Wednesday, March 16, 2022

RECALL - A Sun Citian Point of View That Makes Sense to Us

“Not even judges can try their own case.” 

I am appalled at the recent article (“RCSC board recalls denied,” Sun City Independent, March 2, 2022) regarding the rejection of a recall for Recreation Centers of Sun City board members Darla Atkins, Michael Ege, and Sue Wilson.

As noted, this is

the second time in just months the wishes of a member have been flatly rejected regarding recalls. Apparently, as Rickie Toland points out, there is no way to rid ourselves of a failing board member.

During the last few years, it is apparent that from local school boards to the federal government, the people being represented are of no concern to the people representing them. How on earth did we get to the point where the legal counsel for RCSC gets to decide whether or not membership can recall a board member? In the articles of incorporation, there is a defined process for recall and replacement of board members (Article IX). Nowhere do I see the requirement for a control number or legal review. This process appears to be corrupted in the corporate bylaws.

I have no doubt these changes were made by — you guessed it — the RCSC board and their legal counsel! The articles of incorporation state the directors “...shall have the power to adopt bylaws not in conflict with the Articles of Incorporation.”

I cannot be the sole person who thinks this is a conflict, can I?

If a judge were arrested for any offense, you would not expect or allow him to try his own case. There is a pretty good chance he would get off. Why do we allow this in our representatives on the RCSC board?

I am fully aware there is an effort to review/revise the bylaws. Sadly, I do not expect much. It was suggested almost three months ago and to date, zero has been accomplished.”


Ed Kaiser 



Sun City Independent print Edition



Cheri Marchio said...

If we vote them in, we should be able to take them out of office. There has to be recourse that isn't controlled by the board itself. I agree with you Ed!

Bill Pearson said...

Well stated Ed and as Cheri noted, it should be our right. Unfortunately our rights have been slowly stripped away for 15 years now. Time to reinstate them via the ad how by-laws committee.