to weigh in again and let us know your additional thoughts in the Comment Section below.Question 5: When passing motions, the RCSC board should act how?
2 readings before passing and listen to comments from members during the
process |
Do what they think is right in
spite of what members may think |
It doesn't matter what
I think, because they won't listen anyway |
96% |
2% |
2% |
Ideas of your own:
- "The saying you can please some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time. -- You are never going to make everyone happy. So let’s use the facilities numbers to decide where to spend our money. Do we need mini golf at 4 sites? Lawn bowling - do we need all of them? Let’s remove the gym at Oakmont it’s pitiful."
- There have to be weighted responses and direction. If the board were logical (and the previous board was not) they would thoroughly plan things, take input from members, and implement the things that make sense from a member satisfaction AND a financial perspective. The missing key here is that there are no plans. Let's just put up a gazillion-dollar building and decide for the members what they are going to get in the building. There should be vetted planning. Have never seen anything run so unprofessionally.
- Sometimes only one reading should be necessary, especially for small Insignificant items that we’ve been talking about for months. Just get it passed and go forward. This long discussion on a co-chair or vice chair and then that’s just very cumbersome. The long laborious discussion about which courts or with which athletic arena we can carry beverages in, was elementary at best, please allow us to be stewards of our own daily life.
We elected
the board so, like any elected official they should listen to members, take
that into consideration and then vote on what they think is right.
member input is censorship. Open up every meeting for member input.
Waiving a
second reading should only be for matters that are time-sensitive.
items should be put to a vote of the membership in my opinion. And there should
be online opinion portals where people can log in and express their thoughts
(with names attached). The board should be reminded AT EVERY MEETING this is
our money, not theirs.
I actually
gave up going to meetings as I thought it really didn’t matter anymore. With
the new Board members, I will start participating. The fact that it’s almost impossible to get a
quorum makes us feel like it just doesn’t matter. Robert's rules while a guideline are somewhat
cumbersome and possibly not necessary.
While there
are some limited instances where the second reading can be waived (for
instance, being convinced that Membership has nothing further to say and there
being nothing controversial about the motion), as a general matter we should
stick with our 2 readings.
motion that requires an expenditure between $10,000 and $50,000 should be
required to have two readings. Any expenditure between $100,00 and 1 million
should have 2 readings and an informal meeting between the 2 board meetings.
Members should be allowed to ask questions during the informational meetings.
Any projects
over 1 million dollars should have a town hall meeting, with a vote of the
entire community "
Build more
pickleball courts.
While I'm
personally not a fan of Casper Milquetoast the RCSC GM I'm also not a fan of
the inexperienced and unqualified Board members. We may need to consider a new direction and
hire a qualified GM with non-profit experience and shrink the board to get three
qualified individuals that would be able to steer the future long-term
direction but not small decisions and spending under a predetermined
amount. Also, Board terms need to be 2
years with reelection possible for another two years. As they say, too many Cooks spoil the broth,
and we currently have a Board filled with Julia Child wannabes.
I think there
should be compelling reasons to waive the second reading. It is not a valid
reason that it is convenient for the Board of staff. Sometimes waiving the second reading will be
necessary. Just don't let it become a habit. Sometimes Members can't attend the
first reading but may be available for the second.
Aren’t there
written rules and regulations that the board must abide by before taking any
Can we have
more oversight on these age restriction problems? This should not even be a problem. Everyone who buys here knows the rules. I didn't move here to be bothered by someone
else's kids.
I don't feel
as strongly about the 2 readings as I do about listening to comments from the
members during the process. There are
WAY TOO MANY rules on when and what members are allowed to say! It's crazy!
Maybe it's just me, but I think members should be able to comment pretty
much freely (for example, you should be able to speak on something that just
comes up in a meeting that isn't on the agenda, or without having to sign up in
advance). I think 2 readings are
important, but on occasion when 'everybody' (members included) are on the same
page maybe the 2nd reading can be waived.
Not as a general practice though.
Two readings
with member comments should be carved in stone, except where a dead horse is
being needlessly beaten. The motions at the last (26 Jan 2023) board meeting
fall into that category. The addition of the word "the" shouldn't even be
a motion, it is remedial English. Co-vs Vice for Chairman? Again, this is a
seemingly needless distraction. Co-chairs share responsibility. A vice chair
replaces a chair in the event they are unable to execute their duties. What do
the Articles of Incorporation call for? They
should always act according to our bylaws.
passing any motion, the board should request after the first reading via email
or newspaper whether the membership agrees or disagrees with the motion and
publish the results of the survey.
Only waive the second reading on actions that need immediate implementation.
Bring back
Member comments at the end of the meetings if only limited to motions that were
on the agenda. Many motions change by the time they are actually voted on and
Members should have the right to comment on what was passed, not originally
This question
seems a little snarky however I believe rules should be followed for all no
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