Wednesday, March 23, 2022

My Take on the March 21st, 2022 Long Range Planning Meeting


Present: Chair: Allan Lenefsky, Director Kat Fimmel, Gary Osier, Russ Toman, Mike Blachut, William Day, Steve Oakes, Candy Ruggiero, Bill Laslo, and Norm Dixon

Also present: 3 guests, GM Bill Cook and Directors Collins and Aikins

First order of biz: Fitness Recommendation to the Board

    • withdrawn from the original meeting agenda: 
  • Bill Cook was called upon by Allan to explain why the motion for updated equipment was
    • The two facilities (Bell and Fairway) would need to go under expensive retrofit of electrical hookups in the neighborhood of $30k per rec center plus the machines themselves are Very Expensive. 
    • We  (the RCSC) Don't Know what machines are in demand by the senior population. 
    • Festival has spent A LOT of money on spinning equipment that isn't being used. 
    • Also, Arizona State University has "dangled the carrot" of researching the "best-utilized fitness equipment for a senior population." There was discussion about this option with the ASU folks, but nothing with any specificity was has been decided. 
    • There were questions about Buying Used equipment that is Also State of the Art. Someone joked that Festival was likely looking for someone to buy Their brand new spinning equipment... 

A resolution to Amend the recommendation to the Board to remain as is EXCEPT for the exclusion of Bell and Fairway being mentioned. This reasoning is because Mountain View could be built to accommodate the wiring needs of ethernet cable installation and proper outlets and electrical needs. Allan said there is still the "moratorium" in place on Mountain View and did not want to mention it by name in this motion as a possible 'trial' site.  The management team will make the equipment and site recommendations.

Moving On: 

Gary Osier did research on how Sun City compares with other retirement communities. NO ONE COMPARES TO US! We are The Best there is.  There is more discussion to come as the information is shared with committee members.

Norm cited the First Citation of the Articles of Incorporation that RCSC is established for the Benefit of The Members. He emphasized that Should Be the Goal of the Corporation.

  • Last-minute as they cruise toward adjournment:
1. Update the outdated ... branding, marketing, equipment, etc.
2. Be serious about utilization data now being gathered and reported in the Facilities reports
3. Rebrand toward becoming more inclusive and not volunteer language-based to better reflect life in Sun City
4. Foster "open discussions" within the community and specific to needs of each rec center.
5. Be respectful of the (rising) cost of living and how it is affecting our neighborhoods.  Keep costs at bay.
6. Oakmont meeting reduced anxiety about new chemicals in the pool and was applauded.
7. The exchange Should Be: Board Listening to People!!  

Those words ringing in the air, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30.

Submitted: Kristi Svendsen, Advisory Panel, Sun City Advocates.

Additional Observations:

Cheri Marchio, Advisory Panel, Sun City Advocates

  • Bill Cook shared that RCSC analysis shows that this type of fitness is expensive, perhaps too expensive. He is attending a GM forum soon and will explore issues around fitness, utilization, and streaming content options.
  • The consensus of the committee members indicated we are so far behind in fitness offerings we need to move ahead and try something asap.
  • Additionally, there was a conversation about the need for the committee to have operational guidelines for communications, recommendations, etc. Guidelines would be helpful as chairs are changed annually.

My personal take on the meeting by Kristi Svendsen

  • This impotent motion (to approve new equipment. Period. No mechanism of What it will be and Where it will be located, Nor how to measure success) is to be placed in front of the Board at the next meeting on 3/31.
  • I am curious to see what kind of Action That motion receives.
  • I look forward to seeing Bill Cook make a pile of word salad to justify THAT one.
  • I feel a Sense of Camaraderie among members of this committee. I believe these are like-minded individuals who all have their minds on Doing The Right Thing.


Anonymous said...

Word Salad! Kristi - you are a gem!

Anonymous said...

Thanks gals. Does anyone on that committee talk about the survey that was flushed down the drain last year? Any plans for one now?

Bill Pearson said...

Interesting question regarding the survey? The now president cut her teeth with the LRPC and actually had a lengthy one put together that was gutted. Rumor was it was too detailed regarding all the green space, seems it made some folks nervous about them attacking golf. Oddly, with her as the new president, it hasn't resurfaced. Maybe it really wasn't all that important to her after all.

As i read the summary, i found myself disappointed. The comments about the community's identity, City of Volunteers, being replaced by a "fun city" was laughable. There's over 1000 age restricted communities and they all are a "fun city." Attaching the word "original" to us doesn't make it any more appealing.

Truly what has set Sun City (and Sun City West) apart, made it unique, was our capacity for volunteerism. So many of those opportunities still exist to this day. It was the thing that made Sun City so unique; embracing volunteerism helped forge that sense of community so many of us love.

Dumping it and driving away volunteers will do nothing but increase costs and those moving here will never understand what made us so special. Hell, maybe we can adopt a new slogan from it: "Sun City, trying to be just like all the rest."

Cheri Marchio said...

Last year's proposed survey has been mentioned briefly but it appears as if it's a dead issue. I really don't understand why. If we are to make smarter decisions moving forward we will need as much data and feedback as possible. --Well that's my way of thinking. I believe decisions should be member-driven not board member specific.

Unknown said...

I so Agree with Bill and Cheri both that it appears I am "trolling" them. I agree with Bill that is is Heartbreaking to hear the discussion of "rebranding" being steered away from City of Volunteers. I agree with Cheri that the survey that was dropped last year is now fairly dead. I believe the results of the survey were never published. My first meeting last spring, the Board voted to "can" the survey and got some noisy and angry feedback
on that from the 2020 LRPC. The most frequently asked question was Why they wasted all that time only to see it go away?

Kristi Svendsen