We asked for your comments on the meeting and boy did we get some great opinions!
We had no idea if anyone would respond.
Just like Sun City's opening day turnout, we were stunned by the number of
members who took the time to vote in our poll and respond with comments. We know we are a work in progress, and we know we will stumble from time to time. Those concerns aside, we are now aware that members living in the community are interested and want to be a part of our return to that sense of community that made Sun City both special and unique.
The interest was driven by the RCSC IT Planning presentation following the board meeting on January 27th meeting. There was little doubt from anyone in the room or who has watched the YouTube video that all things technological in Sun City RCSC are a mess. We have a long way back to begin to catch up with neighboring age-restricted communities. We aren't interested in wasting time with who or why we are where we are; our focus is on where we are going.
Thank you for your participation. Your opinions are important to us.
*Updating IT should be the highest priority. Updated IT systems may save person-hours--thus helping to reduce the total cost in the longer run.
*I have been in IT for almost 50 years and since when did IT stand for internet technology? It’s always been Information Technology with the internet being part of it.
- Ilji you are absolutely right. Our error. Thanks for pointing it out - we want to share the correct information. -- Sun City Advocates
*More things should have member access if not monitored. Sundial mini-golf, Mountain View mini-golf, pickleball courts an example
*I watched the IT video immediately once they posted it and was appalled that the past and present management team doesn’t / didn’t have something budgeted for IT. Everyone has a PC do those come out of the office supply budget? All corporations have some sort of IT budget where’s Sun Cities? This has got to be a top priority!
*IMO Sun City needs a more qualified IT manager. The current individual is great for dated technology, but we need one that is up-to-speed on present-day technology. You won’t find one for $80K more like $150K and that might be on the low end.
*IT is in dire need of repair, but the idea of a free-standing auditorium still is # 1 if we build a free-standing auditorium, we do not have to spend money tearing down Mountain View.
*I'm disappointed that the Board didn't schedule a special meeting to address funding this issue, or will this continue to be another can, that will be kicked down the road?
*The three cabling photos encapsulated the essence of Sun City's IT malaise. The recommendation to use the set-aside monies to begin the "overhaul" seems pressing. I hope it goes forward.
*Was amazed that technology was not kept up to date. We should have never gotten to this point.
*IT should be addressed with the “surplus funds” ASAP!
*A new Budget MUST be established & approved that establishes continually funding for IT.
*This action will necessitate the cancellation of some currently approved projects. Mountain View project should Cease. A stand-alone Theater at another location should be the only consideration.
*The new Equipment building was approved to ensure RCSC resources were protected which is valid, but IT resources were ignored. I’m outraged & ready for action.
*I was shocked when the new general manager said it was no one’s fault. Of course, it’s someone’s fault. Letting equipment go past the end of life, not hiding wires in cabinets, not keeping documentation didn’t happen by accident. Plain and simple, it was done because apparently, no one cared about technology. Great job by Randy explaining what a mess this is.
*Get up to date.
*It has been an ongoing problem at all rec centers.
*We need to take the time to upgrade along with planning long-term upkeep of our technology. This needs to be a priority before it becomes more of a nightmare.
*It's unfortunate that we are building a multi-million dollar building at Lakes West and not investing in our infrastructure. IT needs to be priority #1.
*After working in an IT department for years, I was totally shocked at the condition of the Sun City IT department! Then again, after attending the RCSC meetings for the last year, maybe not so surprised!
*It is bewildering the neglect of technology as left us in the "stone age" in terms of electronic communication. I was chided by a Board member a few years ago for describing our state of technology in Sun City as kind of like hitching up a team of horses and pulling the Wells Fargo Wagon down I-10. The Board member describes my analogy as being extreme hyperbole. After listening to Randy Byrd, I believe I understated the status.
Ben Roloff
*I think it critical enough that they allocate EMERGENCY FUNDS toward immediate correction.
*This must be started NOW. Hopefully, the board will move ahead without needing a 2nd or 3rd reading.
*I liked the thoroughness of his presentation; I hope they can get some peopled hired asp.
*I'm so tired of subsidizing golf and the rest of Sun City is suffering because of these choices made by the GM and the previous boards. I would like to see how much golf is really costing the homeowners of Sun City, and how much the golf fees pay for themselves. I have a feeling it is a black hole. It's a shame that our IT services are in such bad condition and have not kept up with the times. We are so far behind the curve it's really scary to think that one day it could come crashing down.
*I feel the board should approve IT improvements for more than one year. They should give Randy free range to get as much done as he can as soon as he can, regardless of the price. We have the million or whatever it is, he expressed that he might not be able to order a lot at this time because of supply. So, getting the wires identified and the closets cleaned up should be a priority. Which also means hiring some more GOOD people!
*A well-designed, maintainable IT system is critical to the operation of our community today and in the future. Clearly, we have a patchwork of ancient hardware and software that snaps, crackles, and pops like a bowl of Rice Krispies! Is revamping it necessary? Yes. Is it critical? YES. Is it immediate? ABSOLUTELY! To return to that metaphor, our bowl of Rice Krispies has been ignored to the point that it's a barely recognizable, soggy, nearly inedible slime. And please, let's not approve the cheapest solution possible; instead, let's select the option that has current viability AND application/expansion potential - so we stand a significant chance of never being in such a dismal situation again! (To put it another way: if you needed a heart transplant to survive, would you select the lowest bidder to perform it?)
*Money without a sound strategy won't fix the problem
*Now that we know we need to make it a priority. For some residents that is how they stay informed.
*Due to the age of the systems and the patchwork approach, Sun City should consider a migration to a cloud-based approach - this would set the Information Technology (the correct definition of IT) Team up for success. Using SAS (software as a service) through a cloud management approach would help mitigate future issues. Not cheap but at this point a better long-term approach to the root issues. And moving away from on-premises servers would increase strength from business continuity and disaster recovery POV.
*There should be an assessment of the many tools in use (and why), What are the technology needs? finance, payroll, communications, scheduling, records management.
*Many of these can be managed by third parties through a portal approach (avoiding maintenance costs for Sun City).
*The ADW compliances for our golf courses, leaking Lake fixed correctly (or do we really need a Lake in the desert?), the possible lawsuit from Dawn Lake residents due to water restrictions & the IT overhaul of our Top priorities. All other projects should cease. We really are in a state of Emergency! We need IT to upgrade for ALL future projects. The IT issue is Extremely Urgent!
*Why have they let this get to this point? How can he say it’s nobody’s fault?
*In order to keep our community vibrant and our properties retain and gain their worth we must invest in today and the future. IT is here now, and we are not prepared to use it to benefit us.
*What kind of things could/would be done with updated IT?
Newsletters talking about IT - Let's Talk IT and IT 2.0
In my humble opinion, the comments posted above speak volumes about the interest level of the membership. If you are reading this, you can add your thoughts as well. Speaking up and out is just the first of many small steps of returning Sun City to the "City of Volunteers." A place where a sense of community is alive and well and self-governance is embraced by all those living here.
Perhaps we have woken a sleeping giant (i.e. the community)? Knowledge is power and the more knowledge we can convey to the community the more I believe they will get involved which increases our goal.
Stay tuned!
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