My observations on the Election Committee Meeting, February 23, 2022, 1
Chairman: Dale Lehrer, Co-Chair: Sue Wilson (absent), Secretary: Marcia Johnson
Members: Ida (not present) Tom Marone; Denny Nichols – These
My observations on the Election Committee Meeting, February 23, 2022, 1
Chairman: Dale Lehrer, Co-Chair: Sue Wilson (absent), Secretary: Marcia Johnson
Members: Ida (not present) Tom Marone; Denny Nichols – These
A few of the members of the Advisory Panel attended the Long Range Planning meeting. We are trying to attend all committee meetings and bring you the recaps of the meetings.
Meeting notes will be posted to the RCSC website at some point and can be found there when that happens.
One of the biggest challenges over the years has been for board members and RCSC management to overcome the idea that we are a not-for-profit organization. Most often those hired and elected have come out of for-profit businesses. Two wholly different and complete animals. Some have done better than others. Some who have come out of education and others who have worked for non-profits more easily adapt to our environment. Others steeped in the secrecy of for-profit companies look at transparency with
Oakmont Pool Changes Town Hall Q&A Session - Oakmont Auditorium
Chris Herring conducted the meeting. There were approximately 25 members in attendance plus several staff. He introduced Mike Gerring of Pure Vision Technologies, a company located in Mesa that’s been in existence about 11 years.
The discussion centered on the advantages of using AquaGen “Incorporates An Ultra- Fine Bubble Generator, A Version Of Which Has Been Shown To Generate Over 100 Million Ultra- Fine Bubbles Per Milliliter Of Water. By Atomizing Pure Oxygen, And Not Breaking The
The general manager has one employer; one entity he or she is accountable to. If the Directors of the Board – who were elected by us don't do their job - we end up with one person doing whatever they want. This magnifies each year when the board members keep conducting business in the same manner. There was a reason they had term limits (1 three-year term), and there was a reason to allow a second. I'm not sure one was more beneficial than the other. I know in retrospect as openings occurred, bringing back retreads insured we continue down the same path. They simply refused to hold the general manager accountable. Frankly, I think that was why they brought former directors to close out the year.
One of the duties of the board...questioning what the GM is doing and why