Saturday, November 19, 2022
Will the RCSC be closing down on January 1st?
"In my opinion, I would have to close down!"
We kid you not, at the November 17 board meeting this statement was made by the RCSC General Manager. There was a spirited debate regarding the $29 lot assessment increase buried in the acceptance of the RCSC budget for 2023. They tried to pass it at the October meeting and it was voted down, because there was some concern, or was it confusion? In either case, it failed. They brought it back up at the November meeting and once again on the agenda, all it said was Unfinished Business: 1. Motion to Reconsider. No explanation, no nothing.
Viewpoint Lake Video Links
Thanks to Rusty Bradshaw for Great Coverage on This Project
We are grateful to Rusty
Bradshaw, Sun City Independent editor for producing weekly video reports on the
Viewpoint Lake project progress! One would have expected the RCSC to inform
Members and residents about the significant and costly effort to preserve our
Sun City jewel!
When you see Rusty, give him a thank you, or email him
Sunday, November 6, 2022
It all hinges on the Board Elections - A summary of recent events
Voting for candidates committed to change
We've been fairly quiet, despite so much going on and being so frustrating to watch. There is nothing more important happening in Sun City at this very moment than the RCSC election of board members.
The Sun City Advocates were formed knowing this day would come; that point in time when we elected a slate of candidates who would be willing to listen to member concerns or we wouldn't. Jean Totten, Steve Collins, and John Fast have all made it clear, the members' voices should be heard. If elected, the change from minority status to having majority control will be quickly apparent.
Please attend the Special Session on Monday, November 11 th that will follow the regularly scheduled Exchange Meeting at 9 am at the Sundia...
Facing the changes Much has changed since we began. The RCSC Board has an almost entirely new composition of Directors, and for the first...
One woman's opinion doesn't necessarily make facts... I read with interest President Dale Lehrer's "opinion piece" in...
Our expert in all things Sun City Advocates is on vacation, so here is my feeble attempt to post a Blog. As posted in Sun City Advocates...
Ten for Ten Let me start at the end of the story and work forward. This past year's RCSC board election results brought us to a perfec...