Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Off to a Great Start!


Refreshing Repartee

The new RCSC board of directors got off to a great start with a uniquely improved attitude towards the membership. Refreshing not to feel the disdain from the front of the room or the condescending attitude shown on all too many occasions when members raised issues they didn't like or want to hear. Yesterday, everyone was allowed to speak freely and bluntly without the normal pushback. Rumor has it, even one of the board member's husbands was allowed to rant without an ugly confrontation. It would have been nice to have heard "full disclosure" on his relationship as he mentioned his grievances, but what the heck, it was probably just an oversight on his part.

The meeting began early and well as there were multiple sheet cakes there to feed the attendees. Rumor is one or more of the board members sprang for them. Nice touch.

GM Report Moves to Board Meeting

After the usual introductions, the board president moved the general manager's report to the end of the meeting. In that it is a member/board exchange, it seemed appropriate. By the meeting's end, the decision was made to move it to the monthly board meeting. Better yet and where it belongs.


Already a new Board Seat is Open

There was a large attendance, nearly 200 folks who appeared totally invested in witnessing a change. Board member Sue Wilson was not there and the president quickly explained she had submitted her resignation on Dec 31. He also said the board was working on filling her position. As we stated in the Advocates blast email, the rumor was that there was an opening and we hoped they wouldn't do the same old same old; filling it with a "retread." We'll see.

Members Requesting Change

Club members and their concerns were clearly on display. There are way too many comments to report on, suffice to say pickleball, the dog club, the Vintage Car Club, the golfers and a host of others had concerns. All were valid and all have to be addressed. Based on the responses from management, I would simply say this: we are well past the point of excuses why stuff isn't getting done and answers on when they would be acted on."


A Great First Step

It was another long meeting and rather than a deeper dive, here is the link; grab your popcorn, a favorite beverage, and watch it at your leisure. We would love to hear your thoughts in the comment section. From my perspective, it was a great first step. They mentioned the importance of members filling out the survey that will be emailed to them in the coming weeks. I too would encourage each of you to take the time to share your thoughts as we begin this new era in Sun City's future.


As always, this is just one man's humble opinion.

Bill Pearson. Sun City Historian and Sun City Advocate member.


Bill Pearson said...

Here i was all excited about the apparent turn in direction. Then to my dismay i get the blast email from the RCSC about the new board member. Bill Murray's Ground Hog Day all over again.

So disappointed!

Tom Marone S C Advocate said...

I know Denny and think he's a fair and level headed guy. Only time will tell.

I think the real problem lies in the method these vacancies are filled. What we don't know is how many people were approached and how many actually considered serving again.

There needs to be a bit more transparency especially when you consider these Directors are elected to serve by the Members!

But I agree that filling vacancies should not be limited to those who have already served.

Bill Pearson said...

Let me be very clear, my comments have nothing, NOTHING, to do with Denny. Kudos to him for stepping back into the breach. My apologies to anyone thinking that. Nope my comments are part and parcel of what i believe Sun City is and should be all about; growing the circle and building that sense of community. How does this decision do that?

In 1994, Billy Yates and Mike Curtis penned a song eventually made famous by country singer George Jones called "Choices." The authors said this about the song:"“Choices” was that song, with a universal lyric about how all of us have the opportunity to control, to a great degree, our own destinies." Brilliant and a perfect fit to Jone's chaotic lifestyle.

This new board will be forced to deal with a multitude of decisions that will have to be made, this one was simply the first. Those paying attention will judge you based on your actions, not your campaign promises, slogans or signage. It's all about "choices."

Christine de Pizan said...

Bill, are you allergic to last names when posting info? I presume the Denny you are referring to is Denny Nichols. Nice guy we always had a good relationship on committees which we both served.

I found your comment regarding the husband of a Board member that was speaking did not disclosure that fact. So what, do you disclosure that you are a member of the Advocates every time you speak or assume people know that fact? You know that assumptions are the mother of all…….

I have some thoughts on the first exchange of the year but will not bore you. I had to suppress a laugh when the woman member said we should have essentially a do over on the revised by laws from last year. Any reason the current Board cannot do that? Just asking.

Bill Pearson said...

Nope, not allergic at all, just cautious on throwing out names when there is no need to do so. I have been posting on message boards and forums for 20 years and there is a long standing argument about anonymity. Many people elect not to use their real names (like you) and i have always tried to be mindful of “outing” either posters or people i am talking about.

In this case, even more so because nothing i wrote was about the newly elected board member. I made it abundantly clear above but i guess you missed that. My frustration was in the selection process decided upon by the board of eight. I would have preferred they had asked RCSC members to submit in 100 words or less why they wanted to fill the vacancy?

It would have minimized the number of applicants and would have served as a screening process. In the end, they did the same old same old. That said, if i had wanted to make those kinds of decisions, i would have stayed in the race. I didn’t and still don’t.

My comments were and always have been just one man’s opinion. Doesn’t make them right or wrong, just my opinion.

Christine de Pizan said...

