Wednesday, May 11, 2022

RCSC Bylaws Revision and Review Committee


Sun City Independent, posted online Wednesday, May 11, 2022 7:00 am

By Rusty Bradshaw  Mail | Twitter: @SunCitiesEditor

Sun City Rec Centers Bylaw Revisions Progressing; Meetings closed to members

The review and revision of Recreation Centers of Sun City bylaws is progressing, but very few details are available to Sun City residents. 

The RCSC board in February approved a committee to review and revise its bylaws. The move was a reaction to members’ requests during the Dec. 13 annual member meeting that some bylaws needed to be changed. The first two committee meetings were open to members, but since then the meetings have been closed sessions.

“It came down to a choice of do we want to get the bylaws done or not,” said Allan Lenefsky, committee co-chair. “I had not intended to spend years on this.”

The project is bigger and more complicated than he had expected.

“But we have made a great deal of progress,” Lenefsky said. “But I don’t have any details to share.”

Closing the meetings indicated a lack of transparency by the committee and board, according to some residents.

“I’m sorry the meetings weren’t kept open because the bylaws affect a lot of people,” said Jean Totten.

Lenefsky said the committee has met every week since members were selected in March. He believes the committee must work very carefully through its task. When that work is completed the recommendations will go to the board and RCSC members will have input before a decision is made, he explained.

While Lenefsky said he would like to have revised bylaws ready prior to the next annual membership meeting, tentatively scheduled in October.

“But I can’t guarantee that,” he said.

One delaying factor could be from the legal perspective. Lenefsky said committee recommendations will be reviewed by RCSC’s legal counsel before they go before the board.

“We need to do that so we know we are not doing something illegal or that would affect our nonprofit status,” Lenefsky said.

During the Dec. 13 annual membership meeting, members presented motions to revise some bylaws, including reducing the membership quorum, allowing petition to the circulated on RCSC property and requiring certain actions by the corporate secretary when a petition request is submitted. The board did not allow a member vote on those motions, and others made at the member meeting. They were brought forth at the first board meeting in January and all but the quorum were defeated. Board member Steve Collins withdrew the quorum motion.

“I knew there weren’t enough votes to pass it, so it was better to withdraw it and we’ll deal with it later,” Collins said following that January meeting.

Collins had suggested once the committee begins work that it report to the board monthly. He also suggested once a bylaw was revised it be brought to the board for consideration rather than waiting until all revisions were made. Dale Lehrer, RCSC board president, believed it was not the best option to piecemeal the task.

“But the board is piecemealing the bylaws all the time,” said Sun City resident Bill Pearson. “You’re revising bylaws almost on a monthly basis.”

Despite the Bylaws Committee’s ongoing work, the board did revise one bylaw during its April 28 business meeting. The revision simply renamed the first RCSC meeting of the month to member/board exchange rather than board/member exchange. In addition, the May 9 exchange meeting was the first time an update was given for the Bylaws Committee, and that did not happen at the beginning with other committee reports. Lenefsky only gave his update after resident Jean Totten asked for an update.

Addendum to posted news article:  The Annual Membership Meeting will be held on November 1, 2022.


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