Monday, May 23, 2022

The Question?


Following the second member/board exchange meeting the other day (May 9), those walking out of the room should be scratching their heads and asking this one question. I know I was, did and still am. "Who should decide what Sun City is?" 

Let's recap; at the first member/board exchange, a suggestion was made to change the electronic marquee signs in front of rec centers to read: Sun City, The City Of Volunteers." They currently state, "Sun City The Original Fun City." That change came about in 2012 when the general manager felt it was important to rebrand the community. We heard the reason was buyers wouldn't want to come here if they had to volunteer.

 As you are reading this, my best guess is many of you are saying, "who really cares," or "does it really make a difference?" And from a practical standpoint, it's not life and death. However, it is a question that goes to the very heart of Sun City. More importantly, who owns it? Who runs it?

This is where everything breaks down for me. Historically we know John Meeker worked tirelessly to build a sense of community, of ownership, and of commitment. We know when DEVCO left in 1978, the membership embraced those obligations in ways few would understand or comprehend.

If you think not, simply read our Articles of Incorporation, they've stayed pretty much intact. To change them would take a vote of the membership and for the past 15 years, those running the community have "fixed" their bylaws to achieve their end game. Even to the point of writing them to be in conflict with the Articles.

At the meeting we heard the new general manager, apparently in consort with the board tell us they were unwilling to return to "Sun City, The City Of Volunteers." We heard about some efforts to capture, recover or turn to Arizona State University (ASU), to help us figure out what is best for us.

It's the kind of answer we get when they don't want to deal with an issue. It's the kind of answer we get when they are worried the newly retired general manager may be angry about the change. It's the kind of answer we get when the board doesn't have the balls to deal with a very simple issue.

People wonder why I get pi$$y about where we have gone as a community. It's because it is a complete turn about how we were built and why we were successful. For 50-plus years, the community made those critical decisions. Everyone involved trusted the membership to make the right choices. They didn't let one person decide on the direction we were going in.

Each and every day, I watch us slip further down the rabbit hole. I watch as the hired help (sorry Rich, that's what they are), many of them not living in Sun City decide our future. Making choices that frankly, are well above what they are capable of. I'll be happy to innumerate them as this thread unfolds.

Let me be very clear to the board and to management: If you think I am blowing smoke up you’re a$$; if you think I don't know what I am talking about; if you think the Sun City Advocates are only a small minority of the membership; I have a proposal for you.

Let's take a step back and let the membership decide. Let's put the question in front of the membership with a ballot, one question, two choices. "Sun City, City of Volunteers." Sun City, The Original Fun City." I'll live with the decision and in fact, if I'm wrong I'll quit fighting for a return to those values and tenets Sun City was built under if they opt for "The Original Sun City."

I actually believe in the community making the choice. I'm not afraid of it, are you? Seems to me letting the owners decide what they want is just common sense. See how freaking easy this could be.

Would you care to comment?

Bill Pearson
Advisory Panel Member


Anonymous said...

Sun City, City of Volunteers

Anonymous said...

Anita Post - should not be anonymous!

Marco said...

Good call to action Bill!
City of Volunteers
Admittedly I have not volunteered enough YET but I see the value of what you and the rest of the Advocates do to protect Sun City the way it was originally conceived. Thank you Advocates and Thanks to the countless volunteers that keep us going.

Nancy said...

City of Volunteers. Reasoning:
1-If ‘original’’ branding, should create/continue historical pride of community.
2-Hard to imagine anyone EVER believing that ‘City of Volunteers’ would disenfranchise buyers because they might HAVE to volunteer. Isn’t that simply incompatible?
3-if the BOD doesn’t want to deal with the issue, just do as stated in Articles of Incorporation: To do anything and everything lawfully necessary in the interest of the Members of the Corporation…Just let them make the decision.
So simple & easy to fix and create wins. Don’t understand where common sense went away.
Thanks for the info. Sun City Advocates have been great source of information.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I’m not a big fan of Sun City the City of Volunteers. Doesn’t sound inviting just sounds like do I have to volunteer for something.