Almost anyone reading knows the history of the Sun City Advocates. We began in the fall of 2021 following the firing of Karen McAdam as an RCSC board member. There were 10 of us who started out and it should come as no surprise we had challenging arguments over the direction and what we should be doing as a group. Strongly opinionated people often find it difficult to agree on even the smallest of issues.
After much arguing and high-minded suggestions we came to this conclusion, the only thing that mattered was; whether we could nominate and elect three quality candidates who would work with the current minority members of the RCSC board. We know if you have followed this blog, watched videos from RCSC meetings, or read letters to the editor in the Independent, it didn't always look like we even had an end game.
We did, in spite of what it looked like. We all understood nothing else was important; winning the election of the candidates we supported was our end-all-be-all. As we struggled along through the trials and tribulations of the arrogance imposed by the leadership towards the membership, we kept reinforcing that one single and unifying goal; win the election with the candidates we supported and endorsed.
We were and still are, a rag-tag group of members who simply want to see Sun City become all it was intended to be: A community built by and for the members. A community where the members have a voice. A community where we help new (and more senior) members understand the vast and unique differences between living in Sun City from the 1000 or more age-restricted communities across the country.
We know everyone is busy with the Holidays approaching. We'll keep this short and sweet: On December 13 the RCSC membership overwhelmingly voted for John Fast, Steve Collins, and Jean Totten to the RCSC board of directors. It wasn't close, it was a landslide. The membership has spoken, and hopefully, the remaining board members heard what the membership told them.
We'll see, as the final board meeting of the year and with the outgoing board in place is set for Dec 15 at the Sun Dial Auditorium slated to begin at 9 am.
We hope to see you there. Please still be armed with your input and share it at this final 2022 meeting.
Thank you all for the heavy lifting on behalf of the family community
Thank you brother, it's been my privilege to work with so many committed people who understand the beauty of restoring that sense of community that was ingrained in Sun City's founding. While it has slowly eroded, the vote the other day may well put us back on the road to recovering what we have lost.
Lot's of work to do, but asking/inviting the wealth of talent in the membership to help is exactly what Meeker did and exactly what we should do come the turn of the calendar.
Just a word of thanks for helping to get the word out to RCSC members. Your efforts are to be commended. I'm grateful for all of the information provided by Sun City Advocates. It only makes sense that if everyone receiving your updates would share and invite at least 3 friends or neighbors by forwarding one of your emails with an invitation to join, the word would get out even faster. Thank you again!
Thank you,Sun City Advocates, for all that you have done and accomplished for us! The election results were a success due in part to your efforts. Your message convinced me to vote for your slate of candidates. BZ
Thanks for the kind comments gang. Today's board meeting left us understanding we still have lots of work to do. The disconnect with the membership is sill alive and well until the first of the year. The budget and subsequent lot assessment wasn't passed today, but it will be before the first of the year. Mike Ege wasn't there today and they figured they needed his vote so they set a "special meeting" for Dec 22. They'll shove it through then.
You need to watch the video when it comes out. It is simply painful to be in the room as the drama unfolds with every motion. More disturbing for me was they instituted a change only allowing for comments regarding motions at board meetings. That happened last April. You used to be able to sign up to speak, OR they would ask if any one else had comments. Now that has gone away and only those signing up can speak.
The other thing THEY ABSOLUTELY NEED TO DO IS; fix their budgets so when they speak, they actually are understandable to the average lay person. I defy you to watch the meeting and tell me with 100% accuracy how much carry over there will be at the end of 2022. Is it 3.5 million dollars? 1.8 million dollars? Or, as the director of finance tried to tell us; $500K? I heard all of those numbers repeated over and over again.
It's little wonder everyone in the room was confused...perhaps even those spouting the statistics.
You're absolutely right. The budget discussion was a convulted mess - basically smoke and mirrors. I was discussing the "debate" with a member who happens to be a CPA and all he could do was shake his head. The finance reports we receive are totally inadequate. And not being allowed to have a copy of the budget doesn't allow members to even enter in to a discussion with all the facts.
"doesn't allow members to even enter in to a discussion with all the facts."
That's been status quo for too many years - 2023 and beyond WILL BE DIFFERENT!
Thanks to all of you Advocates for staying informed and involved!
The advocates accomplished their goal. It was a very important goal, but there is so much work to be done. I am confident in the elected majority that many changes will come to fruition in 2023, but it will certainly take time to make the changes that are needed. The directors will all need our continued support through the coming years! So, let's make sure we continue to give them all the support that is needed!! "Congratulations to the community for making their voices heard."
Linda, I have been complaining about the monthly statement for years. I want to make it that any member can look and see what’s what. I told that to Bill yesterday.
Congratulations to the newly elected directors and I hope you can make good on your campaign promises.
