Tuesday, November 26, 2024
Sun City Advocates are Signing Off
Sunday, November 10, 2024
Regarding the Board Motion to Locate the PAC at Lakeview Rec Center
Please attend the Special Session on Monday, November 11th that will follow the regularly scheduled Exchange Meeting at 9 am at the Sundial Auditorium.
As we said, there are many open issues and we really need some clarifications, answers, and details before proceeding.
East vs West Site Recommendations
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Our expert in all things Sun City Advocates is on vacation, so here is my feeble attempt to post a Blog.
As posted in Sun City Advocates FB group on May 15th
Friday, April 26, 2024
From Adversity to Opportunity
Facing the changes
Much has changed since we began. The RCSC Board has an almost entirely new
composition of Directors, and for the first time, is starting to show signs of
wanting to operate as a Board; one that listens to the Membership, one that is
proactive in addressing the missteps of past Boards, and one that is planning
for the future of the RCSC.
Tuesday, April 16, 2024
Everything You've Always Wanted to Know About Committees
RCSC and Committees
Besides observing the Rules and Regulations for all Members in good standing found in Board Policy #10, the following information regarding Committees is located in Board Policy #27. If you enjoy reading legalese, click on this link. Otherwise, read on.
Sunday, December 31, 2023
Adios, Au Revoir, Auf Wiedersehen ... Until We Meet Again
Ten for Ten
Let me start at the end of the story and work forward. This past year's RCSC board election results brought us to a perfect score; ten endorsed candidates over three years and ten winners. The funny thing is, it was never about winning, our focus was always on the outcome of those elections. To be very
Monday, October 30, 2023
Fees, Motions, Meetings and Voting
I believe lots of good things are happening in Sun City although, I must admit, I’m not happy with the number of Members that showed up for the Candidate Forums or the last BoardMeeting!
Let’s forget about that
for now and concentrate on the good.
Increase in Property Transfer Fee
Please attend the Special Session on Monday, November 11 th that will follow the regularly scheduled Exchange Meeting at 9 am at the Sundia...
Facing the changes Much has changed since we began. The RCSC Board has an almost entirely new composition of Directors, and for the first...
One woman's opinion doesn't necessarily make facts... I read with interest President Dale Lehrer's "opinion piece" in...
Our expert in all things Sun City Advocates is on vacation, so here is my feeble attempt to post a Blog. As posted in Sun City Advocates...
Ten for Ten Let me start at the end of the story and work forward. This past year's RCSC board election results brought us to a perfec...