Apparently at a recent committee meeting, someone taped a conversation between other members who were not aware that they were being taped. Management may start asking for all cell phones to be gathered at meetings.
Regardless of the rumor, one thing everyone should be aware of:
It is inappropriate to do such a thing.
There is a law called the Federal Wiretap Law; it's on the internet. Under certain circumstances, indulging in this activity makes it a criminal offense.
People with good intentions that believe others are hiding things can sometimes step across a line that they did not even realize was there.
Please feel free to Google the law and make your own conclusions.
I think you should read the Arizona statute regarding recordings. This is a one consent State but, if you are in place where there is no implied right of privacy, I.e., park or I would say a meeting room the recording is legal. Unless the chair or co-chair specifically state proceedings are confidential, there would be no right to privacy.
I also believe you would need a legal opinion from an attorney who is familiar with this area just to be sure because as I have stated times in the past that I am not an attorney.
Stupid auto correct, it is Christine de has been one of those days.
Even though the chair may state that recording the meetings is not permitted, I'm wondering the validity of that statement when those same meetings are posted to the general public on YouTube?
Tom, it is a valid statement under State law. I have not read Federal law as it would probably involve interstate communications.
A quirky thing under AZ law is that telephone conversations can be recorded without the other party’s consent as it involves subscriber line (person recording) and an implied consent of the other party that there is no belief of privacy. Go figure.
One Day At A Time is me, Jean Totten.
Rumor stated phones may be collected at the beginning of COMMITTEE meetings, not Board meetings.
Just for clarification.
Jean, a rhetorical question for you, which travels faster in Sun City, the truth, rumors or electric golf carts?
What is the purpose for recording conversations in committee meetings, future gotcha questions, writing opinion pieces that are the equivalent of Roshamon or to pass it around to your other members. As an aside, I really hope you run for the Board and are elected as you have absolutely no idea what you are getting into. I know because I have been there.
Dave - Perhaps if proper punctuation was used, I would better understand your question. “What is the purpose for recording conversations in committee meetings, future gotcha questions, writing opinion pieces that are the equivalent of Roshamon or to pass it around to your other members.“ Written like this, it looks like you are TELLING me that one would record a conversation for these reason (future gotcha questions, writing opinion pieces, etc.).
Now, if you meant this: “What is the purpose for recording conversations in committee meetings (question mark, ? (Capital F) Ffuture gotcha questions, writing opinion pieces that are the equivalent of Roshamon or to pass it around to your other member (Question Mark?) Now you are ASKING me if these were the reasons given. I’m going to assume you meant my version. So, if you’re asking me if that is what I heard people are taping, my answer is NO. I have no idea what anyone was taping. I was just trying to “educate” the members – all members, board and otherwise – that there is a law against it and one could be charged with a criminal intent.
And as far as your "aside: "As an aside, I really hope you run for the Board and are elected as you have absolutely no idea what you are getting into. I know because I have been there."
Well, I guess you'll just have to wait and see, won't you? I know one thing - after attending an Informational Session for candidates yesterday, and being told by both sitting and past presidents all about what it's like to be on the Board, I should be well aware of what I'm getting into. Or - maybe I should listen to "rumors." noun 1. a currently circulating story or report of uncertain or doubtful truth. verb 1. be circulated as an unverified account.
Yikes, i take a day or two off and all hell breaks loose. Cool. As far as recording sessions of any kind, why? I mean literally, what's the point? I would hope we can trust our elected representatives to do the right thing. Though, given some of the recent actions and decisions, i suspect some aren't quite there. Hopefully that improves.
In response to Jean's comments regarding yesterday's candidate sessions, i have a couple of questions: Why was one potential candidate allowed to be at both sessions? The way the notice was posted it was you were to select one or the other. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm?
The second comment may sound picky; there was a former director sitting at the front table for the second session. Apparently she recently became a member of the election committee as well. Kudos to her for donating her time. The rub comes where it specifically says in the bylaws a member of the election committee cannot be a candidate in the RCSC election.
I would hate to think the game is being played where they place her on the election committee in April, allow her to help shape the election rules, sit in front of those who may run and then quit the committee and place her name as a candidate. At the very least it would appear disingenuous.
Jean, thanks for correcting my paper. You remind me of my 7th grade English teacher, we did not like each other. Her teaching philosophy was threats, intimidation and pushing your face into the blackboard. She was later fired. I am not saying you are like her it is just that your post took me down memory lane. I would like to say that typing a post here in the comment box on an iPad would challenge an eagle with a microscope.
I only commented on the recording of meetings because it was in response to a question that Tom had posed. Also I had been in committee meetings where guests were recording the goings on for some purpose. Actually I personally do not care if you are aware that I am direct, opinionated and know what I am talking about. If I am not familiar with the subject, ie.,Robert’s Rules of Order, I would defer to Tom or the parliamentarian.
I am pleased that you are considering running and hope you realize that people are going to want something from you and they will whine, complain, act emotional with sob stories (cue waiving PIF fee for reverse mortgages a few years ago and see what the true underlying problem was). That said, good luck on whatever your decision will be, just do not think this should be some revenge tour.
Have a positive day.
Now that is funny because I always wanted to be an English teacher!!
Dave, it's quite obvious you don't know me very well. I do not hold grudges nor do I plan on a 'revenge tour.'
Your modesty overwhelms me.
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