Bill, I understand your position I was just being a bit sarcastic. I know that sarcasm from me is surprising.

I like you found this selection the ultimate in stealth. I sent an email to John expressing my interest ( knowing I would never be chosen) but evidently the selection process was over before I even started typing.

The exchange really did not reveal anything to me as how they would govern, I believe the upcoming Board meeting should show me there is a new sheriff in town or just the same old as you would say.

Anonymous said...

Off topic, but what does anyone/everyone think of the survey that was posted.
Personally I found it terribly designed. There were several questions that required an answer,
But there was no choice for any answer other than the choices given.
The same questions seemed to be asked over and over. What amenities do you use? Question asked several
Times in different ways.
No option to give suggestions.
Where was the question on the billboard statement of “SunCity the FUN city”. As opposed to
Sun City - The city of Volunteers”?
Nothing on security cameras.
Little to nothing on Technology.

In my opinion the survey was not worth the money they paid ASU for.

Just my opinion. I know others will think it was the greatest survey they ever took.

Christine de Pizan said...

I have found that surveys and management consultants for the most part are totally useless. Does anybody know what Sun City will look like or what residents will want in five years, ten years or even twenty five years? I believe the answer is no. Will pickleball still be a thing or will it go the way of tennis after the popularity boom in the 70’s and 80’s and the dodo bird? The leading edge of Gen X is already in their mid 50’s and the leading edge of Gen Y are in their early 40’s. I have talked to several members of both generations and aside from Amazon Prime they do not know what they want in the future other than ‘technology.’ That certainly narrows it down.

That is my take on this and I believe the Board, instead of fighting the same old battles look at the facilities which are/have approached the end of their useful life. The Darwinian effect will visit some clubs, I.e., they will cease to exist due to lack of members. How will the vacates space be utilized?

Bill, I know history also but I cast a much larger net than you when looking long term. Guess I just run with a much different herd.

Linda McIntyre said...

On the topic of the survey there are lots of complaints about it on various forums! Plus, hearing many have not received it. A friend commented that many people may have outdated emails that have bounced back; wondering if RCSC did a test email blast before it was sent.

Anonymous said...

As for golf and tee times, the solution is probably fairly simple.

1. If the outside revenue is needed to sustain the gold courses there
are 2 options. A. make outside Non-residents pony up more bucks.
B. Raise the rates for members also. It appears we are not only
providing the least expensive golf in the valley for non-residents
(Where are the stats to support that - DATA DATA DATA - electronic),
and our own members are getting a great deal too. Has anyone gone to
Sun City West to see what they charge Residents and Non-Residents for golf?
2. Without raising rates for ALL golfers, the NON-golfing community will be
spending more and more of their rec fees on golf. We already know there is
little to no improvements to clubs and facilities. So How much of each
members dollars are going to support the golfing community - both residents
and NON-Residents. Again where are the detailed electronic records and DATA
DATA DATA? Question for Board, GM, and Technology Committee.

We have to do better with technology - for every aspect of Sun City life.

Bill Pearson said...

Ask and you shall receive anon:
Less anyone thinks i am making a silly argument about golf rates, here is a summary of our competition. Admittedly their courses are newer and nicer but when you look closely you will see the fallacy of our structure. By the way, Sun City West has 7 courses to our 8, so on a per capita (based on population), they have more:
Sun City (using only the high season):
Member: $35.
Member/Guest: $44.
Visitor: $50.

Sun City West:
Member: $42.
Guest and Visitor: $61.

Sun City Grand:
Member: $45.
Member/Guest: $74.
Visitor: $96.

Full Play Passes:
Sun City: Member: $1550. Non Resident (no car) $2250. Non-Resident (with car) $2750.
Sun City West: Full Play Member: $3500.
Sun City Grand: Full Play Member: $4010.

Can anyone spot the very obvious differences?

Anonymous said...

I can see at least one Glaring difference.
We charge much less than the other Sun Cities. Why/
Has Sun City Heard of inflaation?
Does Sun City think all members of Sun City should subsidize golfers
to the tune of millions?
Sun City (RCSC) must do better along with the Golf manager and GM.
Janets posts on TOSC are alarming at best and prove beyond any doubt
that technology must be used at all courses. DATA DATA DATA.
Are you watching GM, Kat Fimmel (bid disappointment).

Bill Pearson said...

Lots of questions anonymous and all are valid. To the former GM's credit she always argued we should never call Sun City cheap. Affordable was more her preference, mine was always a community built on value and values. Both are powerful and compelling words.

Sadly this community we love and call home has morphed into a cheap place to live (unless of course if you are single and paying the full lot assessment). There's no better example than what has happened than golf.

We've based everything on selling cheap golf. Worst case scenario is regarding the non-resident full play passes. The idea they can waltz in and buy cheaper than RCSC members and be guaranteed both prime time tee times and golf cars for a fraction of the cost is shocking. Management argues that's the only way we can survive/compete.

That's where embracing the concept of value and values can begin to restore the sense of community Sun City was founded under.