Svendsen: Sun City resident responds to letter
My Dear Mr. Kepler, I am shocked, I tell you shocked, right down to the tips of my Bernie Mevs (“Not being run down anyone’s throat,” Sun City Independent, June 8, 2022)!
After all, they (my shoes) and I have been recorded on video of Recreation Centers of Sun City board meetings for more than a year registering dissatisfaction and disbelief at the breakneck speed with which Phase 2 of Mountain View Center was passed on the second reading that occurred on June 24, 2021. The third reading was dispensed. The board was in a big hurry to get it on record before their summer recess.
This was also in the wake of the introduction of Phase 3. Did your ad hoc committee also approve of Phase 3? You know, the one with the Americans with Disabilities Act accessible mini golf and the pickleball pavilion? Yes? No? Likely not, since our fine architects now lay claim to “no such thing as Phase 3.” Where did it come from then? They referenced it last fall in their presentation. This spring, it had — poof — disappeared!
All this time, the war of words rages on. Where were you or even one of your committee fellows during this time? Not a single word from any of you. I have broad shoulders, Mr. Kepler. Take Every shot you want at me and my “fallacies” and silly made-up stories. What I am saying about Mountain View is fact. I have talked to countless people at that pool. Without exception, they say save our pool. Why have I never run across you? I am always up to a spirited discussion. If you indeed made snide comments about anti-maskers and -vaxxers, you and I would have been in agreement.
I am not anti-Mountain View; I am simply and totally not on board with exploitation of a very small space for really big plans that will be an embarrassment to Sun City, a place you, I and everyone else here loves with all our hearts. I also want to live long enough to see it through liposuction and even a face-lift, but not demolition!
Most of us are older than Mountain View; we all want to continue on with living! So does Mountain View! My phone number and email address are public record. Please call or email me.
Kristi Svendsen
Advisory Panel Member
1 comment:
Well stated Kristi. Personally i hate these back and forth exchanges on the Opinion pages of the Independent but it is the new way of the world. State your mind and then move on. The simply reality will hit everyone square in the face once Sun City residents see the real price to build a theater at Mountain View.
The problem becomes this, to see how bad it is, we will be asked to spend a million or two for architects drawings. Sadly, then the push will be as long as we pissed that much money away, what's another 40 million dollars?
My answer is in multiples; 1). A lot and 2). Too much.
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