Thursday, August 18, 2022

Gearing Up for a Busy Autumn - Notes from the SCA Advisory Panel Meeting

Finishing out the calendar year 2022

After a nice summer, we are ready to get busy. How about you?

It all starts on September 12th Member/Board Exchange and culminates with the December Election of Board Candidates. There's lots in between. None more important than the November 1, Membership Annual meeting. See our handy calendar page for upcoming events.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Throwing My Hat in the Ring

Leave of Absence

Yesterday, August 16th, the Advisory Panel for the Sun City Advocate group met to discuss our path forward for the remainder of the year.

For those who are not aware of the Sun City Advocates, this group was founded

Quest for a Productive Membership Meeting Begins with the Ability to Vote

Many of you were at last year's Annual Membership Meeting. Yup, the one where we weren't allowed to vote at our own meeting!

I sent the following letter to every member of the RCSC Board hoping someone will pick-up the ball and add this as an agenda item at the next meeting of the Board.

Golf is an Important Amenity in Sun City so Let's Talk...

Eleven Courses within Sun City

Sun City was built as a "golfing community." It will always be a "golfing community." Our history is invaluable in helping us understand the important role golf played in the marketing and selling of Sun City. The challenge for all of us