The Night Before Christmas...
Actually, it's three nights before Christmas and a half day; that's when the RCSC has scheduled its "Special Session." it's December 22nd at 9 am at the SunDial auditorium. There's one purpose with one item on the agenda; to have the "second reading" of the motion to pass the 2023 budget and the lot assessment increase from $496 to $525. If you haven't watched the last board meeting, you can do so by clicking here. A good stiff cocktail, or perhaps some Prozac will make it palatable (maybe).
It's been an "interesting" process with more twists and turns than a Stephen King novel. If the past three-month ordeal hasn't been the perfect tutorial on how not to be transparent, I don't know what would serve a better purpose than to watch how this fiasco has played out.
Former SCA advisory panel member Mike Wendel has followed the events closely and has submitted his thoughts to us (and others) in an open letter to the RCSC board. Printed below are his remarks. Be sure and let us know what you think in the comment section.
SUBJECT: RCSC 2023 Budget
The proposed budget incorporates all the issues of inflation that were discussed at the 12/15/2023 board meeting.
• It provides for increased wages to staff, due to the 2023 minimum wage increase and inflation.
• It provides for anticipated increased costs in utilities.
• It provides for anticipated increased costs for materials, goods, and services.
Past budgets have resulted in good guidance and resulted in leftover (unspent) dollars (Carry Forward).
The current 2023 budget requires an additional $2.7 million. This amount exceeds the projected revenue for 2023. Where does the increased budget amount come from?
The current motion calls for:
• An assessment increase of $29 per year. This results in approximately $750 thousand in additional income for 2023.
• This leaves approximately $2 million that will come from the current Carry Forward of over $10.5 million.
• The resulting Carry Forward would end up being at least $8.0 million.
Why not take the additional $750 thousand from Carry Forward and not increase the annual assessment this year? The resulting Carry Forward would end up being over $7.25 million.
This is a simple question.
There were several additional reasons given at the board meetings for an increased assessment. Some that do not really apply and some that are fear-mongering comments that also do not apply:
• We have not had an assessment increase in 6 years. Why do we need an increase now? This would be appropriate if we did not have unrestricted funds to cover what is needed. We have an excessive amount of unrestricted funds. The Carry Forward is currently over $10.5 million. 6 years without an increase, is not a good reason. It just indicates that we are very good at managing our facilities and our money.
• Our assessments are far lower than in other communities. In most cases as much as 50% and more. The same argument from the prior bullet applies. Do we really need an increase today? We are very good at managing our facilities and our money.
• “We are at a precipice”. “We cannot have deficit spending”. This is fear-mongering. These are not true statements. Our budget has increased as necessary to deal with inflation. We have the money. We do not need to borrow money. Increasing assessments is a standalone issue and is not necessary to have a balanced budget.
Stop all the Puffing and look at the real question: Where does the increased budget amount come from?
The answer is simple: Use the Carry Forward dollars to balance the budget. Do not increase assessments. Deal with an assessment increase in the future when it may really be needed.
Michael Wendel – a concerned RCSC member.
I haven’t followed this issue very closely. But reading the two different items here, Jean’s is dramatic and condescending and a diatribe. The second is a reasoned, and seemingly strong argument. I hope Jean learns a correct posture from this letter before coming onto the Board.
A bigger question might ask why the hurry to pass the increase just days before the Board changes composition? If the reasonings were compelling, wouldn't they be compelling to all pledged to maintain the quality of Sun City, including new Board members? Of course it would be the new Board which would bear the brunt of any ire and responsibility for explanation the increase generates. Is it really a fact that "Sun City will have to close down" if the increase doesn't happen right away, or is that just something the current manager has put out there without justification? Seems like there is plenty in the bank and explanations given don't justify the action. What's the hurry?
Re the initial Anonymous comment, it appears member Michael Wendel wrote this, Jean quit the Advocates blog when she became a candidate and simply used her Facebook page to repost it. Your nasty comment notwithstanding I admire her concern and fail to see anything in her repost of it that is "dramatic and condescending and a diatribe". Guessing you didn't vote for her.
Glad to see Michael Wendel's comments. Salaries are generally part of any corporations budget.
Also, this board is trying to jam this budget through no matter what.
The sitting board should vote NO to the budget and let the decision be made
after the incoming board is seated. Sun City will NOT shut down because a budget has not been passed. That's purely a scare tactic.
Common sense has seemed to lose its way. Our thinking has been influenced by what is happening in our country. Somehow I hope we can find our way back and move forward with our wonderful community.
If you’re going to criticize someone, quit hiding behind “Anonymous”. Post your name coward.
Larry Owens
The majority of people get their information from social media now and tend to believe most of what they read without doing their own fact checking.
The trend is moving toward multi-generational housing, mostly due to economics, but also, there are great benefits in people knowing and living with younger and older family members that people are rediscovering.
I have friends who have left the over 55 community after about a decade. It's not for everyone. I don't regret moving here. It was a great learning experience.
But there's a sense of decency and kindness that has been lost here. Not my wrong to right.
Spend your time wisely and enjoy your days to the fullest.
I wish everyone well in the New Year.
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