Ad Hoc Bylaws Committee, Monday, March 28, 1pm, Lakeview Board Room
Attendance: Allan Lenefsky, Chair; Kat Fimmel, Co-Chair, Committee Members Janet Curry, Patrick Gannon, Carmel Scharenbroich, Stella Van Ness, David Wieland and 7 guests
This Ad Hoc committee was charged with reviewing the Bylaws and making
recommendations to the full Board of Directors.NOTES
- The majority of the meeting was spent establishing rules and setting a roadmap.
- Rules include meetings are open,
- Guests cannot comment (this is to keep meeting focused),
- Meetings will occur weekly on Mondays, 1pm, Lakeview Board Room.
- The first task for committee members is to weed out policies that don’t belong in a bylaws document.
- Next, they will review every bylaw, quickly going through the ones they all agree on.
- After that, it’s expected discussions will begin about
- points of disagreement,
- specific bylaw changes suggested at the 2021 Membership meeting,
- contradictions with the Articles of Incorporation,
- and issues like checks and balances and abuse of power.
- Chair Lenefsky recommended that a Minority Report be attached to any that are not unanimously agreed to after debate.
- This allows the attorney (who will review all proposed changes) and the full Board to see the opposing viewpoint.
- There was no timeline given.
- Many members expressed a desire to move as quickly as possible.
- The only planned form of official updates will be Chair Lenefsky’s periodic updates to the Board.
- Some committee members expressed a strong desire to continue to receive input from the General Membership.
- This input should be directed to Chair Lenefsky with the request it is shared with the entire committee.
- These volunteers have many, many hours of work ahead of them.
- I want to personally thank each of them.
- All statements are my observations and opinions.
Submitted by:
Joe Brouch - Advisory Panel Member of Sun City Advocates
I was disappointed to learn that their base starting point of review will be with the March 2018 Bylaws. I was hoping they would have started with the 2009 version.
I agree with you Tom. I was surprised at the how and why 2018 was determined to be the determining date to use. In 2018 the RCSC had a set of bylaws and a separate set of Board Policies. Jan Ek and the board panicked with possibility of losing Title 10 status and crammed a bunch of Board Policies into the bylaws in an effort to reduce possible negative effects of becoming a Title 33 community when that decision was made in 2019. Hence, "that's when all the trouble started" or so it was presented that way at this meeting. A lot to ingest there. Hmm.
One would hope those working on this committee will have the presence of mind to use the earlier versions. Anything dated 1993-2009 would make more sense. Virtually everything that was done happened after 2010. I have given copies of those documents to both the chair and co-chair of the committee. Back then, they were easy to read and stripped down to 14-16 pages. They also included a legend at the back describing when those changes were made. The version they are working from are twice the size and filled with "junk" that belongs in the board policies and some of it should go straight to the trash can. It's that bad.
Actually the 2018 version is only 16 pages. Without laying them side by side (1993, 2009, 2018) its impossible to know what changed because by 2018 they had stopped the standard practice of keeping tracked changes attached to the document (something this committee will be sure to recommend we return to).
Interesting and hope you are correct. I don't have a copy of the by-laws dated 2018. I know many of the changes were made well before that, especially those regarding the recall provisions that drag on for a coupe of pages and are virtually unreadable.
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