Dave - it's painfully obvious we're not getting everything. The I&E doesn't show capital expenditures (at least I don't see them). So if they're using excess (carry forward) that includes assessment income to pay for capital improvements, then those expenses should be a line item. At least that's what I think they were trying to tell us in their jive dance yesterday. And, trying to tell us they need to balance the budget with an assessment increase for wages? Really? Have we seen increases anywhere else? Golf? Bowling? Restaurant prices? We are all smart enough to know everything has increased, but until we see numbers, graphs, oh yeah real data that Dale likes to talk about, this doesn't fly. The amount of the assessment increase isn't really the issue. It's the way management has presented it - maybe the sky is falling or maybe not. But without facts, we don't know!
While I haven't studied it in depth, my take on the budget is to approve it. Management doesn't share enough information to make an educated decision. Seems like they can't explain it clearly enough for even financial people to understand. It won't hurt to have the extra money to catch up on all the projects that have been delayed and increasing the capital reserves wouldn't be bad either. However further delays should be unacceptable, especially with another construction manager on staff. Before I left last spring, the quilting club room at Grand was to be completed. I was surprised to return in November and they are just now pouring the floor. (BTW: I am not a quilter so it doesn't affect me.)
After the first of the year, I think the Board should keep very close track of the money that is spent and move to a budget process where the Finance Committee and Board have more input early on. If the relationship with the Posse can be reestablished, then the money in the budget to hire security guards could be designated to the clubs like Director Nowakowski sought.
Mr. Cook explained that RCSC paid less than the other 55+ organizations. While that is important, it is vital to determine what the pay is in other industries that compete for the same workers for comparison. An annual 40% turnover seems ridiculously high. I am wondering if they do an exit survey to see why the person is leaving RCSC employment. That data could be important.
I suspect that the new Board members will insist on proper accounting of the money RCSC collects and how it is being spent. That is fulfilling their fiduciary duties, not micromanaging.
Janet Curry
I think it would be interesting to learn why there's a 40% turnover rate of employees. Is it because of the rate of pay or is it the managers, policies or work environment that's driving them away?
A 40 percent turnover rate is extremely high. Exit interviews should be standard practice. If the HR Director position has been vacant for an extended period of time, that definitely needs to be addressed as soon as possible with the GM. The Board's plate will be full.
The good news is the general manager told us turnover is down to 30%. The bad news is Sun City West just made their starting salaries on all potions $15 an hour. The good news is, most potential employees living in Sun City would rather work closer to home. The bad news is the RCSC is woefully inadequate in promoting all those open positions within the community and the membership.
All this means is there an abundance of opportunity to do it better.
I don't think any of the Members expect our staff to work for below average wages. This should be another topic for the new Board to investigate, but don't just look at other 55+ organizations. A person can start at McDonald's for $15 an hour.
Another reason to approve the GM's budget, is that it sets the stage for a good relationship between the Board and Management. Plus, if it isn't approved, you may hear all year long, "We don't have enough money. If only you had approved the $29 increase."
Again, I recommend that RCSC consider more timely increases in assessments, tied to the index that Social Security uses. Just a few of my thoughts.
Another suggestion from the peanut gallery:
Since the budget is sure to pass with the current Board, can we get rid of the silly Hawaiian shirts and replace them with something more modern? They have been around way too long! I would bet the staff would appreciate that more than anyone.
Janet...I bet you're right. I would support that!
"Anonymous Christine de Pizan said...
Linda, I have been complaining about the monthly statement for years. I want to make it that any member can look and see what’s what. I told that to Bill yesterday."
So who's been preventing that from happening Dave?
Seems to me that now might be the time for you, as a committee, to come-up with a format on how to present and publish our finances so that everybody can understand them and make that recommendation to the new Board.
Well Tom, my years on the Board with a couple exceptions most members were basically financial idiots. They were mostly golfers and that is where their interests lie. I actually started about 2009 on some small things I noticed and brought up at member exchanges but was basically ignored. When I was on the Board I visited with Jan about the statements and what I found lacking. Her response was that I was part of 1/10 of 1% of people in Sun City who understood statements. That was a polite blow off.
At the present I have found at least two members of the 2023 Board and at least one other member who agree with me on revision of the statements. I have spoke to both Bill Cook and Kevin McCurdy about the financials, was listened to and was not dismissed as some kook. I have not told Bill and Kevin that I believe we should change outside accountants and make a minor but substantial change making the statement an unqualified statement. It will explain that in the future and its importance. The point being I have some hope this year on the statements.
Tom, the turnover rate is in the 30’s which is pretty good. Having managed the clerical workers during my career I had a turnover rate of about 20%. There were many reasons the workers left but in our case we had a good 401k plan and very good insurance coverage offered. Some were the woman having a child and decided to stay home and not return. Others were family matters such as an illness in the family, child having a life threatening illness or husband found a position out of town or their performance was lacking and consequently terminated. Since we were a relatively small operation we had many years of no turnover just clerical hostility towards me ( all were funny stories).
Judging by the percentage of RCSC employees are residents, their could be a myriad of reasons for the turnover percentage. It is one of the realities of business. Look at this way, McDonald’s franchisees could have up to 100% turnover in a year. This is mostly because for teens this is their first job and they have not developed work habits that we have had over the years like showing up for work every day and being on time, etc.
Hope that helps.
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