Tuesday, April 19, 2022

My Observations on the April 18, 2022 Long Range Planning Committee Meeting

In Attendance: Allan Lenefsky, Kat Fimmel, Candy Ruggiero, Bill Laslo, Norm Dixon, Russ Toman, Gary Osier, Bill Day, Jean Buck, and Steve Oaks

Darla Akins and Bill Cook were also in attendance along with three other guests.


Fitness Equipment Trial Update

After the previous meeting’s minutes were approved Chair Lenefsky wanted to discuss the pending Second reading of the motion for the Fitness Equipment trial at the next Board of Directors meeting at month’s end.

  • He forecasted an amended motion for a $125,000 limit to the trial and a second possible motion to delay the trial until the next budget period.  
  • Seeking committee member input, a discussion ensued that firmly portrayed the member's desire to proceed with the trial asap.  
  • Bill Cook again shared his view that this type of trial is best handled within the budget process and not outside of it.  Stated that the difficulty of project management time (balancing 70+ current projects and daily maintenance requests), proper research and analysis time, and updating existing infrastructure to support the new fitness equipment will put additional strain on his teams and their time.  
  • Cook also prefers the money to come from the budget and not from the $16.5M Carry Forward fund balance.

The Need for a Master Plan

The next topic raised by Chair Lenefsky was the expiration of the 90-day moratorium on moving ahead with the Mountain View planning. In discussion with a few board members the need for a Master Plan was floated.  Lenefsky wants to determine the Committee’s responsibility in this planning process.  Should they be?

  • 20-30 year recommendations
  • Specifics like bike paths, dog parks, etc.
  • Or, should the recommendations take the form of criteria to follow


This naturally led to discussion of a survey of interests of the membership and resurrection of the previous year’s survey for ideas on where to begin.

  • Last year’s survey was not approved for dissemination to the members. These reasons will be determined from the Board for the Committee to better use their time and energy moving forward.
  • Bill Cook said a survey of today’s members will likely not produce long-range ideas.  He is meeting with representatives of ASU in hopes of a joint study for the direction of 55+ communities and specially Sun City in the future.
  • The committee still wishes to pursue a different survey for community members.
  • A couple of long-term committee members have done significant research and will be sharing their findings with other members.

Committee members shared the frustration of no Master Plan or Strategic direction.

  • Formal planning was suggested
  • A consultant-led approach may be appropriate

The meeting closed: 

Chair Lenefsky said the committee will continue this discussion and sub-committees will deal with the review of the past survey and summary of Bill Cook’s meeting with ASU.

Respecfully submitted,

Cheri Marchio - Advisory Panel, Sun City Advocates

My personal viewpoint:

This committee has some great members that just want to 'get busy'.  There is no central direction.  Nor has there been two-way communication from the board regarding the Committee's recommendations over the last few years that have been sent to the board or clear requests to the Committe for information from the board.

This meeting can best be summarized in my view like this: this meeting was one hour of discussion on what the Long Range Planning should do, what they will be allowed to do and how they can move forward without all the answers they deserve.

Cheri Marchio


Bill Pearson said...

Having been on that committee, i am astounded they are still around trying to do the right thing. They've had any number of members who have come and gone. The chair and co-chair asks them to get to work and to their credit they have produced any number of items that have been quite impressive. And, every time, it has been ignored.

This committee for the past 15 years has had a history of being minimized, at one point even gone. Since it's return almost all of their suggestions have been shot down by the general manager. Looks like at the meeting next week, they will let the general manager dictate what the community does.

Great reporting Cheri. For anyone reading along and paying attention, watch to see if the second reading off updated fitness equipment is passed.

Bill Pearson said...

Kudos to the RCSC board today for standing by the long range planning committees motion regarding a trial on new fitness equipment. It send a great message to those members who volunteer their time and expertise.