Tuesday, February 1, 2022

IT Planning Meeting - January 27th, 2022


Wow, this is bad and embarrassing.

I felt compelled to rewrite this piece after watching the video of the IT Planning Session. When i watched it unfold in person, I was stunned, after watching it again yesterday, i was shocked. It was and is that bad. That said, the good news is they did a good job laying it out there in the open for everyone to see. Transparency is a good thing. I still cringed when i heard the new general manager say: “it was no one’s fault.” That’s just not the case. You don’t end up in the mess we are in by accident, it simply was neglect.

Just how did we get here?

When you watch the video of the IT planning session, you will see clearly how bad it is. No one held the general manager accountable; no one questioned whether the employees she hired were capable of doing their job. Her primary objective of the board members and employees was loyalty. If it was to the corporation, that would have been acceptable. Unfortunately too many along the way acted as if everything was just fine; it wasn't

Take a poll

Please take part in a very short poll on what you think of the information presented and possible solutions.


Tom Marone S C Advocate said...

It's good to see on the February 14th Board meeting agenda that Director Kimmel is asking for $500,000 for the IT department. It's about time. Something should have been suggested immediately after that planning session where this problem was exposed!

Bill Pearson said...

I would agree, it is a start. But to be very clear, it's just a start.

Anonymous said...

After watching the RCSC BOD IT meeting
Taking action is a welcome development. However, some questions come to mind:
1 why spend a lot of time and money to document a hardwired network instead of asking Cox to replace the whole thing with a network of routers they manage?
2 if prinetrs are a major source of wasted IT staff time why not quickly patch the problem with the cheapest single-user printers (regardless of ink cost) from Office Max that users could probably install, themselves (as they would at home because they are designed to virtually self install)? Installing multiuser complex printers will require delivery lead time, deployment planning, installation, workstations configuration, continuing support tickets at a time when staff time is the most limited resource.
3 Security cameras and related network (wireless to the max degree possible) should be a separate standalone 3rd party managed service for security reasons and because of the nature of the service unrelated to the IT Customers general needs
4 To avoid breaking the back of the overworked IT team, a long term strategy needs to be defined for sure, but an immediate triage strategy needs to drive the system evolution at a time when staff is overworked and insufficient. First bail the boat enough to stay afloat (perhaps not with the perfect most efficient answers), then pursue a route to port (including improvements to the stopgap solutions required by triage)
5 Mass replacement of hardware for standardization sake is great but not in sinking ship. PCs that work should be left alone to users that know how to use them now. Conversely, mass replace,moment will require planning, covid-delayed delivery, installation, configuration, user training. IT Staff have no time for this. Limit functionality as much as possible to browser-based office automation tools and whatever users already know (MS Office?). Standardization will be a great project after the ship is bailed dry.
6 RCSC BOD IS responsible for the current mess. The answer however is not for them to become IT strategists and decision makers. They need to understand only functional trade offs, priorities, and costs, budgets, and whether the IT manager delivers as promised and not, why not.

Just some thoughts from the perspective of 42 years in IT management and still active in mobile software systems for clients in three states.

Anonymous said...

I believe IT has become the number one priority in Sun City.

There should be a moratorium placed on the Mountain View project.

No project should continue (except IT) until View Point lake is resolved, the golf course water use issue is resolved, and a performing arts center issue is resolved.

Bringing our IT into the 21st century is a major major undertaking and it will cost a lot more than the 500k that Kat Fimmel is creating a motion for. If the board holds true to their JE mentality, the motion will take at least three board sessions to pass - if it does.

Long term, the IT budget will most likely (and should be)well over 500K. Just getting current infrastructure upgraded is not enough.
We must plan for the future. I personally was involved in the selection of router equipment totaling well over 1 million dollars - a;most 40 years ago.

Someone asked what can we do with new technology.
1. Log when a member uses their card yo enter a club space AND
AND when they leave. Keeping track of how long members spend
in club facilities is important and prevents padding the
2. Provide for card access (or phone access) to RCSC facilities.
3. Allow 24 access to RCSC facilities.
4. Provide security camera surveillance.
5. Collect valuable statistics on RCSC facility use.
6. Conduct ONLINE polls>
7. Provide a member portal for comments and suggestions.
8. Provide data on golf course usage. Rounds played When a
golfer started play and when they stopped play.
9. Hold individuals accountable for their responsibilities

The above and much much more can be done with technology.

The younger generation in Sun City probably has more and better technology in their homes.

Bill Pearson said...

Dang guys, exceptional comments. One of the things we know from our history is Sun City is filled with smart people who were always willing and interested in adding to the community's success. The tragedy is, we got away from wanting their expertise and left it all up to the staff and the general manager. How did that work out for us?

Marco said...

Bill, it is a tragedy. Delegation without supervision is abdication with obvious consequences. Thanks to the Advocates for their effort to begin to turn the tide. The tide will be reversed when the majority of the current BOD trained to operate with no accountability will be replaced. Anyone that says no one is responsible for "X" (whatever the subject) should be fired on the spot. Thanks to all the Advocates for your efforts